Comic Book Plus Forum

All And Everything => Shameless Self-Promotion => Topic started by: MarkWarner on December 14, 2012, 11:14:20 AM

Title: Tales Of Curiosity
Post by: MarkWarner on December 14, 2012, 11:14:20 AM
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Ok as I created this section, I think I'll do some shameless self-promotion using Christmas as the excuse.

One of my sites is ( where I have created short videos on a range of historical and fun subjects. They are very fast (blink and you miss)

I have a few Christmas related pages such as The Truth About Santa Claus ( and the story of the
Yes, Virginia Letter (

A rather strange tale of how Oliver Cromwell's head was finally buried in 1960, 300 hundred years after his death ( and lots of other stuff such as space, vampires, fairies, the Gunpowder Plot, Life of Nelson, Edward Lear etc etc.

I even have some Rabbie Burns ( for our Scottish members.

Next year I am hoping to make a bit of time to make some more tales as I feel I have rather neglected it. End of sales pitch!