in house dollar bill thumbnail
 Total: 43,792 books
 New: 116 books

Logo For User GuideWelcome to "How Do I ?" the Comic Book Plus Help and User Guide.

Our archive holds many thousands of comics, comic strips and books, plus we have added so many cool features that at times it can all become a little bit overwhelming. Also, despite our best endeavours, sometimes things do not quite work the way they should.

We decided something had to be done and our solution is this rather handy guide. Hopefully, this will help you find answers to any questions or problems you are having. If you are still searching then have a look in our forum, the chances are that the answer is there. If you are still having problems, then don't be shy and post your question in the forum. You will almost certainly get a helpful reply from one of our other members.

Apart from being a help file this is also a user guide. If you read through it you may discover new tools and tips for you to make the most of our site.

You are WELCOME to enjoy our site & read ALL our books online. But to download & join our forum please create a FREE account or login

How Do I? Getting The Best Out Of Our Site

Downloading And Reading Books

The Brain wearing electronic glasses

If you wish to download our books there are a few things that you need to do.

Firstly, you will have to register an account with us. This is FREE and easy to do.

Once this has been approved you are all set to go! After you have downloaded your first book you will need some software to read it. There are various options, but a simple and popular solution is Cdisplay which you can download here.

Finding Cool Books

A doctor with a microscope

Our collection of books is truly massive so at times it can be difficult to find what you want and also very easy to miss a gem. We have been adding new ways to help you explore the site.

  • The first thing to tell you that we have put all our most important links on the top of every page. Either on the top grey tool bar, on each side of the logo or on the yellow toolbar that sits beneath it.
  • We have a basic search that is available to logged on members. This sits on the right of the top tool bar.
  • To find the latest books that have been added you need to visit our Insite page latest uploads page.
  • Apart from recent additions the Insite Section also has other statically related secions, such as the highest rated and books that have been downloaded the most.
  • If you are looking to find books grouped by genre then we have the answer our Category Pages

Legal Cans And Can'ts

A judge in court

One very frequent question we are asked is: 'Can I use the books here for ... (add your own idea)'.

The first thing to make clear is WE ARE NOT LAWYERS, so can give you no legal advice about what you can or cannot use the books for.

What we can say is that we make no claim of ownership for ANY of the books in our collection. We have satisfied ourselves, that all the books here are in the public domain or that there is no legal owner. Other works we hold, which are copyrighted, have been donated to this site by their creators.

If you wish to use any of the books we hold, it is your responsibilty to check the copyright status and also whether you will be infringing Trademark laws.

Please be aware that the site and all our text is copyrighted, so you cannot mirror or plagiarize our content.

Comic Book Plus In-House Image

I Want To Lend A Helping Hand

A man saving a woman from a flood

We are ALWAYS looking for people to help us make this site better! In particular

  • Be active in our forum. Don't be shy and join in the conversation, or start a new one. This is a good way to get yourself known.
  • Add comments and reviews to our books. We are always on the search for more words.
  • If you have public domain books we don't have, then it would be great if scanned them to add to our collection
  • Help us create more compilations. If your favorite character or artist is not included then here is your chance!
  • Donate your own work. Have you created your own comic books or fanzine? Then what better place to show them to the world?
  • Maybe you are a wordsmith. Then comic and book related articles are very welcome here. Just get typing!
But, please be careful that your work does not infringe copyright or trademark laws. This is VERY important to us.

Widget - Your Little Sidekick

A mouse with oversized glasses

On the right of every page is our widget a useful little tool. Unless you change to another option the widget shows you the 15 most recent additions to Comic Book Plus. So you can quickly see if any books have been added since your last visit.

If you drop down the red menu you will see other options most of which show the top comics in our Insite section. To help you, the site remembers the last option you chose and then uses that as the default. One of the options is titled 'My Comic Reads'. This is a cool little addition to the widget. Here you will find your last 15 reads. So now you can easily keep track of your recent readings!

Your Own Place In Comic Book Plus

Captain Marvel Junior looking at his black eye

As time goes on we will be adding more and more little treats for our members and guests.

Currently, we are concentrating on helping you keep track of what you have read and also what you plan to read.

Did you know we automatically keep a record of the last 15 books that have been read on your machine, and even have a placemark in the last page? You can find these by clicking on your name on the top tool bar. This feature is also available for guests.

The same reads are also available using our handy widget, that we told you about earlier.

Other Bits That We See you Might Ask

Images in a crystal ball

You are more than welcome to link to our site. If you have interesting content or have added books to our site then we may well link to your site. But we DO NOT participate in link exchanging schemes, as this will harm our reputation and adds no value for our members or visitors.

As mentioned at the beginning of this page the bast place to find answers is in the Comic Book Plus Forum.

Finally after all the yes's, there is a BIG NO:
Comic Book Plus is NOT FOR SALE! Well, that is not quite true, it maybe, at a non-negotiable $2m. So unless you have that amount of money to burn, please don't ask. It's way too much fun to sell for less, so just enjoy!!

Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Mission: Our mission is to present free of charge, and to the widest audience, popular cultural works of the past. These are offered as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. They reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. We do not endorse these views, which may contain content offensive to modern users.

Disclaimer: We aim to house only Public Domain content. If you suspect that any of our material may be infringing copyright, please use our contact page to let us know. So we can investigate further. Utilizing our downloadable content, is strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.