Comic Book Plus Forum

All And Everything => Shameless Self-Promotion => Topic started by: Comeekz on May 28, 2023, 02:08:19 AM

Title: Still doing comic-based videos!
Post by: Comeekz on May 28, 2023, 02:08:19 AM
i'm still posting my readings / dramatizations of classic and forgotten comic books on YouTube and other video sites.

The last video got over 1500 views on YouTube --not enough to give PewDiePie a run for his money but quite good for my channel! Ironically, it was a comic on Socialism, a subject you might think would be dry as dust, but from reading the comments, it seem to have drawn out a lot of pro-socialists!

Nothing wrong with that – I would rather reach people who disagree than people already who agree with me (preaching to the choir, and all that)!

I was just reading in the Epoch Times newspaper that, according to a Gallup poll, 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 now have a positive impression of Socialism. Explains a lot!

It's ironic, because people love their cars, their televisions, their social media sites, their video games, their tablets and their smart phones--all products of the capitalist system.

Admittedly, working for a living – especially if you're struggling – sucks, but enjoying the fruits of capitalism such as all these cool gadgets, is a different story. It's one of the ironies of our current age.

Oddly, another comic video on Socialism I had read earlier (Watch Out For Big Talk) didn't draw that many views, even though I considered it to be a better comic in some ways. Just goes to show you never know what will take off and what won't.

The views I get on alternative video sites, namely BitChute, are more consistent, but it's YouTube that has the potential to reach the most viewers.

Future comics I'm thinking of reading include those on the moon landing--should bring out the moon landing deniers! I believe Treasure Chest ran a series of stories on the moon landing before it actually happened.

Suggestions for video topics are always welcomed.

You can watch my channel on these video platforms:

YouTube:    / @ireadclassiccomics



