Comic Book Plus Forum

News, Rules And Introductions => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: otrfan on November 26, 2022, 10:40:41 PM

Title: Hello, I’m Tom
Post by: otrfan on November 26, 2022, 10:40:41 PM
I’m a history teacher who loves comics and grew up in the 1970s when DC was reproducing many old stories and introducing all us “youngsters” to Plastic Man, Blackhawk, the JSA and other great titles.  Happy to see him all brought back to life online.
Title: Re: Hello, I’m Tom
Post by: The Australian Panther on November 26, 2022, 11:23:12 PM
Welcome Tom,

Yes, you will find here - particularly in the Quality section, the original stories and versions of the current DC characters. Also in the Charlton section and in the Fawcett section. Many of the Fawcett books aren't  there, removed under legal instruction due to the existence of the current movies based on the characters, but there are still a lot there.
Also, the books here are all PD, so Charlton Runs only go to about 1964.
So, jump in, and enjoy, - we would like to hear more from you, so read the Forum threads, and don't hesitate to post.
So, I'm a teacher and have taught some History myself. Primarily Christian History but my interest in History is quite broad.
I'm currently reading a book called 'Rome a history in 7 sackings' by Matthew Kneal. I also talk and share regularly with a mate who has a degree in history and is currently researching the early exploratory history of Far North Queensland and that part of the pacific.
So, what area of history did you teach and specialize in?
Again, Welcome!
Title: Re: Hello, I’m Tom
Post by: paw broon on November 27, 2022, 03:59:03 PM
Hello Tom.  Welcome to CB+
Although I was born in 1949, being in Scotland meant I was unaware of the ga heroes.  Apart from the occasional DC title that turned up when someone was sent it from  N. America, American comics weren't distributed here till 1959. I still remember the excitement of discovering there were earlier versions of Flash, Hawkman, GL etc. And later I discovered the wonderful Plastic Man.
Please join in the conversations.