Comic Book Plus Forum

News, Rules And Introductions => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: KidChaos2 on December 16, 2012, 05:02:45 PM

Title: New Member for life...
Post by: KidChaos2 on December 16, 2012, 05:02:45 PM

My name is Jason, but, commonly go by Kid Chaos in almost every comics-related forum anywhere.  I'm 41, and I have been collecting comics since 1982.  I was a mainstream collector until about 7 years ago, when I became completely disenfranchised by the industry, a condition that I'd had for about 3 years.  So, essentially, I've been looking for "something else" for 10 years.

My comic interests now are directed toward quality, good material.  Stuff that stands the test of time, and stand as quintessential examples of what comics are all about.  I've reduced my collection of all of the "pap", and only collect hard-copies of material that I deem necessary. Surprisingly enough, this includes titles like the 60s Mighty Crusaders and THUNDER Agents, Starlin's "Warlock" and "Captain Marvel" material, some of Claremont's X-Men run, the 70s Atlas Comics titles, 50s Horror books, A few ISSUES of Image, and a lot of titles from the 80s FIRST, PACIFIC, COMICO, and other independent companies and books.

Obviously, I love Golden Age books.  I already have a lot of these digitally, but, haven't been able to "discuss" them with anyone who shares the same passion.

I hope to find that here!
Title: Re: New Member for life...
Post by: narfstar on December 16, 2012, 08:31:56 PM
Well you have come to the right place. I enjoy an eclectic mix of titles but am most known as a collector of the odd and obscure.  I would guess by your interests listed that you would also be a fan of the Charlton Action Heroes as well as Turok and GK's Magnus and Solar. If you have not already tried Kona we have the first issue here and don't miss out on Charlton's monster comics Gorgo and Konga and Reptilicus. Quality is subjective, I loved the Crusaders but others may not agree.
Title: Re: New Member for life...
Post by: paw broon on December 16, 2012, 08:50:55 PM
Hello Jason and welcome to CB+.  I don't know what it is about this site but there do seem to be a lot of us who enjoy the obscure corners of comics and the quality that is, for instance, Tower comics.  I also love lots of GA titles and, also among piles of others, Mighty Crusaders and Charlton action heroes.  But having been brought up in a different comics culture, I'm now aware there are many types of comics either unknown or unappreciated by fans in N. America.  So, please also have a trawl through the British and Australian section and even if you can't read Spanish etc., a stroll through the foreign language sections will throw up some gems. I look forward to your contributions on the forum but, more importantly, enjoy yourself.
Title: Re: New Member for life...
Post by: narfstar on December 16, 2012, 10:32:53 PM
Thanks to Paw and Joe I have discovered many non-US gems
Title: Re: New Member for life...
Post by: mr_goldenage on December 16, 2012, 10:40:02 PM
If you need help with the obscure super heroes let me know....I like them a whole lit from all types of media from all around the world mostly from the 1930's through the late 1970's. just an FYI.....

Mr Goldenage.....
Title: Re: New Member for life...
Post by: KidChaos2 on December 16, 2012, 11:05:40 PM
Thanks, guys.  I appreciate your warm welcome! 

Yes, Charlton heroes, Tower heroes, Harvey heroes, etc.  All great!

As for the foreign comics, I hope to try my hand at some scanlations, so that others can enjoy them, too.