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About The Comic Books We Have => Report Bad Uploads => Topic started by: ejpetrie on October 18, 2019, 07:19:44 AM

Title: Captain Marvel Jr. Archive #2 - Missing end pages?
Post by: ejpetrie on October 18, 2019, 07:19:44 AM
Hi!  The story from issue #33 doesn't seem to have an ending, does it?  And as a suggestion, you might want to rethink the length of your "Archives".  At 72 pg's. in length you will wind up with about 26 of them just to finish the one title.  Try ten issues.  That will only boost your book in filesize to around 216MB, which isn't really very big at all these days.
Title: Re: Captain Marvel Jr. Archive #2 - Missing end pages?
Post by: movielover on October 18, 2019, 06:20:36 PM
Really no reason to boost page count. For obvious reasons, uploading of a vast majority is prohibited
Title: Re: Captain Marvel Jr. Archive #2 - Missing end pages?
Post by: ejpetrie on October 19, 2019, 06:38:39 AM
What are you actually trying to say with "uploading of a vast majority is prohibited"?  I think "massive quantity" or "massive file size" might be the term you were actually thinking of?  Not being a wise-ass here.  I'm just looking for clarity and understanding. 

If size and space use are the issue then why make archives in the first place?  We are just duplicating stuff with these compilations that's already on the site, right?  And besides, if one archive is 108MB in size then how are we negatively impacting the host site any further by combining two archives as one?  The project of building the 26 archives takes up no more space than the 13 double-sized volumes I'm suggesting. 

Is it a transfer-speed issue?  I could see that being a possible concern, but I have to tell you that it would mean that CB+ still has a limiting concern that most storage sites no longer share.  Many pulp scanners are today building monster files in comparison to a little 216MB file like I'm suggesting, and I would guess that you already know this next fact from all of your own works, movielover, that the comic scans are jumping in size too.  Gone are the days of people being fully satisfied with 20MB offerings.  Bigger dpi counts, bigger file sizes--it's the current trend and it's only going to become more of an issue, not less.
Title: Re: Captain Marvel Jr. Archive #2 - Missing end pages?
Post by: paw broon on October 19, 2019, 03:01:20 PM
No, movielover is correct.  Perhaps a read at this might help clarify:-
Title: Re: Captain Marvel Jr. Archive #2 - Missing end pages?
Post by: ejpetrie on October 21, 2019, 09:10:00 AM
Thanks Paw, but I knew about the copyright issue before it was even posted here from talking to a friend at DCM.  That really has nothing to do with what I was saying, and what I was saying can apply to any title from any publisher--tiny archives of one story taken from as few as five comics serve very little purpose and hardly deserve the appellation of "Archive" when they aren't even as big as one of the old 80-Page Giants.  Do the first 40 still-allowable issues of Master Comics' stories about C. M. Jr. really warrant 8 separate volumes?  That's what I was driving at.  That and the still unanswered original question...where is the ending of the last story in Volume 2?