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Australian & New Zealand Comics
Date Unknown | Number: 1 | Lang: English (en)
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NotesHURRICANE COMIC 1 is an anthology comic published by the Offset Printing Co in November 1946 (estimated). It features a STEEL BARR story by Lloyd Piper, a JIM GREY story by Theo Keilly, and a non-fiction page on the History of Ships by “TK” (probably Theo Keilly). This is a comic published shortly after the register of periodicals was reopened, bringing the period of the one-off comics to an end. It has a second number, C29, which was used surreptitiously by Offset Printing as an unofficial numbering system from 1944 to 1946. It’s an exciting moment! But it’s also the beginning of the end of the Golden Age of Australian Comics, as Australian-made material will be increasingly having to compete with local American reprints and, in due course, television.
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Hurricane Comic 1 (38 of 108)
   By Downunder Dan
Theo Keilly, who signed his story in this comic as 'Theo', created a small number of comic stories in anthologies published by the Offset Publishing Company. He also provided illustrations for a 1943 calendar fo a tyre company, which may indicate he produced other commercial art. He wrote and illustrated two children's books, and was a finalist in the 1939 Archibald Prize competition.
   By Downunder Dan
Who is Steel Barr? He's everywhere! Comics publishing in Australia is different from America, with characters and strips generally belonging to the creators, who can take the character to a different publisher. Steel Barr appeared in four different comics: firstly in HURRICANE COMIC, them in STEEL BARR AND THE PHANTOM MAN, then in COOEE COMIC, and finally in JUNGLE CRIME. Four different titles from three different publishers! Like most comics of the time, there's not much continuity between the different appearances - like a syndicated TV show, they can be read in pretty much any order without substantial spoilers for other instalments.
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