Comic Book Plus Forum

About The Comic Books We Have => Wanted Comics => Topic started by: silversabrewolf on December 17, 2012, 02:12:34 AM

Post by: silversabrewolf on December 17, 2012, 02:12:34 AM
I have a comic collection with about 200 titles...unfortunately most are richie rich.turok etc.I do however have some old charlton ones.I have one copy of KULL.I do not remember the date of them though.I would love to be able to upload at least one comic to contribute.Are all CHARLTON colics ok to upload?...If so.How do you create the file to upload it?...As I said I am new to all this.Feedback appreciated.
Post by: narfstar on December 17, 2012, 03:07:35 AM
Thank you for being willing to contribute. If you do not have any comics that is OK. Many come here and just download without so much as a thank you. Charlton comics up until 1968 are fine. Please check to see if it is already onsite before you start to scan. Another nice thing is that sixties charltons are cheap. You can find them on ebay for two dollars or even less than a buck. So you could get some to enjoy and share. I do this often. Most of the books I buy are not for me  :D Lots of GA funny animal and westerns and romance can be picked up for a buck or two if you do not mind low grade books. If you find anything that you can scan write back and we will get you started thanks Jim
Post by: silversabrewolf on December 18, 2012, 10:52:57 PM
ok i will check this weekend.ill look at the dates on them....i know one is a reprint from the 80's so i am guessing that one won't be ok.but i will get back to you.