Welcome to the main page of our massive public domain comic book archive. True gems to download or read online. So many, it is impossible to read them all!
The majority of our books belong to what has been termed the Golden Age of Comics. This began primarily with newspaper reprints and then "went up, up and away" with the introduction of Superman. Styles changed, new genres superseded old and then a new era dawned, the Silver Age of Comics, of which we also have many examples.
For what was once a massive industry, the publishers and their successors often took little care of their work. Many of the comics were either not copyrighted correctly, or the copyright was not renewed. Through this oversight thousands of comic books lapsed into what is called the "Public Domain", which means that there is now no legal owner. That is why we can bring you all of these FREE and LEGALLY!
So take our word for it, if you browse around you are certain to spend a great many happy hours here!