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All And Everything => General Discussion => Topic started by: Drahken on November 06, 2022, 01:45:19 PM

Title: How old is Annie (Clayface's daughter/clone) from the old Batman toon?
Post by: Drahken on November 06, 2022, 01:45:19 PM
I was thinking about this one day, given her origins, how would her age be counted?
She has the appearance of about a 12yr old girl.
She was "born" far less than a year before being killed (I don't think it specified, but it seemed to be just a few days or a couple weeks at most).
She was an offshoot of a 40(?)~50(?) yr old man.
...And if we go by her appearance of being 12ish, then if she uses her clay powers to look 40 or 80, would we then consider THAT to be her age?

This is a conundrum often created in fictionalised cloning operations, where the clone emerges fully formed, the shapeshifting aspect only adds to the issue.
Title: Re: How old is Annie (Clayface's daughter/clone) from the old Batman toon?
Post by: The Australian Panther on November 07, 2022, 12:09:31 AM
Never heard of this character but I have heard of this one,
Duela Dent
She claimed to be the Joker's Daughter, but called herself Duella Dent after Two-face.
He also went by Harlequin - before the current Harley Quinn.
And that just scratches the surface.
Warning, reading that bio could give you serious brain damage.
Title: Re: How old is Annie (Clayface's daughter/clone) from the old Batman toon?
Post by: SuperScrounge on November 07, 2022, 12:43:11 AM
Drahken, the law usually goes with how old they actually are, not how old they look.

TV Tropes has or had a trope called something like "She's Really 5000" which addressed the Japanese manga and anime stories that have a young-looking character in cheesecake or hentai situations excusing it as claiming she's really older.

Panther, I didn't read the link because I read the original stories in Batman Family & Teen Titans and the age situation was a problem then, just not addressed in the stories.

The logical solution would have been she was the Earth-Two Two-Face's daughter, but a Teen Titans story showed that she was the daughter of the Earth-One Two-Face as verified by Two-Face.

Years later in The New Teen Titans, Marv Wolfman made the age difference canon, but didn't explain what a real answer is or why Robin was so stupid as to not put 2 & 2 together before this.

When she started off it seemed like the creators wanted Robin (who had his own series) to have his own Joker, then apparently decided she might make an interesting new hero. Oddly enough she did use Joker's Daughter as a hero identity (dumb), Harlequin was an attempt to allow her to keep using the comedy crime fighting gimmicks, but with the cancelation of Teen Titans there was no place for her to appear and be used as a character falling into comic book limbo until New Teen Titans #50 brought her back addressed the age problem and later on she became the really screwed up character she is now.
Title: Re: How old is Annie (Clayface's daughter/clone) from the old Batman toon?
Post by: The Australian Panther on November 07, 2022, 01:23:26 AM
The logical solution would have been she was the Earth-Two Two-Face's daughter, but a Teen Titans story showed that she was the daughter of the Earth-One Two-Face as verified by Two-Face.

Problem is, DC has screwed with the origin monumentally since then.
From that link,
She has different origins, pre-crisis, post-crisis, and in 'One Year Later', in Countdown, the New 52, in games and in several TV series. And that's not all!   
This is the most recent origin from the TV series,
In the TV series Batwoman, Duela Dent appears as a character referred to as the Serial Slasher. In this continuity she is the daughter of Harvey Dent's sister, Evelyn Dent (an allusion to Three-Face of Earth-3)?! She is a deranged young serial killer who leaves Glasgow-grins in the mouths of her victims and who only feels free when Alice cuts her face off.
And even what I have listed here still only scratches the surface!
This would have to be the most messed up character in the DCU.
Title: Re: How old is Annie (Clayface's daughter/clone) from the old Batman toon?
Post by: crashryan on November 07, 2022, 01:33:39 AM
Duela Dent

Jeez! I read the bio and suffered not brain damage, but a strong desire to vomit. It would be difficult to come up with a more perfect display of why I gave up on contemporary comics. I am effing sick of psychopathic characters whether evil or "good" (the difference is almost impossible to tell).  Making matters worse is the requirement that every incident in the life of every character in every comic has to somehow tie into a giant universal continuity, leading to ridiculously convoluted storylines whose single purpose is to explain away the previous author's take on a character. Puh-leez!