Comic Book Plus Forum

All And Everything => General Discussion => Topic started by: iZone on September 07, 2008, 03:30:12 PM

Title: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: iZone on September 07, 2008, 03:30:12 PM
Did anyone else notice, that this site now has more than 5000 comics online?
How about a big hand for the scanners, uploaders and administrators! ;D Thanks for the great effort! It's very much appreciated.

And hi by the way. I recently joined, so this is my first post in the forum.
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: phabox on September 07, 2008, 03:39:38 PM
WOW,that IS amazing !   :o

Not bad going in just over a couple of Years.

Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: boox909 on September 07, 2008, 04:49:19 PM
 :o :o 5,000+ Golden Age Gems???  :o :o

Indeed a big debt of thanks is deserved by the scanners, uploaders, Serg, Aussie, Zog, and the awesome staff that includes Yoc and Cimm -- Ya'll are all making History I tell ya!

B.  ;D
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: rez on September 10, 2008, 12:25:59 AM
Yep, a hearty yea and amen to that.
Hope to see the site continue to grow and thrive with more folk coming in.

You'all have got me addicted I'm tellin' ya! I received via the mail a Staples $25 off any $75 dollar online or phone order and saw a special  500gig External Hard Drive to be dedicated to scans and music.
To be delivered to my door for $79.86 Thursday.
Scanner may be next.

:o :o 5,000+ Golden Age Gems???  :o :o

Indeed a big debt of thanks is deserved by the scanners, uploaders, Serg, Aussie, Zog, and the awesome staff that includes Yoc and Cimm -- Ya'll are all making History I tell ya!

B.  ;D
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: LOHAD on January 13, 2009, 01:59:14 PM
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: narfstar on January 13, 2009, 02:53:04 PM
I bought an external HD for my digital comics and movies.
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: LOHAD on January 13, 2009, 03:57:44 PM

I bought an external HD for my digital comics and movies.

me too -- I got mine at Pexagon ... probably paid a few bucks more, but they include personalization on both sides. One side has an "if lost, please return to" message -- the other has a Comic Code Seal of Approval, which really looks jazzy (thing is, Pexagon only accepts vector art uploads; if anyone wants the vector file of the Code seal, let me know; I can email it, or post to my server and send you a link to download)

Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: moondood on February 03, 2009, 08:45:35 AM
I have bought two external hard drives just for the express purpose of hoarding this site's files and other hobby files--Pulps, Radio Shows, Magazines, Comics.  Since I don't store any of these files on my actual computer HD, I thought it best to store on an ext HD and create a duplicate HD an another drive.  If one goes bad (HD's hate me and fail waaaaay too often)--then I have the other with all the files intact.  It's a pain to catalogue all the stuff as I acquire it, but my OCD sees no other way!

I've said it before and I'll say it again here!  I love this site!  I don't visit the messageboards too often, but I do visit to acquire more GA greats.  When I was a kid collecting in the 70's, I managed to get my hands on a few GA books, but I wanted more.  Now I can read all those great stories I only heard or read about or were hinted at on the sealed-away comics covers at the various comics shows.  And even though I turned comics pro in the 80's (and recently celebrated 25 years in the industry), I still love the Golden Age stuff even though I wasn't there to appreciate it when it was new.  No angst--just great, fun, and sometimes logically silly stories that are fun to read for an hour before lights out.

What a bang up job you're doing!  Keep 'em flying!  And buy war bonds!  Drive the Ratzis out of Europe!


Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: narfstar on February 03, 2009, 04:19:04 PM
Nice little free program (they will take donations) called listmaker. It reads the directory and makes a txt or exel file that makes for handy filing of digital comics that you may have
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: Yoc on February 03, 2009, 05:39:41 PM
Great post Moondood.
You've got me curious what books you've worked on professionally...
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: moondood on June 07, 2009, 10:13:11 PM
Great post Moondood.
You've got me curious what books you've worked on professionally...>>


LOL--I mentioned I don't visit the forums too often, so this is months later, Yoc...

I started at DC as a letterer in 1985...First Pro work was Wonder Woman--House of Mystery, Hawkman, etc...went to Marvel--worked in the bullpen and on the New Universe stuff-- worked for everybody--Malibu, Eclipse, etc.

In real life, I'm Kurt Hathaway.

Moved west, hooked up with Image in '93 and lettered hundreds of their books, while also taking up writing (Supreme, Deathmate Red), and editing, too.  Currently, I operate a graphics studio that specializes in comics-related services: lettering, logo-design, pre-press, page design.


Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: Yoc on June 08, 2009, 03:49:59 AM
Very interesting.
Thanks for sharing that Kurt.
I just started a new topic on the board.
'My first exposure to the Golden Age was...' (,1337.0.html)
Please feel free to add a reply there as well.
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: darkmark on June 08, 2009, 05:28:36 AM
I wrote a few pro comics, too, but not enough to put in your eye.  So much for that.
Title: Re: More than 5000 comics online!
Post by: narfstar on June 09, 2009, 01:46:42 AM
Anyone with pro-work or even fanzine work please go to and search on your name. If you find any mistakes or know of anything missing PLEASE let us know. We want to be the premier site for accurate comic related research. We want to give credit where credit is overdue to the comic pros who have provided us with so much pleasure over the years