Comic Book Plus Forum

All And Everything => General Discussion => Topic started by: The Australian Panther on February 20, 2021, 07:01:22 AM

Title: Useful Aps on CB+
Post by: The Australian Panther on February 20, 2021, 07:01:22 AM
I've been on CB+ for several years now and there are still aspects of it I am not familiar with.
In the last two months I've discovered the two elements at the bottom of the Forum page.
This is the immediate info you can find out.
68774 Posts in 16266 Topics by 46659 Members. Latest Member: __________
Latest Post: "___________" ( Today at ____________ )
View the most recent posts on the forum.

But thats just the beginning!
Click on More Stats and you get a lot more info.
to cherry pick :-
Most Online:    1470 - May 31, 2019, 08:45:05 AM
I would like to know what happened then!
Top 10 posters:-
[I won't quote the numbers, you can look them up yourself]
Narfstar is way out in front and is approximately double the next poster who is
Paw Broon.
Next is BOOX909 who must have been present in the early days, or maybe he is beavering away behind the scenes.
Crash Ryan has (at this time) one less point than BOOX.
Mark Warner is next and
Australian Panther is coming up fast behind him.
[and I have to say, I was very happy to find I'm nowhere near the top of the list, because I often wonder if I am posting too much and making a nuisance of myself.
profh0011 is next. then
josemas. Then
JVJ. and then
Anyway, Paw and Narfstar are ahead and likely to stay that way. they had a headstart on most of us and are still posting.   
Looked at from a different perspective:-
Top 10 topic starters
Crash Ryan, Australian Panther and Andrew999 comes in third. Narfstar only comes in at #9 here!
So if there was a category, top ten responders, Narfstar would probably come in at number one. 
But the Top Ten Most time online gives yet a different picture again.
The top 4 are the Admin people who we probably have a tendency to take for granted
They would be boox909, Mark Warner, Narfstar and Paw Broon
But the real surprise comes next
Given CB+ is supposed to be primarily about Golden Age comics, It will surprise you to find that
Of the top ten topics (by replies) the number one by twice the number for the second choice is
And also of the top ten topics (by views) is also WATCHA WATCHING by twice the number of the second choice.
So far this year there have been already 928 new members. So there are more people reading your posts than you would imagine
Much more too.
Right at the bottom you can find out who's online? and quite a bit of data besides.
Very  useful!

Title: Re: Useful Aps on CB+
Post by: narfstar on February 20, 2021, 02:25:39 PM
Well there were two different periods when I kept the site alive back even before it was called CB+. There was a glitch that the other admin could not get on. Then came the horrible "boss" admin. He ran off most of the other admin but I stuck with it and eventually he gave up and Mark came along. Back in those days I was on all the time. Since starting InDELLible you will see that over the last five years I really have not posted much. Still around though.
Title: Re: Useful Aps on CB+
Post by: paw broon on February 20, 2021, 07:32:16 PM
I can't remember when I joined but I knew sfa about the site apart from how to get the comics.  I'm sure I annoyed some folk way back.  I remember those bad times that Narf mentions and the changes.  Not good. But Mark coming on board changed everything for the better and I was uploading files like nobody's business.  Mark got me on board as an admin and I've never regretted it. We all.owe an awful lot to those early  pioneers and especially to Narfstar. As for posts and subjects,keep it up. The more the merrier, the better.
Title: Re: Useful Aps on CB+
Post by: Andrew999 on February 21, 2021, 10:01:50 AM
All hail the Pioneers - our own team of true superheroes!