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Comic And Book Related => Comic Book Plus Reading Group => Topic started by: MarkWarner on June 24, 2015, 09:57:10 AM

Title: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: MarkWarner on June 24, 2015, 09:57:10 AM
I think that the general consensus on last week's book Black Diamond Western #49 was that it was not at all bad and in fact very pretty good for a western comic.

Now on to this week's book which is a very special one. Colossus Comics #1, has just been scanned and edited by Rangerhouse and Yoc over at our best friends forever site Rather than put it on the list for "whenever when" I thought that it would be cool to read it now, while the iron is still hot.

Colossus Comics #1 can be found here ( story we are concentrating on is the first one starring "Clossus A.D. 2640". Mind you I guess most of us will be devouring this one cover to cover!

Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: narfstar on June 24, 2015, 06:53:00 PM
Colossus was a very fun read. Pure nonsense but lots of fun. Why didn't they just make another colossus to fight the first. How did he know they had made the counter agent when they did? Who cares just enjoy.
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: narfstar on June 24, 2015, 06:55:53 PM
Boy do I wish I had had the money to buy a signed copy of this several years ago. It was offered by the son of someone who had worked on the book and was signed by all the creators.
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: SuperScrounge on June 24, 2015, 11:56:04 PM
Colossus AD 2640 - If only he was injected why did his clothes grow? I guess when they say "One size fits all" they mean it. I'm of two minds about the story: part of me wishes they had done more of a hard science fiction take on the premise; while part of me understands this was meant for kids and it is enjoyable in that way.

Educational Adventures of Panda-Lin - Uhhhh... okayyyyyy...?

Lucky Lucifer - Feels like a rejected newspaper strip. Not as exciting as the writer thinks it is.

Lum Sims - I think somebody was inspired by Li'l Abner. Not very good.

Boomerang - Not bad.

Mory Marine - Eh, okay.

The Tulpa of Tsang - Had potential, but fell short. The Tulpa feels like an intermittant Superman, he can do great deeds, but occasionally disappears at the whim of the writer.

The Black Heart of Red Beard - Okay.

Blond Garth - Man are those islanders fickle. They grow up with Garth, no problem, then they want to feed him to the shark, then they make him their king. Okay.

Ruggey - Uhhhhhh... yeahhhhh... It tries to be zany, but falls short.

Overall an interesting attempt. Although when the best part of your comic are the text stories, it's hardly a surprise when the comic gets cancelled.
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: Captain Audio on June 25, 2015, 10:00:17 PM
"Why didn't they just make another colossus to fight the first. "
The Strategic Colossus limitation treaty? Can't have a Colossus race with the whole world trying to close the Colossus gap.
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: Morgus on June 28, 2015, 01:51:28 PM
The cover really reminded me of an underground comic from the 70's or maybe one of those new wave zines from the 80's...Art for the story I found a bit primitive and bland...but I guess that's the point...this is one of the places where everything started from...kept waiting for one of those warnings..."Size of the Colossus may vary..." Goofy, but fun..At least THE AMAZING CLOSSAL MAN came up with 'an expanding sarong' to explain how he stayed in clothes. So educate me, Narfstar. What would one be worth?
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: narfstar on June 30, 2015, 01:33:03 AM
I wish I remembered how much it went for but that was many years ago. I think it was a couple grand. Being signed by the creators made me really really really want it.
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: crashryan on June 30, 2015, 04:07:02 AM
Most of you know that I have a soft spot for ancient comics, so it
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: bowers on July 01, 2015, 12:01:32 AM
This book was truly jaw-dropping! Somewhat crude art and just plain silly writing come together to give us a surprisingly fun read.
Colossus was drawn in a deliciously two-dimensional style, almost childlike. No wasting ink on backgrounds and only a hint of shading in a few panels. The full page panels on pages 8 and 14 were wonderfully effective. Can't say as much for the writing. How did Bryn, encumbered with two parachutes, manage to unzip that giant pocket and free Eve? Still, a pretty fun read.
Panda-Lin was a nice little one page feature.
Lucky Lucifer wasn't so hot, but many comics of the time had to have an aviation feature. Too many ridiculous barnstorming stunts and not enough believable aerial combat. Still, it was better than no aviation story!
Lum Sims should have had Al Capp on the phone to his lawyers. Terrible knockoff, yet again a fun read.
I couldn't find anything of interest in Mory Marine.
Tulpa of Tsang was well-written but had pretty minimal art. Still a good story.
I found the Blond Garth story a little jerky and uneven, but not too bad. You can't go wrong with a babe in a sarong and a two page battle with a shark! Pretty good art, compared to the rest of the book.
Ruggey was just OK.
With all it's flaws, this book was a silly and just plain fun read, just what comics are for! Cheers, Bowers
Title: Re: Week 77 - Colossus Comics #1
Post by: MarkWarner on July 01, 2015, 08:58:13 AM
My first thought is did anyone get any of the gifts promised on Page 2 for filling in the reader's survey. As this one-shot represents 50% of the output from this publisher I doubt it. Or maybe they went out of business because of their bike and skate giving generosity??

On with our main story and back in the day instant messaging of the future was envisaged as being a fax like "Tele-Visa-Graph". I also liked the noncommittal "I'll try, but remember - my solution, which the monster now possess, took years to perfect. I'll do what I can"

Oh wow!! That was good, but we'll never know whether "Colossus Over Europe" will thrill as claimed! I next shed another tear that the rather scary and cuddly looking Panda-Lin was not allowed to educate us further.

Along With Slipstream Barry Lucky Lucifer takes wing walking to a new level. It is one crazy story! The Lum Sims story has a really similar feel to the 1950's TV hillbilly genre. BUT also the Gawky character is the double of Shaggy and there is a very strong Scooby Doo like plot! Wow next we have complete instructions for throwing a boomerang, plus an offer to get one free with an annual subscription. This book might have ended up a one-shot, but you can't say they didn't try with all their offers!

Mory Marine is a swashbuckling sort of character, a rubbish story though! I admit some of these stories have been confusing and jumped around a bit. The next one about Tulpa's take sths biscuit! It features
some strange headgear and ends up with a rather gruesome decapitated head.

The following text story was ok. It has some more stamps which throught the book we are encouraged to cut out and keep. Thankfully this books owner didn't!

Oh dear, I suspect our penultimate story featuring Blond Garth might not be my thing! BUT actually it was rather good. I think my favorite of the book. He's a white native, fights Jaws, wins, get the woman, and is made king! Don't you just hate that sort of guy!

We finish with Ruggey. I not on hallucinogenic drugs so this makes no sense to me whatsoever!!

Verdict: A hit! I like the early "primitive" comics. But this was all VERY strange and I think I ought to read it again in a very leisurely way to figure out what went on on most of the stories!