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The majority of our books belong to what has been termed the Golden Age of Comics. This began primarily with newspaper reprints and then "went up, up and away" with the introduction of Superman. Styles changed, new genres superseded old and then a new era dawned, the Silver Age of Comics, of which we also have many examples.

For what was once a massive industry, the publishers and their successors often took little care of their work. Many of the comics were either not copyrighted correctly, or the copyright was not renewed. Through this oversight thousands of comic books lapsed into what is called the "Public Domain", which means that there is now no legal owner. That is why we can bring you all of these FREE and LEGALLY!

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Comic Books

Ace Magazines

Thumbnail for Ace Magazines
Publisher:Ace Magazines
Available Online:Titles: 43 | Books: 713
Latest Book:Super-Mystery Comics v6 1 (alt) | Uploaded: Jul 31, 2024
Titles:All Love (7) | All Romances (5) | Andy Comics (2) | Atomic War! (4) | Baffling Mysteries (24) | Banner Comics (3) | The Beyond (31) | Complete Love Magazine (33) | Crime Must Pay the Penalty (46) | Dotty (6) | Ernie Comics (4) | Four Favorites (42) | Fun Time (5) | Glamorous Romances (52) | The Hand of Fate (23) | Hap Hazard Comics (26) | Heroes of the Wild Frontier (2) | Indian Braves (4) | Lightning Comics (10) | Love at First Sight (44) | Love Experiences (39) | Men Against Crime (6) | Monkeyshines Comics (28) | Mr Risk (2) | Our Flag (6) | Penalty (2) | Real Love (52) | Real Secrets (4) | Revealing Romances (8) | Science Comics (5) | Scream Comics (20) | Space Action (3) | Super-Mystery Comics (59) | Sure-Fire Comics (4) | Ten-Story Love (34) | Trapped (4) | Vicky (5) | War Heroes (9) | Web of Mystery (32) | Western Adventures (9) | Western Love Trails (3) | World War III (2) | One Shots (4)
Publication History: Active: 1940 - 1956 | Number of Series: 48 | Number of Issues: 668
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 17 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:A. A. Wyn Inc. | Ace Books Inc. | Ace Magazines Inc. | Ace Periodicals Inc. | Ace Publications | Ace Publications Inc. | Current Books Inc. | Humor Publications Inc. | Junior Books Inc. | Junior Magazines Inc. | L. B. Fischer Publishing Corp. | Periodical House Inc. | Publishers Specialists Inc. | RAR Publishing Co. Inc. | Readers' Research Inc. | Red Seal Publications Inc. | Unity Publishing Corp.
Brand Groups:Ace | An Ace Magazine
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Ace Magazines, also known as Ace Periodicals, Ace Comics, and Periodical House was an active publisher between 1940 - 1956.

The company's most successful superhero series was Super-Mystery Comics featuring Magno the Magnetic Man and his boy partner Davey. Horror titles included Baffling Mysteries, Hand of Fate and Web of Mystery. Their contribution to the crime comics genre was Crime Must Pay the Penalty. Some of their longest running series were the four romance titles Glamorous Romances, Love At First Sight, Love Experiences, and Real Love. The romance titles began in the late 1940's, after the superhero books faded in popularity, and continued until the company ceased publishing comic books in 1956.


Thumbnail for Ajax-Farrell
Available Online:Titles: 52 | Books: 326
Latest Book:Haunted Thrills 8 | Uploaded: Mar 29, 2025
Titles:All True Romance (11) | Apache Trail (5) | Battle Report (5) | Billy Bunny (5) | Black Cobra (3) | Brenda Starr (1) | Bride's Diary (4) | Bride's Secrets (9) | Bughouse (4) | Captain Flight Comics (13) | Captain Jet (5) | Dark Shadows (4) | Dear Heart (2) | Fantastic Comics (2) | Fantastic Fears (8) | Fighting Man (10) | The Flame (3) | Frisky Animals on Parade (4) | G-I in Battle (9) | G. I. in Battle (6) | Gunsmoke Trail (4) | Haunted Thrills (15) | Hi-Ho Comics (3) | Linda (2) | Lone Eagle (4) | The Lone Rider (33) | Lonely Heart (6) | Madhouse (6) | Men in Action (6) | Midnight (7) | Mighty Bear (3) | My Personal Problem (1955 Series) (3) | My Personal Problem (1957 Series) (2) | Oklahoma Kid (4) | Phantom Lady (4) | The Rider (7) | Samson (5) | Secret Love (1957 Series) (4) | Spunky (6) | Strange (8) | Strange Fantasy (14) | Strange Journey (6) | Super Cat (4) | Sweetie Pie (2) | Swift Arrow (9) | Today's Brides (1) | Vooda (3) | Voodoo (21) | War Report (3) | War Stories (3) | Wonder Boy (3) | One Shots (12)
Publication History: Active: 1951 - 1958 | Number of Series: 62 | Number of Issues: 321
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 13 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 8
Indicia Publishers:Ajax Pub. Inc. | Ajax Publications | Ajax Publications Inc. | Excellent Pub. Inc. | Excellent Publications Inc. | Farrell Comics Inc. | Farrell Publishing Corp. | Four Star Comic Corp. | Four Star Publications Inc. | Steinway Comic Pub. Inc. | Steinway Pub. Inc. | Superior Comics Inc. | World Famous Comics Inc.
Brand Groups:Farrell | America's Best | Ajax
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Ajax-Farrell was a comic book publishing house from the 1950s owned by Farrell Publishing.
Its brand was published under numerous imprint publishers such as:
Steinway Comics, America's Best Comics, Four Star Publications, Excellent Publications,
Farrell Comics, Four Star Comic Corp., Superior Comics Inc. & World Famous Comics Inc.
They published a large variety of magazines covering a range of genres.

American Comics Group / ACG

Thumbnail for American Comics Group / ACG
Publisher:American Comics Group / ACG
Available Online:Titles: 31 | Books: 1031
Latest Book:Forbidden Worlds 117 | Uploaded: May 5, 2024
Titles:Adventures Into the Unknown (147) | Blazing West (20) | Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub (7) | Confessions of the Lovelorn (41) | Cookie (55) | Dizzy Dames (6) | Forbidden Worlds (118) | Funny Films (32) | Giggle Comics (100) | Ha Ha Comics (99) | Hi-Jinx (7) | The Hooded Horseman (12) | The Kilroys (54) | Lovelorn (75) | Magic Agent (3) | Midnight Mystery (7) | Milt Gross Funnies (2) | Moon Mullins (7) | My Romantic Adventures (72) | Operation: Peril (18) | Out of the Night (17) | Romantic Adventures (71) | Search For Love (2) | Skeleton Hand (6) | Soldiers of Fortune (12) | Spencer Spook (2) | Spy and Counterspy (2) | Spy-Hunters (22) | Teepee Tim (3) | Young Heroes (3) | One Shots (9)
Publication History: Active: 1943 - 1978 | Number of Series: 97 | Number of Issues: 1478
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 15 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:B. & I. Publishing Co. Inc. | B. & M. Distributing Co. Inc. | Best Syndicated Features Inc. | Cinema Comics Inc. | Creston Publications Corp. | Creston Publications Corporation | Custom Comics Inc. | La Salle Publishing Co. | Michel Publications Inc. | Modern Store Publications | Preferred Publications Inc. | R. B. Leffingwell Co. | Regis Publications Inc. | Scope Magazines Inc. | Titan Publishing Co. Inc.
Brand Groups:A Good Comic | American Comics Group ACG | International Comics Group
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Starting out with Ha Ha Comics and Giggle Comics in Oct 1943, ACG is probably better known for publishing the first ongoing series devoted to the supernatural genre, Adventures into the Unknown. During the early to mid 1950's the company branched out producing a wide range of titles such as Commander Battle & His Atomic Sub, The Hooded Horseman, Young Heroes, Romantic Adventures, Forbidden World's and others. ACG also published comics as Creston Publishing Co. and B&I Publishing.

Archie / MLJ

Thumbnail for Archie / MLJ
Publisher:Archie / MLJ
Available Online:Titles: 21 | Books: 437
Latest Book:Hangman Comics 1 | Uploaded: Sep 6, 2023
Titles:Black Hood (11) | Blue Ribbon (23) | Darling Love (12) | Darling Romance (7) | Fauntleroy Comics (4) | Ginger (10) | Hangman Comics (9) | Jackpot (11) | Jolly Jingles (7) | Katy Keene (9) | Laugh Comix (3) | Pep Comics (72) | Sam Hill Private Eye (7) | Shield-Wizard (13) | Super Duck (54) | Suzie Comics (52) | Top-Notch Comics (29) | Top-Notch Laugh Comics (19) | Wilbur Comics (35) | Zip Comics (47) | One Shots (3)
Publication History: Active: 1939 - | Number of Series: 673 | Number of Issues: 11910
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 11 | Brand Groups: 10 | Brand Emblems: 69
Indicia Publishers:Archie Comic Publications Inc. | Archie Enterprises Inc. | Archie Music Corp. | Close-Up Inc. | M. L. J. Magazine | M. L. J. Magazines | M. L. J. Magazines Inc. | Pershing Square Publishing Co. | Radio Comics Inc. | Red Circle Productions Inc. | That Wilkin Boy Inc.
Brand Groups:A Darling Magazine | Archie | Mighty Comics Group | Red Circle Comics Group | Stan Lee Comics | MLJ | Dark Circle Comics | Marvel | Archie's Madhouse | Fawcett
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Archie Comics Publications Inc. began in 1939 as MLJ Comics, which mainly published superhero comics, with characters such as 'The Black Hood' and 'The Shield' a forerunner of Captain America.
Archie Comics is now also the name of its longest running publication.
The main character 'Archie' Andrews along with 'Betty' Cooper and 'Jughead' Jonesy first appeared in Pep Comics #22 in a slightly different form to the one we recognise today.

Avon Periodicals

Thumbnail for Avon Periodicals
Publisher:Avon Periodicals
Available Online:Titles: 44 | Books: 384
Latest Book:Realistic Romances 17 | Uploaded: Nov 11, 2024
Titles:All True Detective Cases (3) | Boy Detective (3) | Buddies of the U.S. Army (2) | Campus Romance (3) | Captain Steve Savage (20) | Cow Puncher Comics (7) | Eerie (20) | Famous Gangsters (2) | Fighting Indians of the Wild West! (2) | Fighting Undersea Commandos (5) | Frontier Romances (2) | Funny Tunes (3) | Gangsters and Gunmolls (4) | Geronimo (4) | Intimate Confessions (7) | Jesse James (27) | Kit Carson (7) | Merry Mouse (4) | Murderous Gangsters (4) | Out of This World (5) | Parole Breakers (2) | Penny (5) | Peter Rabbit (34) | Police Line-Up (4) | Prison Break! (6) | Realistic Romances (11) | Romantic Love (18) | The Saint (13) | Sensational Police Cases (4) | Slave Girl Comics (2) | Space Comics (2) | Space Detective (4) | Space Mouse (3) | Spotty the Pup (2) | Strange Worlds (13) | Super Pup (1) | Television Puppet Show (2) | U.S. Marines in Action (3) | U.S. Paratroops (5) | U.S. Tank Commandos (4) | White Princess of the Jungle (8) | Wild Bill Hickok (32) | Witchcraft (6) | One Shots (66)
Publication History: Active: 1945 - 1956 | Number of Series: 123 | Number of Issues: 383
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 4 | Brand Groups: 6 | Brand Emblems: 6
Indicia Publishers:Avon Book Company | Avon Comics Inc. | Avon Periodicals Inc. | Realistic Comics Inc.
Brand Groups:A Realistic Comic | A Realistic Reprint | An Avon Comic | An Avon Fantasy Classic | An Avon Publication | Realistic
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Avon was a paperback book and comic book publisher. It today exists only as an imprint of HarperCollins.

Avon Books was founded in 1941 by the American News Corporation to create a rival to Pocket Books. They hired Joseph and Edna Meyers to establish the company. They bought out J.S. Ogilvie Publications, a pulp magazine publisher, and renamed it "Avon Publications". They also got into comic books.

Avon was bought by the Hearst Corporation in 1959. In 1999, the News Corporation bought Hearst's book division, and merged Avon with HarperCollins.

Avon now publishes only historical romance titles, though in the past it has published many genre works.

Better / Nedor / Standard / Pines

Thumbnail for Better / Nedor / Standard / Pines
Publisher:Better / Nedor / Standard / Pines
Available Online:Titles: 66 | Books: 1103
Latest Book:Coo Coo Comics 60 | Uploaded: Feb 18, 2025
Titles:Adventures Into Darkness (10) | Alley Oop (2) | America's Best Comics (37) | Barnyard Comics (30) | Best Comics (1) | Best Romance (3) | Billy West / Bill West (11) | The Black Terror (33) | Boots and Her Buddies (5) | Broncho Bill (12) | Buster Bunny (17) | Captain Easy (9) | Coo Coo Comics (68) | Crime Files (2) | Date With Danger (4) | Dizzy Duck (8) | Etta Kett (2) | Exciting Comics (85) | Exciting War (5) | Fantastic Worlds (3) | The Fighting Yank (38) | Freckles and His Friends (8) | Gang World (2) | Goofy Comics (51) | Happy Comics (43) | Happy Rabbit (9) | Intimate Love (27) | It Really Happened (12) | Jet Fighters (3) | Jetta (3) | Jiggs and Maggie (9) | Joe Yank (12) | Jungle Jim (5) | Kathy (18) | Leroy (5) | Little Angel (12) | Little Miss Muffet (3) | Lost Worlds (2) | Lucky Duck (4) | Mel Allen Sports Comics (2) | Merry Go Round Comics (2) | Mystery Comics (5) | New Romances (17) | Out of the Shadows (10) | Peter Pig (2) | Popular Romance (26) | Real Funnies (4) | Real Life Comics (65) | Reg'lar Fellers (2) | Sniffy the Pup (14) | Spunky (7) | Starlet O'Hara in Hollywood (5) | Startling Comics (60) | Supermouse (58) | Television Comics (4) | This Is War (5) | Thrilling Comics (99) | Thrilling Romances (22) | Today's Romance (4) | Tommy of the Big Top (3) | Tuffy (5) | The Unseen (13) | Western Hearts (10) | Willie the Penguin (6) | Wonder Comics (20) | One Shots (20)
Publication History: Active: 1939 - 1959 | Number of Series: 117 | Number of Issues: 1211
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 21 | Brand Groups: 6 | Brand Emblems: 11
Indicia Publishers:Animated Cartoons Inc. | Best Books Inc. | Better Publications | Better Publications Inc. | Better Publications of Canada, Ltd. | Collegian Press | Editorial Art Syndicate - Wm. H. Wise & Co. Inc. Publishers | Editorial Art Syndicate Inc. - Rotary Litho Co. Limited | Great Comics Publications Inc. | Hall-Den Comics Inc. | Hall-Den Publications Inc. | Hallden Publications Inc. | Literary Enterprises Inc. | Nedor Publishing Company | Pines Publications Limited | Polo Magazine Inc. | Popular Library Inc. | Standard Magazines Inc. | Visual Editions Inc. | William H. Wise, Co. Inc. | Wm. H. Wise & Co.
Brand Groups:Standard Comics | Standard Comics; This Is a King Feature | Standard Comics; This Is a King Features Comic | This Is a King Features Comic | Wm. Wise and Co., Inc. | Pines
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Produced three long running Golden Age anthology titles, Thrilling Comics, Exciting Comics and Startling Comics all anchored by super heroes, for a decade these were among the top comics in their field. Other titles published include Black Terror , Fighting Yank, and the much lesser-known anthologies Wonder Comics, Mystery Comics and the largely super hero anthology America's Best Comics, as well as many other titles.

Centaur Publishing

Thumbnail for Centaur Publishing
Publisher:Centaur Publishing
Available Online:Titles: 27 | Books: 183
Latest Book:Star Comics v1 8 (incomplete) | Uploaded: Mar 9, 2025
Titles:Amazing Adventure Funnies (2) | Amazing Man Comics (26) | Amazing Mystery Funnies (22) | The Arrow (3) | C-M-O Comics (3) | Comic Pages (1) | Comics Magazine (5) | Detective Eye (2) | Detective Picture Stories (4) | Fantoman (4) | Funny Pages (21) | Funny Picture Stories (17) | Funny Picture Stories Supplement (4) | Keen Detective Funnies (23) | Liberty Scouts (2) | Man of War (2) | Masked Marvel (3) | Model Fun (3) | Star Comics (9) | Star Ranger (1) | Star Ranger Funnies (4) | Stars and Stripes (5) | Super Spy (2) | Western Picture Stories (4) | Wham Comics (3) | World Famous Heroes (5) | One Shots (3)
Publication History: Active: 1938 - 1942 | Number of Series: 35 | Number of Issues: 186
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 3 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 1
Indicia Publishers:Centaur Publications Inc. | Comic Corporation of America | Consolidates Magazines Inc.
Brand Groups:Centaur Publications
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Centaur Publications (1938-1942) was one of the earliest American comic book publishers.

The company's flagship title, the eponymous Comics Magazine, premiered with a May 1936 cover date. That comic-book series featured the first masked hero in American comics, writer-artist George Brenner's The Clock, in the November 1936 issue.


Thumbnail for Charlton
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Available Online:Titles: 184 | Books: 3560
Latest Book:Blue Beetle #5 | Uploaded: Mar 28, 2025
Titles:Army Attack (14) | Army War Heroes (23) | Atom the Cat (10) | Atomic Bunny (10) | Atomic Mouse (56) | Atomic Rabbit (11) | Attack (12) | Badge of Justice (4) | Battlefield Action (47) | Billy the Kid (57) | Black Fury (58) | Blue Beetle (21) | Bo (3) | Brenda Starr (3) | Brides in Love (47) | Captain Atom (16) | Captain Gallant (4) | Career Girl Romances (19) | Cartoon Carnival (2) | Charlie Chan (4) | Charlton Premiere (3) | Cheyenne Kid (60) | Cody of the Pony Express (3) | Confidential Diary (6) | Cowboy Love (4) | Cowboy Western (46) | Crazy, Man, Crazy (2) | Crime and Justice (25) | Cynthia Doyle, Nurse in Love (10) | D-Day (5) | Danger (3) | Danger and Adventure (6) | Danny Blaze (2) | Davy Crockett (8) | Death Valley (6) | Doctor Tom Brent, Young Intern (6) | Don Winslow (5) | Drag-Strip Hotrodders (17) | Eh! (7) | Fightin' Air Force (53) | Fightin' Army (63) | Fightin' Five (15) | Fightin' Marines (72) | Fightin' Navy (63) | First Kiss (39) | Foreign Intrigues (2) | Frank Merriwell at Yale (4) | Freddy (38) | From Here to Insanity (4) | Frontier Scout, Dan'l Boone (5) | Funny Animals (8) | Gabby Hayes (9) | Ghostly Tales (10) | Giant Comics (4) | Go-Go (10) | Gorgo (26) | Grand Prix (2) | Gunfighters (2) | Gunmaster (10) | Hercules (2) | High School Confidential Diary (11) | Hillbilly Comics (4) | Hollywood Romances (3) | Hot Rod Racers (15) | Hot Rods and Racing Cars (93) | Hunk (11) | I Love You (70) | In Love (2) | Intimate (3) | Jack-in-the-Box Comics (7) | Jerry Drummer (3) | Jim Bowie (4) | Johnny Dynamite (4) | Judomaster (12) | Just Married (55) | Kid Montana (44) | Konga (27) | Lash LaRue Western (40) | Lawbreakers (9) | Lawbreakers Suspense Stories (6) | Li'l Genius (50) | Li'l Rascal Twins (22) | Li'l Tomboy (29) | Long John Silver (3) | Love Diary (52) | The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves (4) | Marine War Heroes (18) | Marines Attack (11) | Marvels of Science (4) | Masked Raider (34) | Maverick Marshal (7) | Monte Hale (6) | Mr. Muscles (2) | My Little Margie (54) | My Little Margie's Boyfriends (11) | My Little Margie's Fashions (5) | My Secret Life (30) | Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds (50) | Nature Boy (3) | Navy War Heroes (8) | Never Again (2) | Nurse Betsy Crane (16) | Nyoka the Jungle Girl (9) | Out of this World (16) | Outer Space (10) | Outlaws of the West (58) | Peacemaker (7) | Pictorial Love Stories (9) | Police Trap (2) | Public Defender in Action (6) | Pudgy Pig (2) | Racket Squad in Action (29) | Ramar of the Jungle (4) | Range Busters (3) | Reptilicus (2) | Reptisaurus (7) | Robin Hood and His Merry Men (12) | Rock and Rollo (6) | Rocky Lane Western (33) | Rocky Lane's Black Jack (11) | Romantic Secrets (48) | Romantic Story (80) | Rookie Cop (7) | Sarge Steel (8) | Scotland Yard (4) | Secret Agent (2) | Secret Romance (1) | Secrets of Love and Marriage (26) | Secrets of Young Brides (43) | Sheriff of Tombstone (17) | Sherlock Holmes (2) | Six-Gun Heroes (1954 Series) (62) | Soldier and Marine Comics (7) | Son of Vulcan (2) | Space Adventures (63) | Space War (28) | Space Western Comics (7) | Special War Series (4) | Speed Demons (6) | Strange Suspense Stories (63) | Submarine Attack (49) | Sue and Sally Smith, Flying Nurses (7) | Sunset Carson (4) | Sweetheart Diary (34) | Sweethearts (86) | Tales of the Mysterious Traveler (13) | Teen Confessions (47) | Teen Secret Diary (11) | Teen-Age Confidential Confessions (21) | Teen-Age Love (53) | Teenage Hotrodders (25) | Terry and the Pirates (3) | Tex Ritter Western (26) | Texas Rangers in Action (61) | The Thing (19) | This Is Suspense (4) | This Magazine Is Crazy (7) | This Magazine Is Haunted (14) | Three Nurses (6) | Thunderbolt (11) | Tim McCoy (6) | Time for Love (2) | Timmy the Timid Ghost (45) | Tom Cat (5) | Top Eliminator (2) | True Life Secrets (31) | TV Teens (13) | U.S. Air Force Comics (42) | Unusual Tales (52) | War and Attack (12) | War at Sea (21) | War Heroes (30) | Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles (9) | Wild Frontier (7) | Win a Prize Comics (2) | World of Wheels (2) | Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshal (62) | Yellowjacket Comics (13) | The Young Doctors (5) | Young Eagle (3) | Young Lovers (3) | Zaza (2) | Zoo Funnies (30) | One Shots (24)
Publication History: Active: 1933 - 1995 | Number of Series: 376 | Number of Issues: 6553
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 23 | Brand Groups: 6 | Brand Emblems: 22
Indicia Publishers:Capitol Stories Inc. | Catholic Educational Features Inc. | Catholic Publications Inc. | Charlton Comics | Charlton Comics Group | Charlton Comics Grp. | Charlton Comics Inc. | Charlton Press Inc. | Charlton Publications Inc. | Charlton Royal Comics Inc. | Children's Comics Inc. | Children's Comics Publishers Inc. | Childrens Comics Publishers Inc. | Humor Magazines Inc. | Law and Order Magazines Inc. | Motor Magazines Inc. | Outstanding Comics Inc. | Romantic Love Stories Inc. | Simon and Kirby Publications Inc. | Song Hits Inc. | The Frank Comunale Publishing Company | The Frank Publishing Company | Toby Press of Conn. Inc.
Brand Groups:A Capitol Publication | A Law and Order Publication | A Songhits Comics Publication | An Outstanding Comics Publication | Blue Bird | Charlton
External Links:Grand Comics Database
IMPRINTS: Blue Bird Comics, Law and Order Magazines, Avalon Communications (Canadian)

A division of Charlton Publishing, it began its life as T.W.O. Charles Company in 1944. Publishing a wide range of genres, Charlton was noted for being a penny-pinching group, often scavenging work from defunct competitors, and paying the lowest rates for their contributors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Charlton's titles contained many properties which ARE NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! Please post in the forums prior to uploading.

Charlton - Promotional Comics

Thumbnail for Charlton - Promotional Comics
Publisher:Charlton - Promotional Comics
Available Online:Titles: 11 | Books: 102
Latest Book:Freddy 3 (Blue Bird) | Uploaded: Aug 31, 2022
Titles:Atomic Mouse (5) | Black Fury (1959 Series) (15) | Freddy (12) | Li'l Genius (17) | Masked Raider (1959 Series) (10) | Six-Gun Heroes (1959 Series) (7) | Texas Rangers in Action (3) | Timmy the Timid Ghost (17) | Wild Bill Hickok (5) | Wyatt Earp (4) | One Shots (7)

Chesler / Dynamic

Thumbnail for Chesler / Dynamic
Publisher:Chesler / Dynamic
Available Online:Titles: 13 | Books: 82
Latest Book:Tops in Humor 1 | Uploaded: Feb 14, 2023
Titles:Dynamic Comics (17) | Jest Comics (2) | Major Victory (3) | Mirth of a Nation (1) | Punch Comics (13) | Red Seal Comics (5) | Riggin' Bill (3) | Scoop Comics (4) | Spotlight Comics (4) | Star Comics (6) | Star Ranger (6) | Yankee Comics (8) | One Shots (10)
Publication History: Active: 1937 - 1946 | Number of Series: 20 | Number of Issues: 75
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 16 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 6
Indicia Publishers:Alto Publications | Chesler Publications Inc. | Chicago Nite Life News Inc. | Dynamic Publications | Dynamic Publications Inc. | Educational Publishing Co. | Flying Cadet Publishing Co. Inc. | H. Clay Glover Co. | Harry "A" Chesler Syndicate | Harry A. Chesler, Jr. Publications Inc. | Home Guide Publications | Irwin H. Rubin | Magazine Press | Our Army Inc. | Pershing Square Publishing Co. | Service Publishing Co.
Brand Groups:World's Greatest Comics | Dynamic | Chesler
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Although mostly remembered for the books he published in the early and mid 1940s, the Chesler comic book titles may be broken down into three periods. In the early period of 1937-1939, they produced "funny books" that focused more on humor strips, adventure and western stories. In the middle or pre-WWII years he joined the other publishers in the super-hero wave, with titles such as Dynamic Comics, Yankee Comics, Scoop Comics and Punch Comics, which were short-lived in their first incarnation. The final period was the resurrection of these titles that sported the uniquely macabre covers of Gus Ricca as well as those drawn by Fran Smith and George Tuska. The Chesler string of comic titles ran out of steam as 1947 drew to a close.

Harry "A" Chesler Comics includes not only Harry A. Chesler Feature Syndicate comics but also the imprints "Dynamic Publications", "Home Guide Publications" and "Magazine Press"


Thumbnail for Columbia
Available Online:Titles: 9 | Books: 159
Latest Book:Dixie Dugan 7 | Uploaded: Mar 21, 2025
Titles:Big Shot (117) | Dixie Dugan (11) | The Face (2) | Joe Palooka (3) | Mickey Finn (8) | Skyman (4) | Sparky Watts (10) | Tony Trent (2) | One Shots (2)
Publication History: Active: 1940 - 1949 | Number of Series: 11 | Number of Issues: 153
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 5 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 1
Indicia Publishers:Columbia Comic Corporation | Eastern Color Printing Co. | Holyoke Publishing Co. Inc. | Publication Enterprises | Wm. H. Wise & Co.
Brand Groups:A Columbia Comic Book
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Columbia Comics Corp started out in 1940, with a very popular character, Skyman, who appeared in their very first anthology - Big Shot Comics.

Founder Vin Sullivan roped in well-known creators like Gardner Fox, Ogden Whitney and Fred Guardineer to produce the company's comics. Skyman ran for four issues and can be read right here!

Other Columbia Comics creations were Marvelo the Monarch of magicians, - a possible forerunner to Lee Falk's Mandrake the Magician -, the Face, Big Shot, Mickey Finn, Tony Trent and Sparky Watts.

Comic Media

Thumbnail for Comic Media
Publisher:Comic Media
Available Online:Titles: 11 | Books: 85
Latest Book:All True Romance 1 | Uploaded: Jan 7, 2025
Titles:All True Romance (12) | Danger (12) | Dear Lonely Heart (4) | Dear Lonely Hearts (6) | Death Valley (6) | Dynamite (9) | Horrific (14) | Noodnik (3) | War Fury (4) | Weird Terror (13) | One Shots (2)
Publication History: Active: 1950 - 1954 | Number of Series: 14 | Number of Issues: 103
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 6 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:Allen Hardy Associates | Allen Hardy Associates Inc. | Artful Publications | Artful Publications Inc. | Harwell Publications Inc. | Mystery Publishing Company Inc.
Brand Groups:Comic Media
External Links:Grand Comics Database
IMPRINTS: Allen Hardy Associates, Biltmore Publishing, Artful Publ., Mystery Publ., Harwell.

Comic Media was a late-comer to the Golden Age and relatively short-lived publisher, owned by Allen Hardy. It is probably best remembered for it's graphic horror titles and the Dynamite series, which introduced Private Detective Johnny Dynamite in its third issue. Charlton bought Comic Media's assets when they went under.

Dell Comics / Western Publishing

Thumbnail for Dell Comics / Western Publishing
Publisher:Dell Comics / Western Publishing
Available Online:Titles: 98 | Books: 1713
Latest Book:Large Feature Comic v1 17 - Gangbusters | Uploaded: Dec 12, 2024
Titles:Alley Oop (2) | Andy Hardy (2) | Animal Comics (33) | Annie Oakley and Tagg (15) | Barbie and Ken (5) | Bat Masterson (8) | Beany and Cecil (5) | Ben Bowie and His Mountain Men (11) | Ben Casey (8) | Beverly Hillbillies (4) | Brain Boy (5) | Buck Jones (7) | Buffalo Bill Jr. (7) | Cain's Hundred (2) | Car 54, Where Are You? (6) | Charlie McCarthy (9) | Cheyenne (22) | Cicero's Cat (2) | Cisco Kid (41) | Colt .45 (6) | Combat (13) | The Comics (11) | Crackajack Funnies (50) | The Defenders (2) | Dell Junior Treasury (8) | Dr. Kildare (6) | Drift Marlo (2) | Dunc and Loo (8) | Fairy Tale Parade (9) | Famous Stories (2) | The Flying A's Range Rider (23) | Follow the Sun (2) | Four Color (1939 Series) (17) | Four Color (1942 Series) (476) | Freddy (1) | Fritzi Ritz (4) | Frogmen (7) | The Funnies (63) | Gene Autry (31) | Gene Autry's Champion (14) | Gerald McBoing Boing (6) | Ghost Stories (5) | Have Gun, Will Travel (11) | Henry Aldrich (25) | Howdy Doody (38) | I'm Dickens, He's Fenster (2) | Idaho (2) | Indian Chief (24) | Jace Pearson (9) | Johnny Jason, Teen Reporter (1) | Johnny Mack Brown (9) | Jungle War Stories (6) | Key Ring Comics (3) | Kona (8) | Kookie (2) | Large Feature Comic (16) | Lawman (9) | Linda Lark (8) | Little Scouts (5) | March of Comics (11) | McHale's Navy (3) | McKeever and the Colonel (3) | Mike Shayne Private Eye (3) | Millie the Lovable Monster (6) | Mister Magoo (3) | Naza (2) | New Adventures of Pinocchio (3) | The Nurses (3) | Popular Comics (155) | Private Secretary (2) | Red Ryder Comics (16) | Rex Allen (30) | The Rifleman (12) | Rootie Kazootie (3) | Ruff and Reddy (9) | Santa Claus Funnies (5) | Sea Hunt (9) | Smilin' Jack (9) | Smitty (7) | Space Man (6) | Stoney Burke (2) | Super Book of Comics (2) | Super Comics (121) | Thirteen (10) | The Three Stooges (2) | Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (14) | The Untouchables (3) | Voyage to the Deep (4) | Wagon Train (10) | War Comics (5) | War Heroes (10) | War Stories (5) | Western Roundup (7) | Wild Bill Elliott (16) | Winnie Winkle (7) | Woolworth's - One Shots (4) | Wyatt Earp (10) | One Shots (43)
Publication History: Active: 1929 - 1988 | Number of Series: 519 | Number of Issues: 6782
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 8 | Brand Groups: 4 | Brand Emblems: 38
Indicia Publishers:Albert Pub. Co. Inc. | Dell Publishing Co. | Dell Publishing Co. Inc. | Dell Publishing Company | Dell Publishing Company Inc. | Film Humor Inc. | K. K. Publications Inc. | The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
Brand Groups:Dell | L & M Comics | First Edition | The Trumpet Club
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Up until 1962, Western Publishing produced all of the comics distributed by Dell, after which time Dell produced their own books. Western also produced and distributed books independently of Dell prior to and during their relationship, under such imprints as K.K. Publications, Western Printing, and Golden Picture Stories. Such titles included CRACKAJACK FUNNIES and early issues of MARCH OF COMICS. Checking of copyrights show that Dell did not renew its copyrights. Much of their material was licenced so may not be public domain but others up through 1963 are public domain so can be posted.

DS Publishing

Thumbnail for DS Publishing
Publisher:DS Publishing
Available Online:Titles: 13 | Books: 75
Latest Book:Everyday Birthday Fun with Elsie the Cow | Uploaded: Mar 6, 2023
Titles:Elsie the Cow (6) | Exposed (9) | Gangsters Can't Win (9) | Let's Pretend (3) | Moe and Shmoe Comics (2) | Outlaws (9) | Pay-Off (5) | Public Enemies (9) | Roundup (5) | Select Detective (3) | Underworld (9) | Whodunit (3) | One Shots (3)
Publication History: Active: 1947 - 1950 | Number of Series: 18 | Number of Issues: 77
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 1 | Brand Groups: 0 | Brand Emblems: 0
Indicia Publishers:D.S. Publishing Company Inc.
External Links:Grand Comics Database
D.S. Publishing was a small short lived publishing company based in New York. It entered the market around 1941, publishing song sheets (which reprinted the lyrics of popular songs of the time).
It started publishing comics around 1947. Publications include Select Detective, Outlaws, Gangsters Can't Win, Exposed and Elsie The Cow. It ceased publication in 1951.

Eastern Color

Thumbnail for Eastern Color
Publisher:Eastern Color
Available Online:Titles: 17 | Books: 482
Latest Book:Heroic Comics 50 | Uploaded: Jan 7, 2025
Titles:Big Chief Wahoo (6) | Buster Crabbe (12) | Club 16 (4) | Dickie Dare (2) | Famous Funnies (224) | Heroic Comics (49) | Jingle Jangle (43) | Juke Box (6) | Mickey Finn (2) | Movie Love (22) | New Heroic Comics (45) | Personal Love (31) | Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics (16) | Steve Roper (5) | Sugar Bowl (5) | Tales From The Great Book (4) | One Shots (6)
Publication History: Active: 1933 - 1956 | Number of Series: 32 | Number of Issues: 488
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 7 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 1
Indicia Publishers:Eastern Color Printing Co. | Eastern Color Printing Company | Famous Funnies | Famous Funnies Inc. | Famous Funnies Publications | Store Comics Inc. | The Eastern Color Printing Company
Brand Groups:This Is a Famous Funnies Publication
External Links:Grand Comics Database
An early pioneer of the Golden Age comic book publishers, Eastern had a business printing the color comic strip supplements to newspapers, and were among the first to repackage reprints in comic book form, initially as promotional give-aways for clients. FUNNIES ON PARADE and FAMOUS FUNNIES led the way to the explosion of Golden Age publishers. Eastern produced original books, ceasing in early 1956, a result of clashes with the Comic Code Authority and declining sales. They continued printing other publisher's materials until 1973.


Thumbnail for Fawcett
Available Online:Titles: 83 | Books: 1787
Latest Book:Captain Marvel Adventures 14 | Uploaded: Mar 14, 2025
Titles:America's Greatest Comics (9) | Andy Devine Western (3) | Animal Fair (12) | Battle Stories (12) | Beware! Terror Tales (8) | Bill Battle, the One Man Army (5) | Bill Boyd Western (27) | Billy the Kid (4) | Bob Colt (11) | Bob Steele Western (12) | Bob Swift (5) | Bulletman (17) | Captain Billy's Whiz Bang (30) | Captain Marvel Adventures (52) | Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety (3) | Captain Marvel Jr. (34) | Captain Marvel Story Book (3) | Captain Midnight (68) | Captain Video (6) | Comic Comics (12) | Cowboy Love (12) | Don Winslow of the Navy (77) | Down With Crime (6) | Exciting Romances (12) | Fawcett Movie Comic (16) | Fawcett's Funny Animals (37) | Gabby Hayes Western (52) | Gene Autry Comics (10) | George Pal's Puppetoons (19) | Girls in Love (2) | Golden Arrow (6) | Hopalong Cassidy (89) | Hot Rod Comics (6) | Ibis the Invincible (6) | Jackie Robinson (7) | Joe Louis (2) | Ken Maynard (8) | Lance O'Casey (5) | Lash LaRue Western (48) | Life Story (47) | Love Memories (4) | Love Mystery (3) | The Marvel Family (3) | Master Comics (64) | Mike Barnett (6) | Minute Man (3) | Monte Hale Western (56) | Motion Picture Comics (14) | Negro Romance (3) | Nickel Comics (9) | Nyoka the Jungle Girl (129) | Ozzie and Babs (15) | Pinhead and Foodini (4) | Real Western Hero (6) | Rocky Lane Western (70) | Rod Cameron Western (20) | Romantic Secrets (44) | Romantic Story (23) | Romantic Western (3) | Six-Gun Heroes (26) | Slam-Bang Comics (7) | Smiley Burnette Western (4) | Soldier Comics (11) | Spy Smasher (12) | Strange Stories from Another World (4) | Strange Suspense Stories (5) | Suspense Detective (5) | Sweetheart Diary (15) | Sweethearts (55) | Tex Ritter Western (20) | This Magazine is Haunted (15) | Tom Mix Western (66) | True Confidences (4) | True Stories of Romance (3) | True Sweetheart Secrets (11) | Underworld Crime (7) | Western Hero (41) | Whiz Comics (81) | Worlds of Fear (9) | Wow Comics (46) | Xmas Comics (7) | Young Eagle (10) | One Shots (44)
Publication History: Active: 1919 - | Number of Series: 168 | Number of Issues: 2612
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 10 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 6
Indicia Publishers:Capt. W.H. Fawcett | Country Press Inc. | Fawcett Crest | Fawcett Publications Inc. | Fawcett Publications, Incorporated | Fawcett World Library | Hallden Division of Fawcett Publications | Modern Mechanix Publishing Co. | Popular Magazines Inc. | W. H. Fawcett
Brand Groups:Fawcett
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Fawcett Comics, a subsidiary of Fawcett Publications, was one of several successful comics publishers during the Golden Age of Comic Books in the 1940s. Its most popular character was Captain Marvel, a property later to be purchased by DC Comics (not to be confused with Marvel Comics' character of the same name). Captain Marvel was the alter ego of boy radio reporter Billy Batson, who transformed into the hero whenever he spoke the magic word "SHAZAM!".

Fawcett Publications began in 1919 with the magazine Captain Billy's Whiz Bang and eventually expanded into a line of periodicals with a combined circulation of ten million monthly. The company joined in the explosion of comic book publications in the United States in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
Comic Book Plus In-House Image

Fiction House

Thumbnail for Fiction House
Publisher:Fiction House
Available Online:Titles: 22 | Books: 936
Latest Book:Planet Comics 63 | Uploaded: Mar 3, 2025
Titles:Cowgirl Romances (13) | Fight Comics (96) | Firehair (7) | Ghost Comics (12) | Indians (17) | Jet Aces (4) | Jumbo Comics (173) | Jungle Comics (188) | Kaänga Comics (23) | Long Bow (9) | Monster (2) | Movie Comics (4) | Pioneer West Romances (4) | Planet Comics (98) | Rangers Comics (78) | Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (22) | The Spirit (5) | Toyland Comics (3) | Wambi, Jungle Boy (22) | War Birds (3) | Wings Comics (147) | One Shots (6)
Publication History: Active: 1938 - 1954 | Number of Series: 31 | Number of Issues: 826
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 16 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:Fiction House Inc. | Fight Stories Inc. | Flying Stories Inc. | Glen Kel Pub. Co. Inc. | Glen Kel Publishing Co. Inc. | Glen-Kel Pub. Co. | Glen-Kel Pub. Co. Inc. | Glen-Kel Publishing Co. Inc. | GlenKel Pub. Co. Inc. | Love Romances Pub. Co. Inc. | Love Romances Publishing Co. Inc. | Real Adventures Pub. Co. Inc. | Real Adventures Publishing Co. Inc. | Wings Pub. Co. | Wings Pub. Co. Inc. | Wings Publishing Co. Inc.
Brand Groups:Fiction House Magazines
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Fiction House was an American publisher of pulp magazines and comic books that existed from the 1920s to the 1950s. Its comics division, best known for its pinup-style good girl art, got its birth working with partner Iger Studio, featuring the talents of Will Eisner and Matt Baker, among others.

Fox Feature Syndicate

Thumbnail for Fox Feature Syndicate
Publisher:Fox Feature Syndicate
Available Online:Titles: 81 | Books: 619
Latest Book:Weird Comics 2 | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2025
Titles:All Good Comics (2) | All Great Comics (6) | All Top Comics (19) | Almanac Of Crime (3) | Big 3 (8) | Blue Beetle (47) | The Bouncer (6) | Captain Kidd (2) | Colossal Features Magazine (3) | Cosmo Cat (10) | Crime Incorporated (3) | Crimes By Women (16) | Dagar (9) | Dorothy Lamour, Jungle Princess (2) | The Eagle (4) | Famous Crimes (20) | Fantastic Comics (32) | The Flame (10) | Frank Buck (3) | The Green Mask (19) | Hoot Gibson (3) | Hunted (2) | I Loved Real Confession Stories (3) | Inside Crime (2) | Jo-Jo Comics / Jo-Jo Congo King (31) | Judy Canova (3) | Jungle Jo (4) | Junior Comics (8) | Li'l Pan (2) | March of Crime (2) | Martin Kane Private Eye (2) | Meet Corliss Archer (3) | Murder Incorporated (20) | My Confession (1) | My Desire Intimate Confessions (3) | My Experience (3) | My Great Love (2) | My Intimate Affair (1) | My Life True Stories In Pictures (9) | My Love Affair (1) | My Love Life (6) | My Love Memoirs (2) | My Love Secret (6) | My Love Story (2) | My Past Thrilling Confessions (3) | My Private Life (1) | My Secret Affair (1) | My Secret Life (3) | My Secret Story (3) | My Story True Romances in Pictures (3) | My True Love Thrilling Confession Stories (3) | Mystery Men Comics (32) | Pedro (1) | Phantom Lady (15) | Ribtickler (8) | Rocket Kelly (5) | Romeo Tubbs (2) | Rulah, Jungle Goddess (11) | Sabu Elephant Boy (2) | Samson (5) | Science Comics (9) | Spectacular Features Magazine (3) | Spectacular Stories Magazine (1) | Sunny (4) | U.S. Jones (2) | V Comics (2) | Weird Comics (24) | Western Killers (7) | Western Outlaws (6) | Western Thrillers (6) | Western True Crime (6) | Will Rogers Western (2) | Women in Love (1) | Women Outlaws (6) | Wonder Comics (2) | Wonderworld Comics (31) | Wotalife Comics (5) | Zago, Jungle Prince (4) | Zegra, Jungle Empress (4) | Zoot Comics (17) | One Shots (34)
Publication History: Active: 1939 - 1951 | Number of Series: 144 | Number of Issues: 665
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 11 | Brand Groups: 5 | Brand Emblems: 10
Indicia Publishers:Bruns Publications Inc. | Chicago Nite Life News Inc. | Fox Feature Syndicate Inc. | Fox Features Syndicate Inc. | Fox Publications Inc. | Hero Books Inc. | Hero Books, Incorporated | Larkin, Roosevelt & Larkin | R. W. Voigt | Style Publications | Wm H. Wise & Co. Inc.
Brand Groups:Fox | All Comics Library | American Comics Library | Great Comic Library | World's Best Comics
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Fox Feature Syndicate (also known as Fox Comics and Fox Publications) was a comic book publisher during the early Golden Age of comic books. Founded by entrepreneur and ego-maniac Victor A. Fox, it produced such titles as Blue Beetle, Fantastic Comics and Mystery Men Comics.

Harvey Comics

Thumbnail for Harvey Comics
Publisher:Harvey Comics
Available Online:Titles: 59 | Books: 1095
Latest Book:Champ Comics 18 (alt) | Uploaded: Feb 26, 2025
Titles:Adventures in 3-D (3) | Alarming Tales (6) | All-New Comics (15) | Babe Ruth Sports Comics (12) | Black Cat (75) | Chamber of Chills (29) | Chamber of Clues (2) | Champ Comics (20) | Dick Tracy (1) | Dotty Dripple Comics (19) | Fighting Fronts (5) | First Love Illustrated (94) | First Romance Magazine (54) | Flat-Top (3) | Flip (2) | Green Hornet Comics (1942 series) (48) | Green Hornet, Racket Buster (5) | Harvey Comics Hits (4) | Harvey Comics Library (2) | Harvey Hits (3) | Hello Pal Comics (3) | Hi-School Romance (78) | Hi-School Romance Datebook (3) | Horace & Dotty Dripple (15) | Humphrey Comics (24) | Invisible Scarlet O'Neil (3) | Jiggs and Maggie (2) | Joe Palooka Comics (116) | Kerry Drake Detective Cases (30) | Little Max Comics (66) | Love Lessons (5) | Love Stories of Mary Worth (2) | Man in Black (4) | Mazie (15) | Nutty Comics (6) | Pocket Comics (8) | Race for the Moon (3) | Rags Rabbit (7) | Ripley's Believe It Or Not (3) | Romance Stories of True Love (9) | Speed Comics (55) | Spitfire Comics (2) | Stuntman (3) | Sweet Love (5) | Tastee-Freez (3) | Teen-Age Brides (8) | Terry and the Pirates (24) | Thrills of Tomorrow (4) | Tomb of Terror (17) | True 3-D (2) | True Bride-To-Be Romances (15) | True Brides' Experiences (9) | True Love Problems and Advice Illustrated (46) | True War Experiences (4) | War Battles (12) | War Victory Adventures (1) | Warfront (38) | Witches Tales (30) | One Shots (13)
Publication History: Active: 1939 - 1994 | Number of Series: 415 | Number of Issues: 7346
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 45 | Brand Groups: 9 | Brand Emblems: 44
Indicia Publishers:3-D Dolly Inc. | Able Manufacturing Co. | Alfred Harvey | Alfred Harvey Publications | Champ Publishing Company | Clown Comics Inc. | Family Comics Inc. | Fighting Forces Publications Inc. | Front Page Comic Book Inc. | Fun Day Funnies Inc. | Fun Film Inc. | Fun Films Inc. | Fun Parade Inc. | Funday Funnies Inc. | FunFilms Inc. | Handy Publications | Harvey Comics | Harvey Comics Entertainment | Harvey Comics Entertainment Inc. | Harvey Comics Group Inc. | Harvey Enterprises Inc. | Harvey Famous Cartoons | Harvey Features Syndicate | Harvey Hits Inc. | Harvey Illustrated Humor Inc. | Harvey Information Press Inc. | Harvey Picture Magazine Inc. | Harvey Picture Magazines Inc. | Harvey Pictures Magazine Inc. | Harvey Pub Inc. | Harvey Publications | Harvey Publications Inc. | Harvey Pubs. Inc. | Home Comics Inc. | Illustrated Humor Inc. | John F. Mahon | McCombs Publications | Nemesis Comics Inc. | Nutty Comics Inc. | Sad Sack Inc. | Speed Publishing Company | Ultracomics | Western Tales Inc. | Witches Tales Inc. | Worth Publishing Co. Inc.
Brand Groups:A Thrill Adventure | Black Cat Mystery | H [Heart] | Harvey Comics | Nemesis | True Love | True Love Series | True Love Stories | Ultracomics
External Links:Grand Comics Database
The company was founded by Alfred Harvey in 1941, after buying out Brookwood Publications. It specialized in creating comics featuring licensed characters.

Many of the comics produced used characters produced by Famous Studios including: Herman and Katnip, Little Audrey, Baby Huey and Casper the Friendly Ghost.
In 1959, Harvey purchased the right to Famous Studios' characters. Although the company did produce comics in a variery of genres, Casper the Friendly Ghost proved to be their biggest asset.

Following a gradual decline Harvey stopped publishing in 1982 at which time founder Alfred Harvey also retired.


Thumbnail for Hillman
Available Online:Titles: 21 | Books: 436
Latest Book:Miracle Comics 3 (NuFiche) | Uploaded: Oct 3, 2024
Titles:Air Fighters (30) | Airboy (90) | All Sports Comics (2) | All-Time Sports Comics (4) | Clue Comics (20) | Crime Detective Comics (32) | Dead-Eye Western (26) | Frogman (12) | Hot Rod and Speedway Comics (5) | Joe College (2) | Miracle Comics (4) | Mr. Anthony's Love Clinic (5) | My Date (4) | Pirates Comics (4) | Punch and Judy (35) | Real Clue Crime (78) | Rocket Comics (3) | Romantic Confessions (25) | Victory Comics (4) | Western Fighters (46) | One Shots (5)
Publication History: Active: 1940 - 1953 | Number of Series: 24 | Number of Issues: 407
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 2 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 1
Indicia Publishers:Hillman Periodicals Inc. | Hillman-Curl Inc.
Brand Groups:A Hillman Publication
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Like many comic book publishers of the day, Hillman's WWII titles included costumed superheroes. As trends in the comic book market changed, the focus shifted more to crime/detective stories and Westerns. Hillman's more successful creations included the aviator-adventurer Airboy, who got his start in Air Fighters Comics, then later Airboy Comics. Others included Crime Detective Comics, Real Clue Crime Stories, Dead-Eye Western Comics and Western Fighters.


Thumbnail for Holyoke
Available Online:Titles: 8 | Books: 110
Latest Book:Blue Beetle 28 | Uploaded: Dec 12, 2024
Titles:Blue Beetle (24) | Captain Aero (9) | Cat-Man (15) | Contact (13) | Holyoke One-Shot (11) | Sparkling Stars (32) | Whirlwind Comics (4) | One Shots (2)
Publication History: Active: 1942 - 1948 | Number of Series: 18 | Number of Issues: 84
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 2 | Brand Groups: 0 | Brand Emblems: 0
Indicia Publishers:Holyoke Publishing Co. | Holyoke Publishing Co. Inc.
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Holyoke publishing was founded in 1941 by Sherman Bowles, after he acquired Capt. Aero comics from the Helnit publishing company.

Holyoke's most popular characters were the Blue Beetle and Cat-Man and Kitten. Bowles. a newspaper tycoon added the Blue Beetle series, once the trademark of Fox publications in 1942.

Other popular comic characters published by Holyoke Publishing were the Hood, Hurricane Harrigan and the Deacon and Mickey. Sherman

The last Blue Beetle comic published by Holyoke publishing was the #30 issue published in February 1944. After which time Fox resumed publication

Better known comic book artists working for this company are Charles Quinlan [Catman], Dan Barry [the Hood and Tiger squadron], Joe Kubert [Alias X, Flagman, Volton] and Carmine Infantino [Hell's Angels.]

I. W. Publishing / Super Comics

Thumbnail for I. W. Publishing / Super Comics
Publisher:I. W. Publishing / Super Comics
Available Online:Titles: 68 | Books: 277
Latest Book:Little Eva 14 | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2025
Titles:Battle Stories (8) | Billy and Buggy Bear (3) | Blazing Sixguns (8) | The Brain (5) | Buster Bear (1) | Candy (3) | Cowboys 'N' Injuns (3) | Danger (7) | Daring Adventures (9) | Doll Man (3) | Dream of Love (4) | Dynamic Adventures (1) | Eerie (3) | Eerie Tales (4) | Famous Funnies (2) | Fantastic Adventures (7) | Foxhole (6) | Frontier Romances (2) | Great Action Comics (3) | Great Western (3) | Gunfighters (3) | Human Fly (2) | Intimate Confessions (1) | Jet Power (2) | Jungle Adventures (6) | Kaanga (2) | Kid Koko (2) | Kiddie Kapers (2) | Little Eva (12) | Love and Marriage (4) | Marmaduke Monk (1) | Meet Merton (4) | Muggsy Mouse (3) | Muggy-Doo Boy Cat (2) | Mystery Tales (3) | Pee-Wee Pixies (3) | Pinky the Egghead (4) | Planet Comics (2) | Plastic Man (3) | Police Trap (4) | Realistic Romances (3) | Red Mask (2) | Robin Hood (5) | Romantic Love (2) | Sharpy Fox (4) | Silver Kid Western (2) | Space Detective (2) | Space Mysteries (2) | Speedy Rabbit (3) | The Spirit (2) | Strange Mysteries (7) | Strange Planets (9) | Super Brat (5) | Teen Romances (3) | Teen-Age Talk (3) | Tell It to the Marines (3) | Three Rascals (3) | Tippy Terry (2) | Tom-Tom the Jungle Boy (4) | Top Adventure Comics (2) | U.S. Fighting Air Force (2) | U.S. Fighting Men (7) | U.S. Paratroops (2) | U.S. Tank Commandos (2) | Wacky Woodpecker (2) | The Westerner (3) | Wild Bill Hickok (4) | One Shots (37)
Publication History: Active: 1958 - 1964 | Number of Series: 118 | Number of Issues: 332
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 3 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 4
Indicia Publishers:I. W. Enterprises Inc. | Super Comics | Super Comics Inc.
Brand Groups:A Top Quality Comic | IW; A Top Quality Comic | Super Comics Seal of Quality
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Israel Waldman's IW Publishing was active between 1958-64. The books produced were basically reprints from other companies, including Quality comics.

I.W. publishing also published comic books under the name of Super Comics. Many of these comic books ran to just one issue. These one shot books include Algie, The Black Knight, Apache, Cosmo Cat, Danger Is Our Business, Dr. Fu Manchu, dynamic Comics, Fantastic Tales, Firehair, Fighting Daniel Boone, Full of Fun, Jungle Comics, Strange World, Space Comics, Wild Western Roundup, etc.

Other popular comic books in this series included Blazing Six Guns, Billy and Buggy Bear, Battle Series, Great Action Comics and Eerie Tales.

IW published something in almost every genre - westerns, horror, battle, mystery, sci-fi and romance.

Lev Gleason / Comic House

Thumbnail for Lev Gleason / Comic House
Publisher:Lev Gleason / Comic House
Available Online:Titles: 23 | Books: 726
Latest Book:Crime Does Not Pay 54 | Uploaded: Jan 7, 2025
Titles:Adventures in Wonderland (6) | Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe (4) | Black Diamond Western (52) | Boy Comics (134) | Boy Loves Girl (33) | Boy Meets Girl (24) | Captain Battle Comics (3) | Captain Battle Jr. (2) | Crime and Punishment (76) | Crime Does Not Pay (129) | Cutie Pie (5) | Daredevil Comics (153) | Desperado (8) | Dilly (3) | Horse Feathers Comics (2) | Jim Dandy (3) | Lovers' Lane (41) | Shorty Shiner (3) | Silver Streak Comics (29) | Squeeks (5) | Tops (2) | Uncle Charlie's Fables (5) | One Shots (4)
Publication History: Active: 1939 - 1956 | Number of Series: 33 | Number of Issues: 686
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 15 | Brand Groups: 6 | Brand Emblems: 9
Indicia Publishers:Boy Comic Publishers Inc. | Boy Comics Publishers Inc. | Comic House Inc. | Dandy Magazines Inc. | Daredevil Publishers Inc. | Friday, Inc. | Junior Readers' Guild Inc. | Lev Gleason Enterprises Corp. | Lev Gleason Publications Inc. | Magazine House | Magazine House Inc. | New Friday Publications Inc. | Newsbook Publishing Corporation | Tops Magazine Inc. | Your Guide Publications Inc.
Brand Groups:A Dandy Comic | A Dime Comic | Rhoda / Your Guide | An Atomic Comic | Lev Gleason | Comic House
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Comics House Publications / Lev Gleason 1939-1956

Leverett Gleason and his Comic House publications might not have published many titles, but the ones they did such as Daredevil Comics, Silver Streak Comics, Crime Does Not Pay and Boy comics were all highly popular. Ironically the success of the Crime Does Not Pay series led to the downfall of the company, since it was one of the targets of Frederick Wertham, author of 'Seduction of the Innocent', and the Senate Kefauver hearings, which ushered in censorship by the Comics Code Authority and changed the face of the comics industry.

Magazine Enterprises

Thumbnail for Magazine Enterprises
Publisher:Magazine Enterprises
Available Online:Titles: 46 | Books: 448
Latest Book:Strongman 3 | Uploaded: Jan 7, 2025
Titles:A-1 Comics (24) | American Air Forces (13) | The Avenger (4) | Badmen of the West (3) | Best of the West (12) | Bobby Benson B-Bar-B Riders (22) | The Brain (7) | Cave Girl (4) | Clubhouse Rascals (2) | Cowboys 'n' Injuns (8) | Dan'l Boone (7) | Ding Dong (5) | Dogface Dooley (3) | Dotty Dripple (2) | Dream Book of Love (2) | Dream Book of Romance (4) | Durango Kid (42) | Funnyman (6) | Ghost Rider (17) | Great Western (4) | Hot Dog (2) | I'm a Cop (3) | Jet (4) | Keen Teens (5) | Kerry Drake Detective Cases (4) | The Killers (2) | Koko and Kola (4) | Little Miss Sunbeam (4) | Manhunt (13) | Mighty Atom (3) | Muggsy Mouse (5) | The Pixies (6) | Red Mask (13) | Robin Hood (8) | Straight Arrow (56) | Strongman (7) | Teena (1) | Thun'da (8) | Tick Tock Tales (33) | Tim Holt (45) | Tom-Tom (2) | Trail Colt (2) | Undercover Girl (3) | The United States Marines (11) | White Indian (5) | One Shots (8)
Publication History: Active: 1943 - 1958 | Number of Series: 87 | Number of Issues: 671
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 11 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:Compix Inc. | Life's Romances Publishing Company | Magazine Enterprises | Magazine Enterprises Inc. | Magazine Enterprises of Canada Ltd. | Parkway Publishing Company | Promotional Publishing Co. | Quality Bakers of America Cooperative Inc. | Sussex Publishing Company Inc. | The Flying Cadet Publishing Company | Wm. H. Wise & Company
Brand Groups:Magazine Enterprises | ME
External Links:Grand Comics Database
An American company, founded by Vin Sullivan, which primarily published Western, humor, crime, adventure, and children's comics, abstaining from superheroes for the most part.
Notable characters include the jungle goddess Cave Girl, Ghost Rider, a supernatural-tinged Western avenger (not to be confused with Marvel Comics supernatural motorcycle rider). Other publications included licensed film and TV comics featuring comedian Jimmy Durante; suave actor Dick Powell and the CBS television series The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Richard Greene. Their long-running title A-1 played host to numerous rotating titles, including Thun'da, which featured Frank Frazetta art.

Novelty Press

Thumbnail for Novelty Press
Publisher:Novelty Press
Available Online:Titles: 9 | Books: 353
Latest Book:Target Comics v1 6 | Uploaded: Apr 11, 2024
Titles:4Most (37) | Blue Bolt (108) | Criminals on the Run (8) | Dick Cole (6) | Frisky Fables (38) | Guns Against Gangsters (8) | Humdinger (10) | Target Comics (112) | Young King Cole (26)
Publication History: Active: 1940 - 1949 | Number of Series: 9 | Number of Issues: 330
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 4 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 1
Indicia Publishers:Novelty Press Division of the Premium Service Co. Inc. | Novelty Press Division of The Premium Service Group Co. Inc. | Novelty Press Inc. | The Premium Group of Comics
Brand Groups:Premium / PG
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Novelty Press was an American Golden Age comic-book publisher that operated from 1940 - 1949. It was the comic book arm of Curtis Publishing Company.
Among Novelty's best-known and longest-running titles were Blue Bolt and Target Comics.


Thumbnail for Orbit-Wanted
Available Online:Titles: 7 | Books: 170
Latest Book:Taffy Comics 1 | Uploaded: Dec 27, 2023
Titles:Love Diary (49) | Love Journal (14) | Patches (11) | Taffy Comics (11) | Toytown (5) | Wanted (50) | The Westerner Comics (30)
Publication History: Active: 1945 - 1955 | Number of Series: 7 | Number of Issues: 162
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 6 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:Orbit Publications Inc. | Our Publishing Co. | Patches Publications Inc. | Ray R. Hermann | Taffy Publications Inc. | Toytown Publications Inc.
Brand Groups:An Orbit Publication | The Wanted Comic Group | Wanted Comic Group
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Orbit-Wanted was a lesser known Golden Age publisher which operated between 1945-1955.
Titles published by Orbit-Wanted include Love Diary, Love Journal, Patches, Taffy Comics, Toytown Comics, Wanted Comics, and The Westerner Comics.

Parents' Magazine Press

Thumbnail for Parents' Magazine Press
Publisher:Parents' Magazine Press
Available Online:Titles: 21 | Books: 333
Latest Book:Sweet Sixteen 3 | Uploaded: Oct 2, 2024
Titles:Aviation Adventures and Model Building (2) | Calling All Boys (19) | Calling All Girls (49) | Calling All Kids (28) | Funny Book (10) | Girls' Fun and Fashion Magazine (4) | Jack Armstrong (14) | Negro Heroes (1) | Polly (3) | Polly Pigtails (34) | Real Heroes (16) | Red Ball Comic Book (1) | Special Agent (11) | Sport Stars (4) | Sweet Sixteen (10) | Tex Granger (7) | True Animal Picture Stories (2) | True Aviation Comics Digest (2) | True Aviation Picture Stories (13) | True Comics (102) | One Shots (1)
Publication History: Active: 1941 - 1965 | Number of Series: 35 | Number of Issues: 398
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 18 | Brand Groups: 1 | Brand Emblems: 1
Indicia Publishers:"21" Publishing Corp. | Calling All Boys Inc. | Calling All Girls Inc. | Commended Comics Inc. | Funny Book Publishing Corporation | Parents' Institute Inc. | Parents' Institute Inc. [War Services Division] | Polly Pigtails Inc. | Quality Comics Inc. | Real Heroes Inc. | Sport Stars Inc. | Sweet Sixteen Inc. | The Girls' Institute Inc. | The Parents' Magazine Press Division of The Parents' Institute Inc. | The Parents' Magazine Press Inc. | The True Comics Press Inc. | True Aviation Picture-Stories Inc. | True Comics Inc.
Brand Groups:A Parents' Magazine Publication
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Parent's Magazine Press was one of the more safe comic publishers of the 1940s. They were also one of the more socially responsible, putting out patriotic comics like True Comics and Real Heroes. It is not surprising they did well even through the comics drama of the 1950s.
In 1965, they turned away from comics and became a children's mail order book club.

Premier Magazines

Thumbnail for Premier Magazines
Publisher:Premier Magazines
Available Online:Titles: 6 | Books: 44
Latest Book:Police Against Crime 6 | Uploaded: Feb 8, 2024
Titles:Masked Ranger (9) | Mysterious Stories (6) | Nuts (5) | Police Against Crime (11) | True Love Confessions (11) | One Shots (2)
Publication History: Active: 1954 - | Number of Series: 7 | Number of Issues: 42
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 1 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:Premier Magazines Inc.
Brand Groups:A Premiere PM Comic | PM
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Premier Magazines was a Golden Age Publisher active in the 1950s. They didn't have a large range of titles. Amongst their magazines were Masked Ranger, Mysterious Stories, Police Against Crime and True Love Confessions.


Thumbnail for Prize
Available Online:Titles: 27 | Books: 781
Latest Book:Black Magic 9 | Uploaded: Mar 14, 2025
Titles:All for Love (17) | Babe (13) | Black Magic (50) | Charlie Chan (5) | Cool Cat (3) | Dixie Dugan (7) | Dudley (3) | Fargo Kid (4) | Frankenstein (39) | Going Steady (5) | Headline Comics (83) | Hollywood Film Stories (4) | Justice Traps the Guilty (95) | Mickey Finn (1) | Personal Love (13) | Prize Comics (86) | Prize Comics Western (56) | Real West Romances (9) | Strange World of Your Dreams (4) | Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (3) | Treasure Comics (13) | Western Love (5) | Wonderland Comics (10) | Young Brides (28) | Young Love (73) | Young Love (1960 Series) (22) | Young Romance (130)
Publication History: Active: 1940 - 1978 | Number of Series: 50 | Number of Issues: 1614
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 11 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:American Boys' Comics Inc. | Crestwood Publications Inc. | Crestwood Publishing Co. | Crestwood Publishing Co. Inc. | Crestwood Publishing Company Inc. | Crestwood Publishing Company, Incorporated | Feature Publications Inc. | Headline Publications Inc. | Histrionic Publishing Co. Inc. | Histrionic Publishing Inc. | Magazine Associates Inc.
Brand Groups:A Prize Publication | Prize Group
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Prize Comics was a subsidiary of Crestwood Publications and operated from 1940 to 1963.
Most of its well known publications originated from creators Joe Simon and the legendary Jack Kirby.
They were best known for the long running horror comic Black Magic which first appeared in 1950.
According to Jack Kirby, the idea for Spider-Man originated with him and Simon, who developed a character called The Silver Spider for Black Magic, who was subsequently not used.
Also created by Simon and Kirby was Young Romance which is believed to be the first comic book romance title.
Other notable publications from Prize were Justice Traps The Guilty, Frankenstein and Headline Comics.


Thumbnail for Quality
Available Online:Titles: 59 | Books: 1799
Latest Book:Blackhawk 95 | Uploaded: Jan 7, 2025
Titles:All Humor (17) | The Barker (18) | Blackhawk (120) | Brides Romances (24) | Broadway Romances (5) | Buccaneers (10) | Buster Bear (10) | Campus Loves (5) | Candy (66) | Crack Comics (71) | Crack Western (32) | Diary Loves (31) | The Doll Man Quarterly (52) | Egbert (22) | Exotic Romances (10) | Exploits of Daniel Boone (6) | Feature Comics (137) | Feature Funnies (19) | Flaming Love (6) | Forbidden Love (4) | G. I. Combat (44) | G. I. Sweethearts (14) | Gabby (9) | Girls in Love (12) | Heart Throbs (46) | Hickory (7) | Hit Comics (77) | Hollywood Diary (5) | Hollywood Secrets (6) | Jonesy (8) | Ken Shannon (10) | Kid Eternity (21) | Lady Luck (6) | Love Confessions (57) | Love Letters (54) | Love Scandals (5) | Love Secrets (24) | Marmaduke Mouse (67) | Military Comics (55) | Modern Comics (61) | National Comics (82) | Plastic Man (67) | Police Comics (132) | Range Romances (7) | Robin Hood Tales (6) | Secret Loves (6) | Smash Comics (90) | The Spirit (22) | T-Man (40) | Teen Life Comics and Adventure (2) | Torchy (7) | True War Romances (21) | Uncle Sam Quarterly (8) | Untamed Love (5) | Web of Evil (22) | Wedding Bells (20) | Yanks In Battle (4) | Young Life (2) | One Shots (3)
Publication History: Active: 1937 - 1956 | Number of Series: 60 | Number of Issues: 1662
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 7 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 4
Indicia Publishers:Arnold Publications Inc. | Comic Favorites Inc. | Comic Magazines | Comic Magazines Inc. | E. M. Arnold | Everett M. Arnold | Vital Publications Inc.
Brand Groups:Vital | Quality
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Quality Comics was an American comic book publishing company that operated from 1937 to 1956 and was largely influential in creating the 'Golden Age' of comic books.
Notable, long-running titles published by Quality included Blackhawk, Feature Comics, G.I. Combat, Plastic Man, Police Comics, Smash Comics and The Spirit.
While most of their titles were published by a subsidiary company named Comic Magazines, from 1940 onwards all of their publications bore a logo that included the word 'Quality'.
Well known comic creators associated with the company included Will Eisner and Gill Fox amongst others.

Rural Home/Croydon

Thumbnail for Rural Home/Croydon
Publisher:Rural Home/Croydon
Available Online:Titles: 11 | Books: 53
Latest Book:Mask Comics 1 | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2025
Titles:Blazing Comics (8) | Blue Circle (8) | Cannonball Comics (2) | Circus Comics (3) | Eagle Comics (2) | Laffy-Daffy Comics (2) | Mask Comics (2) | Red Band (5) | Red Circle (5) | Variety Comics (3) | One Shots (13)
Publication History: Active: 1944 - | Number of Series: 12 | Number of Issues: 34
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 7 | Brand Groups: 0 | Brand Emblems: 0
Indicia Publishers:Depictor Corp. | Gail Hilson | Lindsay L. Baird Inc. | Publicaciones Recreativas | Rewl Publications Inc. | Rural Home Publishing Co. | Samuel Herman
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Rural Home Publishing was a group of small publishers in a fluid partnership, using pre-packaged material and operating under the banner of Rural Home. Amongst the publishers were Circus Comics, Croydon Publications and Universal Comics Group. They operated between 1944-1946.
Publications included Blazing Comics, Cannonball Comics, Eagle Comics and Red Circle.


Thumbnail for Skywald
Available Online:Titles: 6 | Books: 67
Latest Book:Nightmare 1973 | Uploaded: May 16, 2021
Titles:Crime Machine (2) | Hell-Rider (2) | Nightmare (23) | Psycho (24) | Scream (11) | Skywald Annuals (5)
Publication History: Active: 1970 - 1975 | Number of Series: 20 | Number of Issues: 88
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 1 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:Skywald Publishing Corporation
Brand Groups:A Skywald Horror-Mood Publication | A Skywald Publication | Skywald Comics
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Skywald did not put the proper copyright on their black and white magazine so they were public domain when published. The comics do have proper copyright.
Comic Book Plus In-House Image

St. John

Thumbnail for St. John
Publisher:St. John
Available Online:Titles: 62 | Books: 530
Latest Book:A Treasury of Comics 3 - Bill Bumlin | Uploaded: Feb 18, 2025
Titles:3-D Comics (7) | A Treasury of Comics (3) | Abbie an' Slats (2) | Abbott and Costello Comics (32) | Adventures in Romance (2) | Amazing Ghost Stories (3) | Anchors the Salt Water Daffy (3) | Approved Comics (11) | Atom-Age Combat (7) | Authentic Police Cases (38) | Basil the Royal Cat (4) | Canteen Kate (3) | Cinderella Love (7) | Comics Revue (5) | Crime Reporter (2) | Diary Secrets (19) | Do You Believe In Nightmares (2) | Double Trouble (2) | Fightin' Marines (12) | The Fightin' Texan (2) | Fritzi Ritz (16) | Fugitives from Justice (5) | Going Steady (5) | The Hawk (10) | Hollywood Confessions (2) | It's Love, Love, Love (2) | Jackie Gleason (4) | Jane Arden (3) | Kid Cowboy (3) | Little Audrey (9) | Little Bit (2) | Little Eva (35) | Little Ike (3) | Lucy, The Real Gone Girl (4) | Meet Miss Pepper (2) | Midget Comics (2) | Moon Mullins (2) | Mopsy (21) | Nightmare (5) | Northwest Mounties (5) | Perfect Love (2) | Pictorial Confessions (3) | Pictorial Romances (22) | Romantic Marriage (7) | Strange Terrors (7) | Teen-Age Diary Secrets (2) | Teen-Age Romances (44) | Teen-Age Temptations (10) | The Texan (15) | The Three Stooges (9) | Tip Top Comics (18) | Tor (5) | True Love Pictorial (11) | Vic Flint (2) | Wartime Romances (18) | Weird Horrors (9) | Western Bandit Trails (3) | Whack (5) | Wild Boy of the Congo (6) | World's Greatest Stories (2) | Zip Jet (2) | One Shots (22)
Publication History: Active: 1947 - 1958 | Number of Series: 132 | Number of Issues: 870
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 7 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 5
Indicia Publishers:Archer St. John | Eagle Publishing Company | Jubilee Publications Inc. | St. John Publishing Co. | St. John Publishing Company | St. John Publishing Corp. | St. John Publishing Corporation
Brand Groups:Blue Ribbon Comics | St. John
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Archer St. John, who had a background in journalism and advertising, founded St. John Publications in 1947. After acquiring substantial financing, St. John launched two titles: Comics Revue and Pageant of Comics. Both of these were repackaged comic strips, but the best was yet to come.

In 1947 St. John entered a licensing deal with Terrytoons, which lasted for the majority of the time the company was in existence. The first comic produced was Mighty Mouse #5. Many of these licensed comics featured artwork by Terrytoons animators, rather than in-house staff.

Abbott and Costello (first movie-comedian tie-in series) launched in 1948 ran until September 1956. The early issues feature work by husband and wife team, Eric Peters and Lily Renée. Another influential partnership that worked for St. John was Norman Maurer and Joe Kubert. Matt Baker was also a major contributor. His art can be found in many titles including: Authentic Police Cases, Canteen Kate, Cinderella Love and Teen-Age Romances.

St. John was an innovative publisher with amongst other notable achievements; producing the first 3-D comic book and the classic title 1,000,000 Years Ago! featuring Tor.

Stanley Morse (Key)

Thumbnail for Stanley Morse (Key)
Publisher:Stanley Morse (Key)
Available Online:Titles: 27 | Books: 145
Latest Book:Battle Attack 4 | Uploaded: Feb 26, 2025
Titles:Action Adventure Comics (4) | Battle Attack (10) | Battle Cry (18) | Battle Fire (6) | Battle Heroes (2) | Battle Squadron (3) | Climax (2) | Diary Confessions (6) | Flying Aces (4) | Hector Comics (3) | Ideal Romance (5) | Mister Mystery (20) | Mister Universe (4) | Mutiny (3) | Navy Patrol (5) | Navy Task Force (5) | Peter Cottontail (2) | Prize Mystery (3) | Radiant Love (6) | Silver Kid Western (4) | Tender Romance (2) | Warpath (3) | Weird Chills (2) | Weird Mysteries (11) | Weird Tales of the Future (6) | Western Rough Riders (2) | One Shots (4)
Publication History: Active: 1951 - 1972 | Number of Series: 36 | Number of Issues: 192
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 9 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:Aragon Magazines Inc. | Argyle Magazines Inc. | Gillmor Magazines Inc. | Key Publications | Key Publications Inc. | Media Publications Inc. | S.P.M. Publications Inc. | Stanley Publications Inc. | Stanmor Publications Inc.
Brand Groups:A Key Magazine | Medal Comics
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Comics appeared under many imprints: Media Publications, Aragon Magazines, Medal, SPM Publications and Gillmore Magazines.

Key Publications, founded by Stanley P. Morse, was active between 1951 and 1956. The first issue was Mr. Mystery, a horror comic, which ran for 19 issues was illustrated by Mike Esposito and Ross Andru. Morse horror comics were considered by critics to be rehashed, plagiarized and "vile". Morse himself spoke of these comics as - "I do not know what I printed. I never read the things!"

Steve Ditko, who was soon going to co-create Spiderman, started illustrating his books professionally at Key publications in 1953.

Some of the more popular titles under different imprints include Battle Fire, Navy Task Force, Weird Tales of the Future, Mr. Mystery, Real Adventure Comics, Daring Love, Flying Aces, Weird Mysteries, Western Rough Riders, Peter Cottontail, Tender Romance Battle Squadron, Warpath, Battle Cry and Pete the Panic.

Star Publications

Thumbnail for Star Publications
Publisher:Star Publications
Available Online:Titles: 32 | Books: 171
Latest Book:Shocking Mystery Cases 50 | Uploaded: Feb 26, 2025
Titles:4Most Boys (4) | All-Famous Crime (5) | All-Famous Police Cases (11) | Blue Bolt (6) | Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror (5) | Confessions of Love (4) | Crime Fighting Dectective (9) | Dick Cole (4) | Film Stars Romances (1) | Frisky Animals (11) | Frisky Fables (3) | Ghostly Weird Stories (5) | Holiday Comics (3) | The Horrors (2) | Mighty Bear (2) | The Outlaws (4) | Popular Teen-Agers (11) | School Day Romances (3) | Shock Detective Cases (2) | Shocking Mystery Cases (8) | Spook (8) | Sport Thrills (3) | Startling Terror Tales (10) | Target Western Romances (2) | Terrifying Tales (2) | Terrors of the Jungle (1952) (3) | Terrors of the Jungle (1953) (6) | Thrilling Crime Cases (4) | Top Love Stories (12) | True-To-Life Romances (10) | White Rider and Super Horse (1) | One Shots (7)
Publication History: Active: 1949 - 1954 | Number of Series: 50 | Number of Issues: 279
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 1 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:Star Publications Inc.
Brand Groups:A Star Comic | A Star Publication | The Law Will Win
External Links:Grand Comics Database

Story Comics

Thumbnail for Story Comics
Publisher:Story Comics
Available Online:Titles: 7 | Books: 100
Latest Book:Fighting War Stories 2 | Uploaded: Jan 13, 2025
Titles:Dark Mysteries (22) | Fight Against Crime (19) | Fight Against the Guilty (2) | Fighting War Stories (5) | Mysterious Adventures (28) | Pawnee Bill (3) | Romantic Hearts (21)
Publication History: Active: 1951 - 1955 | Number of Series: 6 | Number of Issues: 67
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 2 | Brand Groups: 0 | Brand Emblems: 0
Indicia Publishers:Mens Publications Inc. | Story Comics Inc.
External Links:Grand Comics Database

Superior Publishers Limited

Thumbnail for Superior Publishers Limited
Publisher:Superior Publishers Limited
Available Online:Titles: 24 | Books: 149
Latest Book:G.I. War Brides 7 | Uploaded: Mar 14, 2025
Titles:Aggie Mack (3) | Billy the Kid (1) | Black Diamond Western (1) | Brenda Starr (6) | Bruce Gentry (7) | Crime and Punishment (1) | Dynamic Comics (6) | Ellery Queen (1) | G.I. War Brides (12) | Journey into Fear (23) | Jungle Comics (1) | Love and Marriage (2) | My Life (1) | My Secret (1) | My Secret Marriage (6) | Mysteries Weird and Strange (11) | Our Secret (2) | Punch Comics (4) | Red Seal Comics (4) | Secret Romances (10) | Strange Mysteries (21) | Super Funnies (2) | U.S. Fighting Air Force (19) | One Shots (4)
Publication History: Active: 1945 - 1956 | Number of Series: 242 | Number of Issues: 1120
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 10 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 23
Indicia Publishers:Century Publishing Company | Duchess Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. | Duchess Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. | Exact Corporation | Four Star Comics Corp. | Herald Publishing Company | Randall Publishers Limited | Superior Comics Limited | Superior Comics Ltd. | Superior Publishers Limited
Brand Groups:A Century Publication | Superior
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Superior is a Canadian publisher with several titles including many US reprints. Some original titles include: Journey Into Fear, Mysteries Weird and Strange, G.I. War Brides, My Secret Marriage and others.

Temerson / Helnit / Continental

Thumbnail for Temerson / Helnit / Continental
Publisher:Temerson / Helnit / Continental
Available Online:Titles: 8 | Books: 67
Latest Book:Suspense Comics 3 | Uploaded: Mar 29, 2022
Titles:Captain Aero Comics (15) | Captain Fearless Comics (2) | Cat-Man Comics (22) | Crash Comics Adventures (5) | Foodini (3) | Green Hornet Comics (1) | Suspense Comics (13) | Terrific (6)
Publication History: Active: 1940 - 1950 | Number of Series: 9 | Number of Issues: 74
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 6 | Brand Groups: 0 | Brand Emblems: 0
Indicia Publishers:Continental Magazines Inc. | Continental Publications Inc. | Et-Es-Go Magazines Inc. | Helnit Publishing Co. Inc. | Nita Publishing Co. Inc. | Tem Publishing Co. Inc.
External Links:Grand Comics Database
To say that this Golden Age publisher's publication history is confusing would be an understatement.


Thumbnail for Toby/Minoan
Available Online:Titles: 21 | Books: 177
Latest Book:Monty Hall of the U.S. Marines 4 | Uploaded: Oct 2, 2024
Titles:The Big Top (2) | Billy the Kid Adventure Magazine (28) | Captain Tootsie (3) | Danger Is Our Business (3) | Dr. Anthony King, Hollywood Love Doctor (2) | Fighting Leathernecks (7) | Great Lover Romances (20) | He-Man (2) | John Wayne Adventure Comics (31) | Meet Merton (4) | Monty Hall of the U.S. Marines (12) | The Purple Claw (3) | Return of the Outlaw (7) | Super Brat (4) | Tales of Horror (15) | Tell It to the Marines (14) | True Movie and Television (4) | Two-Bit the Wacky Woodpecker (3) | With the Marines (2) | Young Lover Romances (2) | One Shots (9)
Publication History: Active: 1949 - 1955 | Number of Series: 66 | Number of Issues: 351
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 2 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 2
Indicia Publishers:Minoan Publishing Corp. | Toby Press Inc.
Brand Groups:A Minoan Magazine | Toby Press
External Links:Grand Comics Database
From 1949 until the mid-fifties this company had some notable comics. They were able to obtain the rights to some famous characters including Felix the Cat, Buck Rogers, Li'l Abner and other Al Capp spin offs. Unfortunately those books are probably not PD and should not be directly uploaded. Toby did publish many other books in most genres, except superhero, and most of those should be fine here.

NOTE - the following titles/characters are NOT public domain. Please do NOT upload any -
Buck Rogers
Felix and his friends
Felix the Cat or any other Felix titles
Gabby Hayes
Nothing with King Features material if there are any titles with reprints
Al Capp titles - especially Li'l Abner
Any Terry Toons

Tower Comics

Thumbnail for Tower Comics
Publisher:Tower Comics
Available Online:Titles: 9 | Books: 86
Latest Book:Dynamo 3 | Uploaded: Aug 31, 2024
Titles:Dynamo (6) | Fight the Enemy (3) | NoMan (2) | T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents (20) | Teen-In (4) | Tippy Teen (28) | Tippy's Friends Go-Go and Animal (13) | Tippys Friend Go-Go (4) | Undersea Agent (6)
Publication History: Active: 1965 - 1969 | Number of Series: 14 | Number of Issues: 84
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 2 | Brand Groups: 7 | Brand Emblems: 7
Indicia Publishers:Tower Comics Inc. | Tower Publications Inc.
Brand Groups:A Tippy Teen Swingin' 'Zine | Tippy Teen Series | Tower | Tower Action Series | Tower Comics | Tower Tippy Teen Series | America's Teen-Age Sweetheart
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Harry Shorten founded the Silver-Age publisher Tower Comics in 1965. The two other key personnel were Wally Wood and Samm Schwartz. Tower Comics was only in existence for 4 years folding in 1969. Luckily for us they failed to add valid copyright notices on many of their titles, so they are now in the public domain.

Books published by Tower Comics were unusual for the times, as they contained 64 pages selling for 25 cents, whilst rival publishers were producing 32 page comics for 12 cents. This was a bit of a throw back to the Golden-Age, with five or six individual stories and a final one when all the main characters appear together.

Tower Comics are now known for Wally Wood's T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents (a mixture of secret agents and superheroes) and Samm Schwartz's Tippy Teen.

Apart from Wally Wood and Samm Schwartz other contributors to Tower's titles included: Dan Adkins, Gil Kane, Reed Crandall, Steve Ditko, Richard Bassford, Len Brown, Steve Skeates, Larry Ivie, Bill Pearson, Russ Jones, Roger Brand, and Tim Battersby-Brent.

United Features

Thumbnail for United Features
Publisher:United Features
Available Online:Titles: 11 | Books: 431
Latest Book:Sparkle Comics 29 | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2025
Titles:The Captain and the Kids (17) | Comics on Parade (46) | Curly Kayoe (7) | Fritzi Ritz (17) | Single Series (8) | Sparkle Comics (12) | Sparkler Comics (116) | Tip Top Comics (152) | Tip Topper Comics (26) | United Comics (19) | One Shots (11)
Publication History: Active: 1931 - 2011 | Number of Series: 29 | Number of Issues: 596
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 4 | Brand Groups: 2 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:Frances M. McQueeny | Spotlight Publishers | United Feature Syndicate | United Feature Syndicate Inc.
Brand Groups:United Feature Approved Newspaper Comics | UFS
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Do not upload full comics with non-Public Domain comic strips. These include Nancy,
Tip-Top, Sparkler, United Feature Comics and others. Please check before uploading.

Youthful Magazines

Thumbnail for Youthful Magazines
Publisher:Youthful Magazines
Available Online:Titles: 18 | Books: 113
Latest Book:Chilling Tales 16 | Uploaded: Mar 6, 2025
Titles:Atomic Attack (4) | Attack (5) | Beware (3) | Buffalo Bill (8) | Captain Science (8) | Chilling Tales (6) | Daring Confessions (5) | Daring Love (3) | Famous Western Badmen (2) | Fantastic (3) | Gunsmoke (16) | Indian Fighter (12) | Redskin (12) | Stamps Comics (9) | Youthful Hearts (2) | Youthful Love Romances (4) | Youthful Romances (9) | One Shots (2)
Publication History: Active: 1949 - 1954 | Number of Series: 21 | Number of Issues: 125
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 3 | Brand Groups: 0 | Brand Emblems: 0
Indicia Publishers:Stamp Comics Inc. | Western Comics Inc. | Youthful Magazines Inc.
External Links:Grand Comics Database
Youthful Magazines was a small company who published comic books between 1949 and 1954. It was founded an attorney Bill Friedman and his wife Sophie. Friedman who held the title of Publisher was helped in his venture by editor Sol Cohen.

Youthful shied away from Superhero titles focusing their attention on humor, horror, romance and western genres. The first comic produced was Gunsmoke #1 in April 1949. The title ran for 16 issues until Jan 1952, and we have every single one here! A unique title is the non-fiction Stamp Comics, which explains historical events pictured on postage stamps.

The most prolific of Youthful's artists was Doug Wildey whose work appears in virtually all of their titles. Other notable creators associated with Youthful include Bill Fraccio, Harry Harrison, Pat Masulli, Don Perlin, Wally Wood, Graham Ingels, Ed Goldfarb, Henry Kiefer, and Manny Stallman.


Thumbnail for Ziff-Davis
Available Online:Titles: 33 | Books: 210
Latest Book:Wild Boy 11 | Uploaded: Jul 20, 2023
Titles:Alice (2) | Amazing Adventures (6) | Baseball Thrills (3) | Beanbags (2) | Bill Stern's Sports Book (3) | Cinderella Love (12) | Crime Clinic (5) | Crusader from Mars (2) | Ellery Queen (2) | Explorer Joe (2) | Fairy Tales (2) | Famous Stars (6) | Flyboy (2) | Football Thrills (2) | G.I. Joe (54) | The Hawk (3) | Kid Cowboy (13) | Lars of Mars (2) | Little Al of the F.B.I. (3) | Little Al of the Secret Service (3) | Nightmare (2) | Nursery Rhymes (2) | Perfect Love (8) | Romantic Marriage (18) | Skypilot (3) | Space Busters (4) | Space Patrol (2) | Sparkie, Radio Pixie (4) | Strange Confessions (4) | The Teenie-Weenies (2) | Weird Thrillers (5) | Wild Boy (9) | One Shots (18)
Publication History: Active: 1950 - 1957 | Number of Series: 58 | Number of Issues: 201
Branding:Indicia Publishers: 2 | Brand Groups: 3 | Brand Emblems: 3
Indicia Publishers:Approved Comics Inc. | Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
Brand Groups:A Ziff-Davis Comic | A Ziff-Davis Publication | Ziff-Davis Comic Group
External Links:Grand Comics Database

Other Titles

Thumbnail for Other Titles
Publisher:Other Titles
Available Online:Titles: 6 | Books: 66
Latest Book:New Fun 6 | Uploaded: May 26, 2021
Titles:Animal Fables (6) | Miss Fury (7) | Moon Girl (6) | More Fun Comics (24) | New Adventure Comics (16) | New Fun (7)

Small Press

Thumbnail for Small Press
Category:Small Press
Books Online:1338
Latest Book:Vic Verity Magazine 2 | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2025
Publishers And Titles:A.W. Nugent Publishing Co | Accepted | Alval Publishers | Anglo-American Publishing Co. Ltd | Argo Publications | B.F. Goodrich | Brown Shoe Co. | Candar Publishing Co | Catechetical Guild Educational Society | Civil Service Publications, Inc. | Consolidated Magazines | Cross Publications | Cupples and Leon | Dearfield Publishing Co. | Decker | Don Fortune Publishing Co | Dorene Publishing Company | Elhil Publishing | Elliot | Essankay | Export Publishing | F.E. Howard Publications | Fago Magazines | General Electric Company | George W. Dougherty Publishing Company | Gilberton | Good Comics, Inc. | Graphic Information Service Inc | Great Comics Publications | Green Publishing | Hawley | International Shoe Co. [Western Printing] | Kirby Publishing Co. | Lafayette Street Corporation | Leader Enterprises / Universal Phoenix Features | Lightning Comics | M.F. Enterprises | Maple Leaf Publishing | Max C. Gaines | McCombs | Merit | Metropolitan Printing Co. | Mikeross Publications | Nation-Wide Publishing | Norlen Magazines | Oral Roberts Evangelical Association | P.L. Publishing | Pentagon Publishing Co. | Peter Wheat Bread and Bakers Associates | Pioneer Publications | R. B. Leffingwell and Co. | Ralston-Purina Company | Ribage | Rucker Publications Ltd | Seaboard Publishing | Spark Publications | Spotlight Publishers | Standard Publishing Company | Stanhall | Sterling | Super Publishing | Timor | Trojan Magazines | Victory Magazine Corporation | Vital Publications | Wm. H. Wise & Co. | Worth Carnahan
Here you will find Catechetical Guild, Lafeyette Street, RB Leffingwell, Continental and others with only one or two titles each. Also titles such as Peter Wheat and Poppo of the Popcorn Theatre.

One-Title Publishers

Thumbnail for One-Title Publishers
Publisher:One-Title Publishers
Available Online:Titles: 42 | Books: 491
Latest Book:Star Studded Comics | Uploaded: Jan 7, 2025
Titles:A.S. Curtis: One Shots (1) | Able Manufacturing: Super-Dooper Comics (4) | Baily Enterprises: One Shots (1) | Baily Publishing Company: One Shots (6) | Cambridge House Publishers: One Shots (6) | Canadian Jewish Congress: Jewish War Heroes (3) | Captain Silver Syndicate: The Sea Hound (3) | Catholic Publications: Catholic Comics (28) | The Charles Publishing Co: One Shots (1) | Commodore Productions & Artists, Inc: One Shots (1) | F.E. Howard Publications: One Shots (2) | Fuller: Poppo of the Popcorn Theatre (13) | Gerona: One Shots (4) | Gulf Funny Weekly (43) | Henle Publications (1) | Humor Publishing Co: One Shots (1) | Hyper Publications: Hyper Mystery Comics (2) | Interfaith Publications: The Challenger (2) | Irwin H. Rubin: Witty (2) | J. Edward Slavin: Courage Comics (2) | Jay-Jay Corporation: Judo Joe (3) | Kasco Mills, Inc: Kasco Komics (2) | Komos Publications: Superworld Comics (2) | Living Bible Corporation - The Living Bible (1) | M. S. Dist: One Shots (4) | Magazine Village: True Crime Comics (8) | Narrative: Power Comics (4) | Nesbit Publishing: Superior Stories (4) | O. W. Comics Corp: The Mad Hatter (2) | Progressive Publishers: Bang-Up Comics (2) | Register and Tribune Syndicate: The Spirit (261) | Reston Publications: One Shots (2) | Robert Allen Co: Lots "O" Fun Comics (1) | Round Publishing Company: Jamboree (2) | Samuel E. Lowe Co: Well Known Comics (18) | Sig Feuchtwanger: One Shots (3) | Sun Publications: One Shots (2) | U. S. Camera: Camera Comics (9) | United States Rubber Co: One Shots (1) | W.T. Grant: One Shots (6) | Will Eisner Publications: One Shots (2) | One Shot Publishers (26)

Australian & New Zealand Comics

Thumbnail for Australian & New Zealand Comics
Publisher:Australian & New Zealand Comics
Available Online:Titles: 33 | Books: 264
Latest Book:El Lobo The Man from Nowhere 16 | Uploaded: Mar 23, 2025
Titles:Action Comic (4) | The Adventures of Captain Havoc and The Phantom Knight (3) | The Avenger (2) | Black Roger (2) | Captain Atom (9) | Captain Justice (3) | Catman (9) | Char Chapman, The Phantom of the East (2) | Clancy of the Overflow (3) | Crack Western Comics (2) | The Crimson Comet Comic (12) | Dr Mensana (3) | El Lobo The Man from Nowhere (9) | Fearless Davy Crockett (2) | Flynn of The FBI (2) | Gem Comics (7) | Grey Domino (4) | Humour (4) | Invisible Avenger (7) | Jet Fury (5) | Jungle Comics (6) | Kaänga Comics (5) | Little Trimmer (5) | The Phantom Ranger (6) | Punch Perkins of the Fighting Fleet (3) | The Raven (2) | Secret Agent X9 (3) | Sergeant Pat of the Radio-Patrol (2) | The Shadow (4) | Silver Flash (4) | Sir Falcon (4) | Supreme Feature Comic (3) | Tim Valour (4)

UK Comic Books

Thumbnail for UK Comic Books
Publisher:UK Comic Books
Available Online:Titles: 55 | Books: 2911
Latest Book:Sinister Tales 102 | Uploaded: Mar 14, 2025
Titles:Arnold Book Company (4) | Atlas Publishing & Distributing (1) | Cartoon Art (6) | Foldes Press/WDL (4) | Fudge & Co. Ltd. (3) | Gerald G. Swan (3) | The Hotspur Publishing Co.Ltd. (2) | L. Miller & Son (19) | Streamline (4) | A Classic in Pictures (2) | Ally Sloper's Half Holiday (3) | Bumper Comic Book (2) | The Comet (308) | Comic Cuts (33) | Confessions Library (2) | Cowboy Comics (19) | Cowboy Picture Library (7) | Famous Romance Library (3) | The Favorite Comic (9) | Film Fun (115) | Film Fun Annual (15) | Flash (7) | The Funny Wonder (3) | Girl (18) | Girl Annual (7) | Girls' Crystal (92) | Illustrated Chips (5) | Jester (3) | The Joker (2) | Knockout (269) | Knockout Annuals (11) | LION (407) | Lion Annual (7) | Love Story Picture Library (25) | The Merry Maker (3) | Miracle Man (5) | Oh Boy! (2) | P.C. 49 (3) | Planet Comics (2) | Playbox (2) | Radio Fun (38) | Radio Fun Annual (4) | School Friend (36) | Schoolgirls' Picture Library (148) | The Silent Three (10) | Spaceman (2) | Streamline Comics (3) | SUN (260) | Super Detective Library (161) | Super Detective Picture Library (35) | Thriller Comics Library (189) | Thunderbolt Jaxon (6) | Tip Top Book (3) | Top Spot (5) | True Life Library (7)
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