The Phantom Commando is a mysterious masked soldier who carried out missions during World War II. He was actually Bruce Harcourte, a fighter pilot who had a secret base on an island in the Indian Ocean. He is sometimes assisted by his mechanic, ‘Tiny’ Winkle, and his Aliied Intelligence contact, Julie Standish, who is also his girlfriend. In some stories, the Phantom Commando simply relates a mission he wasn’t part of.
‘The Phantom Commando’ was published by Horwitz Publications, which ran for 16 issues (and a subsequent reprint run numbered #13-18). The original run was published between 1959 and 1964, and the reprints were issued sporadically between 1965 and 1972. The character was originated by John Dixon, who left the comic after 3 issues, and the remainder of the run was written and drawn by Maurice Bramley. Dixon’s fascination with aircraft probably lead to a “commando” actually being a pilot!
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Phantom Commando 15