in house dollar bill thumbnail
 Total: 43,792 books
 New: 116 books

Thumbnail for Pulp MagazinesHere we present Dime Novels, Penny Dreadfuls, Story Papers and Pulp Magazines.
All of which were popular reading for the masses in America and abroad from the later 19th and early 20th centuries.

They were then overtaken by the comic book revolution which they helped spawn.

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Pulp Magazines

Crime and Detective

Thumbnail for Crime and Detective
Title:Crime and Detective
Issues Available:306
Latest Issue:Super-Detective V11 n02 May 1950 | Uploaded: Jul 26, 2023
Sub-Categories:The Black Mask (4) | Complete Detective Cases (2) | Crack Detective (2) | Detective Story Magazine (4) | Dixon Hawke Library (8) | Dixon Hawke's Casebook (5) | Front Page Detective (3) | The Illustrated Detective Magazine (1) | Sexton Blake Library (236) | Startling Detective (2) | Ten Detective Aces (3) | True Detective Mysteries (7)
Categories:Crime | Detective


Thumbnail for Horror
Issues Available:269
Latest Issue:The Black Cat v10 8 - A Wife for the Pastor - Chapin Howard | Uploaded: Mar 12, 2021
Sub-Categories:The Black Cat (248) | Ghost Stories (1) | Weird Tales (16)


Thumbnail for Romance
Issues Available:37
Latest Issue:Snappy v16 11 | Uploaded: Sep 6, 2017
Sub-Categories:Army Romances (1) | Dream World (1) | Ginger Stories (2) | Peg's Companion (1) | Peg's Paper (1) | Ranch Romances (3) | Rangeland Romances/Love Stories (5) | Real Western Romances (1) | Romance Series (5) | Romantic Movie Stories (1) | Saucy Stories (2) | Spicy Stories (5)

Science Fiction

Thumbnail for Science Fiction
Title:Science Fiction
Issues Available:521
Latest Issue:Amazing Stories v3 5 Complete issue | Uploaded: Feb 24, 2025
Sub-Categories:Amazing Stories (167) | Amazing Stories Quarterly (20) | Astounding (12) | Authentic Science Fiction (11) | Dynamic Science Fiction (4) | Fantastic Adventures (61) | Fantasy Book (4) | Imaginative Tales (21) | New Worlds (16) | Planet Stories (71) | Planet Stories (UK) (3) | Rocket Stories (3) | Saturn (1) | Scientific Detective Monthly (2) | The Spider (5) | Startling Stories (2) | Thrills Incorporated (7)
Categories:Science Fiction

War and Military

Thumbnail for War and Military
Title:War and Military
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:Wings v11 6 | Uploaded: Jul 4, 2017
Sub-Categories:Air Adventures (1)
Categories:War/Armed Forces


Thumbnail for Western
Issues Available:31
Latest Issue:Wild West Weekly 1133 - Young Wild West over the Rio Grande | Uploaded: Oct 8, 2022
Sub-Categories:Mammoth Western (4) | Two-Gun Western (1) | Wild West Weekly (12)

Action Stories

Thumbnail for Action Stories
Title:Action Stories
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:Action Stories v17 11 - Señorita Scorpion - The Curse of Montezuma | Uploaded: Mar 14, 2021
Categories:Adventure | Mixed Bag
Publication History:Issues: 224 |  Sequence: v1 #1 - v19 #8 |  Dates: -
A Fiction House pulp


Thumbnail for Adventure
Issues Available:26
Latest Issue:Adventure v122 5 | Uploaded: May 12, 2018
Adventure magazine first appeared in October 1910. In its first ten years of publication, it carried stories by such well known authors as Rider Haggard, John Buchan, Rafael Sabatini & Baroness Orczy. By the 1920s, Adventure had become one of the most profitable and critically acclaimed magazines of its kind, and in 1935, it would be hailed as 'The No. 1 Pulp' by the editors of Time. At its peak it was publishing over 300,000 copies.
Adventure's reputation as 'The No. 1 Pulp', stems from the editorship of Arthur Hoffman, who was editor from 1912 to 1927. Hoffman introduced several key features establishing Adventure as more than just a magazine; the editorial pages column known as 'The Camp-Fire'; 'Lost Trails' which helped re-unite readers with lost family and friends; 'Wanted-Men and Adventurers,' a 'Help Wanted' section for those interested in excitement and adventure; and 'Ask Adventure,' wherein readers submitted questions to the magazine's international panel of experts.
Adventure was first published by the Ridgway Co., an offshoot of the Butterick Publishing Company, which was mainly known for the publication of sewing patterns, so Adventure was a vast departure into the pulp market.
It ran from 1910 until 1953 for a total of 753 issues. In April 1953, the pulp changed its format to that of a men's adventure magazine for a further 128 issues. The magazine finally folded in 1971.

Aldine Robin Hood Library

Thumbnail for Aldine Robin Hood Library
Title:Aldine Robin Hood Library
Issues Available:19
Latest Issue:Aldine Robin Hood Library 60 - Faithful Unto Death | Uploaded: Mar 29, 2020
Categories:Adventure | Classic Tales
Publication History:Issues: 88 |  Sequence: #1 - #88 |  Dates: -

The All-Story Magazine

Thumbnail for The All-Story Magazine
Title:The All-Story Magazine
Issues Available:14
Latest Issue:All-Story Weekly v105 1 | Uploaded: Sep 17, 2017
Categories:Mixed Bag
Publication History: Dates: -
The All-Story Magazine was first published in January 1905 by the Frank A. Munsey Company based in New York, USA.
It went through a few title changes in its publishing history: The All-Story, All-Story Magazine, All-Story Weekly & All-Story Cavalier Weekly.
Its authors included Sax Rohmer, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Zane Grey & Damon Runyon.
It ran for a total of 444 issues before merging with Argosy in July 1920. It is widely regarded as one of the most important of the early fiction magazines.
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The Argosy

Thumbnail for The Argosy
Title:The Argosy
Issues Available:52
Latest Issue:Argosy All-Story Weekly v156 2 | Uploaded: Aug 26, 2020
Categories:Adventure | Mixed Bag
Publication History: Dates: -
Argosy, later titled The Argosy and Argosy All-Story Weekly, was an American pulp magazine from 1882 through 1978, published by Frank Munsey. It is the first American pulp magazine. The magazine began as a children's weekly story-paper entitled The Golden Argosy.

In late September 1882, Frank Munsey had moved to New York City to start Argosy, having arranged a partnership with a friend and with a stockbroker from. Munsey put most of his money, around $500, into purchasing stories for the magazine. Once in New York, the stockbroker backed out, and Munsey released his New York friend from involvement, as they were hopelessly underfunded. He then pitched the magazine to a publisher, and convinced him to publish the magazine and hire Munsey as editor.

The first issue published December 2, 1882, was eight pages and cost five cents. Munsey found targeting children a mistake, as they did not stay subscribed for any length of time, since they grew out of reading the magazine. Additionally, children did not have much money to spend, limiting the number of advertisers.

In December 1888 the title was changed to The Argosy. Publication to monthly in April 1894, at which time the magazine began its shift towards pulp fiction. It eventually published its first all-fiction issue in 1896. The all-fiction Argosy launched a new genre of magazines, and is considered the pioneer among pulp magazines. (Source: wikipedia)

It appears that nothing before 1951 was renewed as well as not all issues after were renewed. However, many individuals stories were renewed. We have had to remove all issues after 1922 until stories can be searched.

Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library

Thumbnail for Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library
Title:Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library 302 | Uploaded: Nov 7, 2020
Publication History: Dates:
Boys' First-Rate Pocket Library was published by Aldine Publishing Company based in London, UK.
This publication is not considered a Pulp magazine but falls under the terminology of a "Penny Dreadful". Unusual for a publication of its type it featured coloured covers.
It was first published in 1890 and run for a total of 472 issues until it folded in 1905.
The stories were typically lurid tales intended to grip the reader, initially of pirates and highway-men, later concentrating on crime and detection.

Captain Mors

Thumbnail for Captain Mors
Title:Captain Mors
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Adrift In Space | Uploaded: Dec 30, 2012
Categories:Science Fiction | Masked/Mystery Men | Pirates
Publication History: Dates: -
Thanks to Jess Nevins for permission to carry these from his website. Translated from the German by Justin Gilbert

Dick Turpin

Thumbnail for Dick Turpin
Title:Dick Turpin
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Dick Turpin 170 - The Spectre's Secret | Uploaded: Oct 13, 2012
Dick Turpin was a story paper published by Aldine Publishing from April 1902 to September 1909, starring 19th century highwayman Dick Turpin.
Apparently published 4 times a month it ran for a total of 182 issues (This figure doesn't equate to the time-scale of the publication).
The stories were mostly written by A. Sherrington Burrage writing under the name Charlton Lea.

Famous Fantastic Mysteries

Thumbnail for Famous Fantastic Mysteries
Title:Famous Fantastic Mysteries
Issues Available:5
Latest Issue:Famous Fantastic Mysteries v3 1 - Claimed - Francis Stevens | Uploaded: Mar 23, 2016
Categories:Science Fiction | Horror
Publication History:Issues: 81 |  Sequence: v1 #1 - v14 #4 |  Dates: -
Famous Fantastic Mysteries was published by the Frank A. Munsey Company based in New York, USA.
Published originally as bi-monthly, it had a short spell as a monthly magazine before reverting to bi-monthly. It ran from 1939 to 1953 for a total of 81 issues.
A fantasy fiction magazine offering reprints of scientific and fantastic classics from earlier decades. Some of it's more famous authors included G. K. Chesterton, H. G. Wells, and H. Rider Haggard. Renewals seem to have taken place in 1982 which would make magazines 1943 and earlier in public domain.

Fight Stories

Thumbnail for Fight Stories
Title:Fight Stories
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:Fight Stories v1 1 | Uploaded: Oct 4, 2013
Categories:Boxing/Martial Arts
Publication History: Dates: -
Fight Stories was published by Fiction House based in New York, USA.
Its publishing run covered two spells: monthly from June 1928 to May 1932 for a total of 47 issues, then quarterly from Spring 1936 to Spring 1952 for a further 59 issues (106 total).
A pulp magazine devoted to stories of boxing, plus articles of the famous boxers of the time.
It is best remembered for publishing a large number of stories by Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Barbarian.

Four O'Clock

Thumbnail for Four O'Clock
Title:Four O'Clock
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Four O'Clock 7 | Uploaded: Aug 11, 2012
Categories:Mixed Bag
Four O' Clock magazine was published by A.L. Swift & Co. based in Chicago, USA.
Published monthly from February 1897 to December 1902 it ran for a total of 71 issues.
It was well known for its cover art featuring well known artists of the time such as J. C. Leyendecker.
It featured original stories and poetry of a general nature.
After its final issue it merged with The Philharmonic, a magazine dedicated to the modern arts.

The Halfpenny Surprise

Thumbnail for The Halfpenny Surprise
Title:The Halfpenny Surprise
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Halfpenny Surprise 20 | Uploaded: Jun 26, 2012
Categories:Adventure | Mixed Bag
The Halfpenny Surprise was a British magazine published by Edwin J. Brett based in Fleet Street, London, UK.
Published weekly from November 1894 to April 1906, it ran for a total of approximately 600 issues. The title was then changed to New Surprise.
It featured complete stories of Adventure and Suspense in each issue.

Jungle Stories

Thumbnail for Jungle Stories
Title:Jungle Stories
Issues Available:11
Latest Issue:Jungle Stories v3 7 - Death Seeks for Congo Treasure - John Peter Drummond | Uploaded: Jul 2, 2017
Publication History:Issues: 58
Jungle Stories was a pulp magazine published by Glen-Kel Publishing, a division of Fiction House based in New York, USA.
Published quarterly from 1938 to 1954, it ran for a total of 59 issues.
Essentially a character pulp, each issue featured a lead novel about Ki-Gor. This character was an imitation of Tarzan, which has caused Jungle Stories to be heavily collected by some Burroughs fans. Ki-Gor however lacked Tarzan's ability to communicate with animals. Each of the covers usually featured a scantily clad girl in a leopard skin costume.

Mammoth Adventure

Thumbnail for Mammoth Adventure
Title:Mammoth Adventure
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Mammoth Adventure v1 3 | Uploaded: May 12, 2013
Mammoth Adventure was a short-lived bi-monthly pulp magazine published by Ziff-Davis based in Chicago, USA.
It ran for 8 issues between July 1946 to September 1947.
As the title suggests it features mostly Adventure stories both historical and modern.
The covers featured luridly drawn depictions of one of the stories within.
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New Story Magazine

Thumbnail for New Story Magazine
Title:New Story Magazine
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:New Story Magazine v8 3 | Uploaded: Oct 15, 2012
Publication History:Issues: 52 |  Sequence: #1 - #52 |  Dates: -
New Story Magazine was a pulp magazine published monthly by Street & Smith based in New York, USA.
Formerly Gunter's Magazine, then The New Magazine, it then became All Around Magazine, finally merging with Peoples' Magazine.
It ran from August 1911 to November 1915 for a total of 52 issues.
It featured 'Up-To-Date Original Fiction' mainly Mystery, Adventure and Western stories. Some of its contributors were H. Rider Haggard, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Edgar Wallace.

The Nugget Library

Thumbnail for The Nugget Library
Title:The Nugget Library
Issues Available:4
Latest Issue:v1 86 - Old Moscow, The King of the Trappers | Uploaded: Jul 8, 2017
Categories:Mixed Bag
The Nugget Library V1 was a weekly magazine published by Street & Smith based in New York, USA.
It ran from 29 August 1889 to 16 August 1892 for a total of 167 issues.
It mostly included complete adventure stories in each issue, with two series featuring continuing characters, Tom Edison Jr. and Diamond Dick, both based on real life people. Thomas Edison, the famous inventor portrayed in his younger developmental years and Diamond Dick inspired by the life and career of herbal-medicine promoter and showman George B. McClellan, whose nickname was 'Diamond Dick'.

The Nugget Library V2 was a weekly magazine published by James Henderson and Sons based in Fleet Street, London, UK.
It ran from January 1908 to May 1916 for a total of 330 issues.
It featured a mix of adventure, historical and school stories.

The Popular Magazine

Thumbnail for The Popular Magazine
Title:The Popular Magazine
Issues Available:27
Latest Issue:Popular Magazine v64 2 | Uploaded: May 27, 2020
Categories:Adventure | Mixed Bag
Publication History:Issues: 612 |  Sequence: #1 - #612 |  Dates: -
The Popular Library was a monthly magazine published by Street & Smith based in New York, USA.
It ran from November 1903 to October 1931 for a total of 612 issues.
It originally was intended to be a boys' magazine, but after three issues it changed to a more mature mens' pulp magazine.
It went through a number of name changes in its publishing run:
The Popular Magazine for Boys and 'Old Boys': November 1903
The Popular Magazine: December 1903 - September 1927
The Popular Stories: September 1927 - December 1927
The Popular: January 1928 - October 1928 and finally again,
The Popular Magazine: October 1928 - October 1931.
It featured short stories, novellas, serialized larger works, and even entire short novels. The magazine's subject matter covered a number of different genres, although it contained mostly men's adventure stories.
The magazine can be considered a forerunner of the pulp fiction magazines that were prominent from the 1920s to the 1950s, as it avoided more highbrow fare in favour of fiction 'for the common man'.
One of the magazine's earliest successes came with the publication of H. Rider Haggard's novel Ayesha in 1905. Other well-known authors published by The Popular Magazine include H.G. Wells, Rafael Sabatini, Zane Grey, John Buchan, Sax Rohmer and Edgar Wallace.

RAF Aces

Thumbnail for RAF Aces
Title:RAF Aces
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:RAF Aces v3 2 | Uploaded: Oct 1, 2013
Categories:War/Armed Forces | Aviation
R.A.F. Aces was a quarterly pulp magazine published by Better Publications Inc. based in New York, USA.
Basically one of a number of wartime propaganda magazines published in the USA to boost morale, it featured thrilling stories of Air Aces defeating the Nazi menace during World War II.
It ran from August 1941 to Summer 1944 for a total of 13 issues.

Robin Hood

Thumbnail for Robin Hood
Title:Robin Hood
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:Robin Hood 52 - The Price of Treachery | Uploaded: Mar 26, 2020
Categories:Adventure | Robin Hood | Classic Tales
Robin Hood is a famous outlaw in English folk tales who was a highly skilled archer and swords-man. Traditionally depicted as being dressed in Lincoln green, he is often portrayed as 'robbing from the rich and giving to the poor' with his band of Merry Men. Robin Hood became a popular folk figure in the late-medieval period, and continues to be widely portrayed in literature, films and television.

The Robin Hood Library 002 was published by The Amalgamated Press Ltd based in Farringdon Street, London, UK.
It ran weekly from 15 April 1919 to 10 July 1920 for a total of 57 issues.

Robin Hood 007 was published by Aldine Publishing Co. based in Chaucery Lane, London, UK.
It ran monthly from 1912 to 1914 for a total of 14 issues.

Aldine Robin Hood Library 013 was published by Aldine Publishing Co. based in Chaucery Lane, London, UK.
It ran monthly from 1924 to 1927 for a total of 88 issues.


Thumbnail for Sensation
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Sensation v1 2 | Uploaded: Oct 18, 2012
Categories:Romance | Crime | Mixed Bag
Sensation is a monthly pulp magazine published by Sensation Magazines Inc. a division of King Features Syndicate, Inc. based in New York, USA.
It apparently only ran for two issues, dated November 1939 and January 1940. It featured stories and articles of a sensational nature as the title would suggest.
More sensational than the contents of the magazine was the editor, William Buehler Seabrook who actually practiced cannibalism on one occasion, out of curiosity to discover the taste of human meat. He had lived with a tribe of cannibals, called the Guere, whose Chief could not accurately describe the taste to him.
He also had dealings with Aleister Crowley and had a lifelong fascination with the occult practices of Satanism and Haitian Voodoo.

Something To Read

Thumbnail for Something To Read
Title:Something To Read
Issues Available:2
Latest Issue:Something To Read v28 675 | Uploaded: Oct 27, 2013
Categories:Mixed Bag
Something To Read: A Journal For Single And Married Everywhere, was a weekly tabloid which was published by Edwin J. Brett based in London, UK.
Accurate details of this publication are not available, but it is believed it was published from 15th March 1881 onwards. It has upwards of 1100 issues.
The main part of the publication consisted of 16 pages with a novelette supplement consisting of 8-12 pages. The novelettes are mainly romantic based.

Spicy Adventure

Thumbnail for Spicy Adventure
Title:Spicy Adventure
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Spicy Adventure Stories v4 6 | Uploaded: Jun 21, 2013
Spicy-Adventure Stories was a monthly pulp magazine published by Culture Publications based in New York, USA.
It ran from July 1934 to December 1942 for a total of 95 issues.
It contained adventure stories of a risqué nature and the covers reflected this, featuring nearly always a scantily clad young maiden in some form of jeopardy.
N.B. From late 1935 through late 1937, most issues appeared in two different versions - one un-censored and the other self-censored. The censored version was identifiable by a star within a box located at the top of the cover. The interior illustrations were typically 'toned down' in the censored versions e.g. lingerie drawn over a topless female, and some even had variant contents.
Due to censorship issues the title was cancelled and was changed to the more acceptable Speed Adventure Stories, featuring tamer stories. This was published as a Bi-Monthly from January 1943 to January 1946 for a further total of 18 issues. It had two different publishers during this spell, Trojan Publishing and Arrow Publishing.

Sunday Novel

Thumbnail for Sunday Novel
Title:Sunday Novel
Issues Available:3
Latest Issue:Sunday Novel 2 | Uploaded: Oct 9, 2013
Categories:Mixed Bag
Sunday Novel was a supplement to the Sunday Edition of The Detroit Free Press.
It consisted of a complete novelette each Sunday.
Exact details of total issues and press run are unavailable.
The newspaper itself was first published as the Democratic Free Press and Michigan Intelligencer on May 5, 1831.

Telling Tales

Thumbnail for Telling Tales
Title:Telling Tales
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Telling Tales v23n01 | Uploaded: Aug 11, 2012
Categories:Mixed Bag
Telling Tales was a monthly/bi-monthly pulp magazine published by Clayton Magazines based in New York, USA.
It ran from August 1919 to September 1925 for a total of 91 issues.
It was one of the many magazines that became better known as 'Girlie Pulps', describing itself as 'A Magazine Of Speed, Spice And Sparkle'.
It published several stories by well-known pulp authors such as Murray Leinster and H. Bedford-Jones.
Covers usually consisted of mostly young women, sometimes scantily clad, by artists such as Frederick Alexander Duncan and George 'Jack' Oscar Greineras.

Thrilling Adventures

Thumbnail for Thrilling Adventures
Title:Thrilling Adventures
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Thrilling Adventures v2 3 | Uploaded: Oct 31, 2015
Publication History: Dates: -
Thrilling Adventures was a monthly pulp magazine published by Metropolitan Magazines Inc. based in New York, USA.
Thrilling Adventures was created by editor Leo Margulies and was patterned after the pulp 'Adventure'. It was one of 16 pulps that Margulies founded that incorporated the adjective 'Thrilling' in the title. Metropolitan Magazines changed its name to Thrilling Publications to reflect that.
It consisted of 'Adventure' and sports stories which appealed to the more mature reader. Well known authors who had their stories published were Edgar Rice Burroughs, Louis Lamour and L. Ron Hubbard amongst others.

Young Folks Tales

Thumbnail for Young Folks Tales
Title:Young Folks Tales
Issues Available:1
Latest Issue:Young Folk's Tales 198 | Uploaded: Sep 9, 2012
Young Folks' Tales was published by James Henderson and Sons based in Fleet Street, London, UK.
It ran from September 1906 to May 1921 for a total of 546 issues. It then becomes Young Folks' Tales (New Series).
It initially published 4 issues a month until 1910 when it was reduced to 3 issues a month.
The title was taken over by the Amalgamated Press in April 1920 and a new cover introduced in May 1920.
The first editor was Roland Quiz (Richard M. H. Quittenton), author of the old Tim Pippin stories, who was 73 and retired when he took the position.
It at first reprinted long stories from Our Young Folk's Weekly Budget which had appeared in 1871-75. After two years however they had used the complete stock of Quiz's Tim Pippin/Giantland tales. From issue 61 the stories were mostly originals, with half of the new stories being written by Roland Quiz himself.
  An Eastern Vendetta by Old Sleuth 161 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 117.00 6175 47
1 Basketball Stories v01 001 130 DPP Oct 21, 2013 85.00 5786 33
  Black Hollow 101 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 14.00 5915 37
  Boy Exiles of Siberia 33 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 102.00 5290 32
76 Diamond Dick, Jr. 0076 37 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 31.00 6655 38
  Dick Turpin in a Hot Corner 21 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 113.00 6643 48
3 Everybody's Magazine v24 03 316 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 50.00 5910 38
438 Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner v017 438 17 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 41.00 5642 36
  Fritz to the Front by Edward L. Wheeler 164 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 100.00 5812 33
3 G-8 and His Battle Aces v27 03 99 Archive Jun 10, 2017 31.00 5184 33
12 Gentleman's Journal v01 12 16 unknown | hoover Oct 5, 2013 28.00 6097 38
  Inkle and Yarico 30 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 12.00 5135 17
  Jack and His Seven Foes 177 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 203.00 5823 33
  Joyce of the Secret Squadron - A Captain Midnight Adventure 256 Archive Sep 25, 2017 45.00 4548 91
  Motor Matts Queer Find or the Secret of the Iron Chest 37 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 149.00 5321 32
  Old Sleuth's Own 041 The Twin Ventriloquists 101 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 41.00 5568 40
1342 Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times v52 1342 16 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 43.00 5945 30
1450 Pluck And Luck 1450 The Pearl Prince 35 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 39.00 5867 32
3 Scarlet Adventuress v01 03 52 cimmerian32 May 13, 2013 73.00 11378 204
6 Sea Stories v18 06 153 Darwination Jun 27, 2017 147.00 3657 22
129 Street and Smith's Literary Album 0129 17 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 55.00 6262 42
  Strike for the King 29 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 34.00 5910 47
  Tarzan of the Apes (1918) 198 Ajnaabi Jun 28, 2014 62.00 10075 480
  The Castle of Montabino 42 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 35.00 20462 34
15 The Continent v03 15 (61) 45 Bones Jun 8, 2017 21.00 3856 26
  The Green Splotches by T. S, Stribling 36 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 42.00 6621 58
  The Magician 36 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 31.00 6604 46
  The Mysteries of Bedlam 117 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 96.00 6291 52
262 The Nickel Library v012 0262 - The Yankee Smuggler 33 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 28.00 5943 35
110 The O'er Land And Sea Library 0110 69 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 56.00 5950 39
4 The Railroad Man's Magazine v12 04 208 Archive Jun 8, 2017 46.00 3652 47
3 The Wampus Cat v02 03 37 D&M Oct 5, 2013 20.00 7094 39
  The White Pilgrim 38 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 14.00 5224 32
77 Tip Top Tales 077 69 Pulpshmoo Oct 27, 2013 31.00 6363 32
  Yankee Eph 100 Pulpshmoo Jan 1, 2015 63.00 4631 25
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