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Newspapers and Magazines


Thumbnail for Newspapers
Available Online:Titles: 1 | Books: 10
Latest Book:Topical Times 1000 | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2019
Titles:The Star Weekly (6)

Adult Humor & Wit

Thumbnail for Adult Humor & Wit
Title:Adult Humor & Wit
Issues Available:28
Latest Issue:Punch v149 3886 | Uploaded: Apr 20, 2020
Sub-Categories:Hot Dog Regular Fellows Monthly (8) | Jim Jam Jems (4) | Punch (8)
This section is a repository various publications that are of a similar ilk to Fawcett's Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang, which gained enough popularity that various titles like Hot Dog, Gloom, Cap'n Joey's Jazza-Ka-Jazza and The Quirt popped up all over the United States.

The American Magazine

Thumbnail for The American Magazine
Title:The American Magazine
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:The American v114 1 | Uploaded: Aug 11, 2012
Categories:Mixed Bag
Publication History: Dates: -
The American Magazine was a periodical publication founded in June 1906, a continuation of failed publications purchased a few years earlier from publishing mogul Miriam Leslie. The original title, Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, had begun publishing in 1876 and was renamed Leslie's Monthly Magazine in 1904, and then was renamed again as Leslie's Magazine in 1905. From September 1905 through May 1906 it was called the American Illustrated Magazine; then subsequently shortened as The American Magazine until publication ceased in 1956. It kept continuous volume numbering throughout its history.

In June 1906, muckraking journalists Ray Stannard Baker, Lincoln Steffens and Ida M. Tarbell left McClure's to help create American Magazine. Baker contributed articles using the pseudonym David Grayson. Under John S. Phillips, who served as editor until 1915, the monthly magazine departed somewhat from the muckraking style and focused on human interest stories, social issues and fiction. Initially published by his Phillips Publishing Company of Springfield, Ohio, it later was taken over by Crowell Publishing Company, which merged with Collier's. The American Magazine was published by Crowell-Collier until the last issue which was displayed on newsstands in August 1956. (Source: wikipedia)


Thumbnail for Cavalcade
Issues Available:90
Latest Issue:Cavalcade v25 4 | Uploaded: Jul 28, 2017
Categories:Crime | Non-fiction | Humor | War/Armed Forces
Publication History: Dates: -
Australian men's magazine that began in the early 1940s during WWII. The book started out with some fairly serious subject matter as much of the features had to to do with the war. The early cartoons and gags were also benign at first. As time went on the magazine became more risque both in cartoons and in the lurid/sensational text stories. Some issues featured the well done comic stories with art by Phil Belbin. By the end of the book's run it was more akin to Playboy.

Collier's Weekly

Thumbnail for Collier's Weekly
Title:Collier's Weekly
Issues Available:14
Latest Issue:Collier's Weekly v81 8 | Uploaded: Dec 28, 2014
Categories:Mixed Bag | Non-fiction
Collier's is an American magazine, founded in 1888 by Irish immigrant Peter F. Collier (1849-1909). As a result of Peter Collier's pioneering investigative journalism, Collier's Weekly established a reputation as a proponent of social reform. When attempts by various companies to sue Collier ended in failure, other magazines became involved in what Theodore Roosevelt described as "muckraking journalism."

Collier left Ireland at age 17. Although he went to a seminary to become a priest, he instead started work as a salesman for P. J. Kenedy, publisher of books for the Roman Catholic market. When Collier wanted to boost sales by offering books on a subscription plan, it led to a disagreement with Kenedy, so Collier left to start his own subscription service. P.F. Collier & Son began in 1875, expanding into the largest subscription house in America.

In April 1888, Collier's Once a Week was launched as a magazine of "fiction, fact, sensation, wit, humor, news". By 1892, with a circulation climbing past the 250,000 mark, Collier's Once a Week was one of the largest selling magazines in the United States. The name was changed to Collier's Weekly: An Illustrated Journal in 1895. With an emphasis on news, the magazine became a leading exponent of the halftone news picture. To fully exploit the new technology, Peter Collier recruited James H. Hare, one of the pioneers of photojournalism.

The magazine ceased publication with the January 4, 1957 issue and didn't resume again until it was briefly revived in February 2012. (Source: wikipedia)

Columbian Magazine

Thumbnail for Columbian Magazine
Title:Columbian Magazine
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Columbian Magazine v7 4 | Uploaded: Apr 11, 2021
Categories:Mixed Bag


Thumbnail for Confidential
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Confidential v2 3 | Uploaded: Jun 22, 2013
Categories:Non-fiction | Media/Stars
Publication History: Dates: -

Davy Crockett's Almanack

Thumbnail for Davy Crockett's Almanack
Title:Davy Crockett's Almanack
Issues Available:7
Latest Issue:Davy Crockett's Almanack 1839 | Uploaded: Oct 25, 2013
Categories:Western | Western Heroes
Davy Crockett maybe known as the "King of the Wild Frontier", but after reading these Almanacks, "Star of the Wildest Stories Ever" would certainly be a better description.

Davy Crockett Almanacks and other literature purporting to have been written by him began appearing a year or so before his death at the Battle of the Alamo, March 6, 1836. It is also pretty certain that Crockett didn't have a hand in any of them.

The Almanacks we house here contain ridiculously tall stories ... teaching a pet bear and alligator to dance the polka ... a fight with 2,000 snakes ... being carried UP Niagara falls by his pet alligator. Although there were fanciful tales of Crockett (some of which told by himself) when he was alive, these books published after his death helped cement the myth of Davy Crockett and indeed that of the Pioneering West.

Our 1938 Almanack states that posthumous material and anecdotes were still being discovered along with his own drawings. The later Almanack's "editor" and teller of numerous tales is Ben Harding, an old-timer and good friend of Crockett. Believe it all if so you wish!

Every Week Magazine

Thumbnail for Every Week Magazine
Title:Every Week Magazine
Issues Available:70
Latest Issue:Every Week v3 22 - The Female Bandit of Burro Flats - Austin Gill | Uploaded: Jun 28, 2021
Categories:Mixed Bag
Publication History: Dates: -
"Every Week Magazine, published from 1915-1918, was a significant magazine phenomenon of its day, with a weekly circulation of 600,000 copies. The contents provide a rich cultural resource for those interested in the World War I home front, popular fiction, advertising, and constructions of race and gender during this period. Until the development of this digital edition, the magazine could be accessed by scholars and readers only with great difficulty due to its embrittled condition and rarity. Magazines provided courtesy of the University of Wisconsin." source:University of Nebraska
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Fantastic Monsters of the Films

Thumbnail for Fantastic Monsters of the Films
Title:Fantastic Monsters of the Films
Issues Available:7
Latest Issue:Fantastic Monsters of the Films v1 4 | Uploaded: Oct 28, 2012
Categories:Monsters | Horror

Flying Cadet

Thumbnail for Flying Cadet
Title:Flying Cadet
Issues Available:7
Latest Issue:Flying Cadet Magazine v1 3 | Uploaded: Nov 10, 2016
Publication History: Active: - | Number of Series: | Number of Issues:
Branding:Indicia Publishers: | Brand Groups: | Brand Emblems: 0
Categories:War/Armed Forces | Non-fiction | Aviation
Publication History:Issues: 17 |  Sequence: #1 - v2 #7 |  Dates: -
External Links:Grand Comics Database
v1 and v2 some have comics some do not.


Thumbnail for Follies
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:Follies v2 12 | Uploaded: Aug 11, 2012
This is a risque title. By today's standards it is a mild PG.

Horror Monsters

Thumbnail for Horror Monsters
Title:Horror Monsters
Issues Available:4
Latest Issue:Horror Monsters v1 5 | Uploaded: May 30, 2017
Categories:Monsters | Horror
Charlton horror magazine


Thumbnail for Judge
Issues Available:6
Latest Issue:Judge 2420 | Uploaded: Apr 30, 2023
Publication History: Dates: -
Judge was a weekly satirical magazine published in the United States from 1881 to 1947. It was launched by artists who had seceded from its rival Puck. The founders included cartoonist James Albert Wales, dime novels publisher Frank Tousey and author George H. Jessop.

The first printing of Judge was on October 29, 1881, during the Long Depression. It was 16 pages long and printed on quarto paper. While it did well initially, it soon had trouble competing with Puck. William J. Arkell purchased the magazine in the middle 1880s. Arkell used his considerable wealth to persuade the cartoonists Eugene Zimmerman ("Zim") and Bernhard Gillam to leave Puck. A supporter of the Republican Party, Arkell persuaded his cartoonists to attack the Democratic administration of Grover Cleveland.

By the 1900s, the magazine had become successful, reaching a circulation of 100,000 by 1912. Harold Ross was an editor of Judge between April 5 and August 2, 1924. He used the experience on the magazine to start his own in 1925, The New Yorker.

The success of The New Yorker, as well as the Great Depression, put pressure on Judge. It became a monthly in 1932 and ceased circulation in 1947. (Judge was resurrected in October 1953 as a 32-page weekly.) source:wikipedia


Thumbnail for Laughter
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:Laughter v4 3 | Uploaded: Feb 18, 2024

Life Magazine

Thumbnail for Life Magazine
Title:Life Magazine
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:Life 856 | Uploaded: Jan 25, 2021
Categories:Mixed Bag
Publication History:Issues: 1 |  Sequence: #1 - #1 |  Dates: -

Mad Monsters

Thumbnail for Mad Monsters
Title:Mad Monsters
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Mad Monsters v1 6 | Uploaded: Oct 28, 2012
Categories:Monsters | Horror
A Charlton publication

The Magazine of Fun

Thumbnail for The Magazine of Fun
Title:The Magazine of Fun
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:The Magazine of Fun v2 5 | Uploaded: Sep 6, 2017
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Massey's illustrated

Thumbnail for Massey's illustrated
Title:Massey's illustrated
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Masseys Illustrated v3 2 | Uploaded: Apr 9, 2021
Categories:Mixed Bag

Meccano Magazine

Thumbnail for Meccano Magazine
Title:Meccano Magazine
Issues Available:8
Latest Issue:Meccano Magazine v27 10 | Uploaded: Oct 25, 2017
Categories:Aviation | Automobiles | Non-fiction
Publication History: Dates: -
Meccano Magazine was an English monthly hobby magazine published by Meccano Ltd between 1916 and 1963, and by other publishers between 1963 and 1981. The magazine was initially created for Meccano builders, but it soon became a general hobby magazine aimed at "boys of all ages".

National Police Gazette

Thumbnail for National Police Gazette
Title:National Police Gazette
Issues Available:7
Latest Issue:National Police Gazette v1 7 | Uploaded: Oct 25, 2013
The National Police Gazette, commonly referred to as simply the Police Gazette, was an American magazine founded in 1845 by two journalists, Enoch E. Camp, also an attorney, and George Wilkes, a transcontinental railroad booster. In 1866, Wilkes and Camp sold the Gazette to George W. Matsell. The editor and proprietor from 1877 until his death in 1922 was Richard Kyle Fox, an immigrant from Ireland.

Ostensibly devoted to matters of interest to the police, it is a tabloid-like publication, with lurid coverage of murders, Wild West outlaws, and sport. It is well known for its engravings and photographs of scantily clad strippers, burlesque dancers, and prostitutes, often skirting on the edge of what is legally considered obscenity.

The National Police Gazette enjoyed considerable popularity in the late 19th century and early decades of the 20th century; but its popularity decreased during the Great Depression. The National Police Gazette continued on after the death of Fox as a monthly publication for many years before ceasing print publication in 1977.

In its heyday it was immensely influential. In the first part of the 20th century, the United States became the centre for professional boxing. It was generally accepted that the "world champions" were those listed by the Police Gazette. After 1920, the National Boxing Association began to sanction "title fights". (Source: wikipedia)

Northern Messenger

Thumbnail for Northern Messenger
Title:Northern Messenger
Issues Available:6
Latest Issue:Northern Messenger (1940-11-22) | Uploaded: Oct 7, 2013
Categories:Mixed Bag
The Northern Messenger was a Sunday weekly magazine published by John Dougall & Son, based in Montreal, Canada.
The publisher John Dougall, was born in Paisley, Scotland in 1808. He immigrated to Canada in 1826. He was known to hold strong religious views and was a member of the Congregational Church.
It was previously known as the Canadian Messenger which ran from 1864-1875. The Northern Messenger ran from 1876-1950 and featured stories and articles with some religious overtones.

Picture Show

Thumbnail for Picture Show
Title:Picture Show
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Picture Show 336 | Uploaded: Sep 29, 2012
Publication History: Dates: -
Picture Show was a film magazine, published in the United Kingdom between 3 May 1919 and 31 December 1960, and thus one of the longest running film entertainment magazines in United Kingdom.

It was a weekly magazine produced by Amalgamated Press. (Source: wikipedia)

Scribner's Magazine

Thumbnail for Scribner's Magazine
Title:Scribner's Magazine
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:Scribner's Magazine v47 2 | Uploaded: Oct 20, 2017
Categories:Mixed Bag | Non-fiction
Publication History: Dates: -
Scribner's Magazine was an American periodical published by the publishing house of Charles Scribner's Sons from January 1887 to May 1939. Scribner's Magazine was the second magazine out of the Scribner's firm, after the publication of Scribner's Monthly.
Scribner's Magazine was the first of any magazine to introduce color illustrations.
The magazine contained many engravings by famous artists of the 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as many famous authors of that time, including John Thomason, Elisabeth Woodbridge Morris and Clarence Cook, as well as President Theodore Roosevelt.
The magazine had high sales when Roosevelt started contributing, reaching over 200,000, but gradually lost circulation after World War I.


Thumbnail for Secrets
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:Secrets v42 6 | Uploaded: Feb 23, 2017
Secrets Magazine was published by Ace Publications

The Smart Set

Thumbnail for The Smart Set
Title:The Smart Set
Issues Available:79
Latest Issue:The Smart Set v41 2 | Uploaded: Mar 10, 2025
Categories:Adventure | Humor | Romance
Publication History: Dates: -
The Smart Set was an American literary magazine, founded by Colonel William d'Alton Mann and published from March 1900 to June 1930. During its heyday under the editorship of H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan, The Smart Set offered many up-and-coming authors their start and gave them access to a relatively large audience. Its headquarters was in New York City.

read more about the magazine here:

True Confessions

Thumbnail for True Confessions
Title:True Confessions
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:True Confessions v46 288 | Uploaded: Feb 14, 2018
A long running romance story magazine from Fawcett that also had it's share of lurid and sensational stories.

The World Liberator

Thumbnail for The World Liberator
Title:The World Liberator
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:World Liberator v2 1 - China | Uploaded: Jul 14, 2013


Thumbnail for You
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:You 1 | Uploaded: Oct 14, 2012
14 Actual Confessions v3 14 62 GeneReed2014 Jan 5, 2018 51.00 4421 63
10 Alaska Sportsman v05 10 36 wolfhound Oct 5, 2013 119.00 5623 55
11 American Woodsman V03 011 53 Twobyfour | DREGS Oct 21, 2013 43.00 6366 37
1 Broadway & Hollywood Movies v3 n1 32 Van Dec 16, 2023 12.00 638 0
3 College Humor v01 03 100 Taylorology May 2, 2023 169.00 1602 46
2 College Humor v09 02 136 darwination Apr 30, 2023 219.00 2129 56
1 Comic Cuts 0001 7 harmsworth | josemas Oct 28, 2012 6.00 10299 119
55 Life Story v10 55 109 ufikus Jun 16, 2017 124.00 4791 40
3 Motion Picture v59 03 89 Cecil B DeDregs Jun 16, 2017 54.00 4446 67
1774 Pictorial Weekly 1774 45 hoover Jul 8, 2017 45.00 5135 38
2 Picture Scoop v01 02 36 D&M Oct 5, 2013 39.00 9116 130
1 Picture Story Magazine - 1 The Doctor and the Model 69 Archive May 30, 2017 46.00 4566 39
  Public Ledger, Color Supplement, Sep 7, 1919 9 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 198.00 6866 49
  Richardson's Sketch Book. 51 melbee Sep 20, 2015 29.00 7037 67
  Saturday Magazine 065 8 aloening Sep 19, 2015 1.00 5542 26
1 Screenland v03 01 108 Archive Jun 8, 2017 84.00 3277 60
5 Sunday Pictorial 005 24 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 55.00 6474 55
1 Television v01 01 56 unknown | hoover Oct 4, 2013 121.00 9462 162
11 The American Needlewoman v35 11 33 DREGS Oct 21, 2013 32.00 5929 40
3 The American Woman v29 03 29 darwination Apr 30, 2023 33.00 1585 31
4 The Collegiate World v04 04 + 05 32 Taylorology May 2, 2023 28.00 1594 34
1 The Cosmopolitan v28 01 233 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 141.00 6447 61
10 The Farmers Wife v35 10 37 DREGS Oct 21, 2013 32.00 7382 67
1 The War Illustrated v01 01 38 Kracalactaka Apr 7, 2018 69.00 4082 110
1 True Experience v54 01 87 Gorgon776 Oct 5, 2013 129.00 7397 90
4 True Story Magazine v06 04 116 Archive Jun 5, 2017 98.00 3788 32
12 Victory v17 12 80 CosmicJukebox Oct 5, 2013 46.00 7463 64
7 Whisper v3 7 44 Kracalactaka Dec 27, 2016 48.00 6228 138
  Xmas 1939 Gift Catalogue 148 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 73.00 11976 213
1 Young's Magazine v27 01 140 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 40.00 8386 46
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