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All And Everything => General Discussion => Topic started by: OtherEric on June 13, 2009, 02:53:26 AM

Title: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: OtherEric on June 13, 2009, 02:53:26 AM
So, DC is reviving the ADVENTURE title; with the Legion as the backup.  This is, I believe, the first time one of the big two has declared that EVERY issue of an ongoing title will have a 1:10 variant.  Specifically, the variant cover will continue the numbering of the old Adventure title, starting with 504.

And I'm planning on picking up the variants.  At 1:10, they won't be too expensive at my local store.  And I'm a grand total of 15 issues short of having the original run from 300-503 and love the idea of the numbering continuing.

Not really complaining; I get frustrated at most of the cover variant tricks but I still grab them now and then if it's something I want.  I just needed to vent at myself for buying in to the trend!
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: bchat on June 13, 2009, 03:56:57 AM
That is a pretty neat idea DC has there, unfortunately I can see the idea being beaten to death by other publishers.  Too bad it's not a 50/50 split like what Dynamite Ent does ...  it's nice to have options.

I'm just waiting for the day when someone takes the running joke from Groo the Wanderer and has every issue of their book be "Issue Number One".  I think Liefeld got close with a lot of his titles ...
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: OtherEric on June 13, 2009, 04:08:38 AM
I think Milk & Cheese "milked" that gag as far as amusing years ago, Bchat.
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: rez on June 13, 2009, 05:44:37 AM
Eric, what numbers are you needing?

So, DC is reviving the ADVENTURE title; with the Legion as the backup.  This is, I believe, the first time one of the big two has declared that EVERY issue of an ongoing title will have a 1:10 variant.  Specifically, the variant cover will continue the numbering of the old Adventure title, starting with 504.

And I'm planning on picking up the variants.  At 1:10, they won't be too expensive at my local store.  And I'm a grand total of 15 issues short of having the original run from 300-503 and love the idea of the numbering continuing.

Not really complaining; I get frustrated at most of the cover variant tricks but I still grab them now and then if it's something I want.  I just needed to vent at myself for buying in to the trend!
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: OtherEric on June 13, 2009, 07:39:52 AM
I need to get into storage and check; which is the main reason I haven't filled them in already.  I know they're all in the Supergirl run from 380-424.  I've got all the Legion, Spectre, and Digest issues; as well as the first few Supergirls and the giants.  The digests in particular are hard to find; I only finished those in the past year.

I'm thinking of going even further back and trying to complete the run from 247-up instead of just 300-up.  I wouldn't mind getting the Kirby GA or the Bizarro issues!
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: phabox on June 13, 2009, 08:02:44 AM
Pity you did'nt know me some years back, I could have got your Adventure Comics collection started with issue number 40.

Think of all the fun you could have had filling the gaps between that and issue 300 !  ;)

Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: OtherEric on June 13, 2009, 08:31:32 AM
That would have been a nice one to have!  I'm just happy to have my copy of 247.

I'm glad DC is bringing back Adventure; even if they couldn't settle on a lead feature for very long it's always a fun book.
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: rez on June 13, 2009, 06:04:19 PM
It's amazing to see how many comic folk one runs into that followed the LSH as a young teen. They were fun and full of adventure with a myriad of super stuff sci-fi running thru it's pages. I cut my comic teeth on the Legion.

Guess this is a right time to say...

'Long Live the Legion!'  : o)
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: John C on June 13, 2009, 07:08:55 PM
I really feel the need to say that, in my eyes, of the gimmicks that the comic companies could go with, at least this one shows a certain respect for history.  I suppose it remains to be seen if the new book is as fun as its prior incarnation(s), but the dual numbering at least hints at an inclination to try.
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: misappear on June 14, 2009, 03:04:15 AM
Isn't there some sort of pagan ritual we can use to bring John Forte back for an issue or two?

Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: OtherEric on June 14, 2009, 06:23:33 AM
Well said, John.  It's one of the best reasons for doing a variant I've heard yet; it's my exasperation with the fractional variants in general that bug me, not this specific one.
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: darkmark on June 14, 2009, 07:20:28 AM
I think the best way we could do it is the same way it was done on that old ADVENTURE cover:  have a bunch of artists standing around his coffin with metal wands raised up towards a thunderstorm.
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: phabox on June 14, 2009, 08:29:27 AM
an interesting idea there for bringing John Forte back from the dead but WHICH artist would you want to get 'Zapped' to revive JF ?

First thing he could do once returned to the land of the living is to finish off that 'Beast Boy' story that he was working on when he passed away.

Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: JonTheScanner on June 15, 2009, 12:33:09 AM

an interesting idea there for bringing John Forte back from the dead but WHICH artist would you want to get 'Zapped' to revive JF ?

Oh Geez the choices -- most any of them.
Title: Re: Stupid publisher tricks. And I'm falling for it!
Post by: John C on June 15, 2009, 02:50:47 PM
Heh.  I was going to suggest a list, but realized that most of them wouldn't go along with it, because they seem to all consider themselves writers rather than mere pencillers.

I recommend just passing out lightning rods and not answering any questions about what they might be for.