As you must know this site holds many thousands of cool books, which you can choose from. In fact there are so many, that sometimes it is difficult to decide which ones to read.
We thought about this and decided it might be an good idea to create some pages that showed you a selection of books that have either recently added, received favorable ratings or are in other ways record breakers.
These represent just a tiny fraction of the books that you can either read online or download to peruse at your leisure. But, hopefully our Insite pages will be a stepping stone to help you discover even more of the gems that this site holds.
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Insite Pages - Digging Deeper Into The Site
Latest 1,500 Uploads

We are adding more comics every day. If you blink you may just miss something you have been waiting for. Check these
pages regularly and you are certain that you will know exactly what has been added. more ...
Top 100 Downloads

In this section we have asked the database to give us a list of the hundred most downloaded comic books. This must be a good indication that
they have that extra bit of pazazz you are looking for. more ...
Top 100 Highest Rated

On every comic page we have a section where you can rate the book. These pages show what visitors to the site think are the top one hundred reads. But then, they might not be right. You decide!
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The Random 12 Project

Every Monday the system chooses 12 random comics. If you want to take part choose one of the books and after reading it give a rating and leave a comment about what you thought about it
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The Contributor's Section

All our books listed by contributor. This may be the original scanner, an editor or maybe the uploader. We owe them a huge debt, if it was not for these kind souls there would not be a Comic Book Plus!
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Top 100 Most Rated

This is another ratings section. This time we have collected together comic books that have been rated the most number of times. So for reasons, good or maybe bad they have made it into the Insite section.
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Top 100 Commented

Once you have read one of this site's comic books you can leave a comment. Maybe to help other readers or just to tell us a bit more what you think about the book. Here are the most talked about.
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Top 100 Most Viewed

Apart from keeping a log when a comic book is downloaded, we also record every time a page has been looked at. This section holds the pages that people have visited the most number of times.
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