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We have a Hindi Gulliver, Mexican masked men, Spanish cowboys and much, much more.

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Non-English Books

Translated Books - Scanilations

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Non English Section: Translated Books - Scanilations
Books Online:18
Latest Book:Lindaflor 52: The Ermine Cape | Uploaded: Feb 12, 2025
Issues:Plutos - Translation (6) | The Second Pimpernel (3)

Arabic Language Books

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Non English Section:Arabic Language Books
Books Online:2
Latest Book:Alf Lila | Uploaded: Jan 15, 2014

Catalan Language Books

Thumbnail for Catalan Language Books
Non English Section:Catalan Language Books
Books Online:80
Latest Book:En Patufet 54 | Uploaded: Aug 29, 2014
Issues:En Patufet (52) | Historia i Llegenda (28)

Dutch Language Books

Thumbnail for Dutch Language Books
Non English Section:Dutch Language Books
Books Online:74
Latest Book:Blauwe Pijl 7 - De Maanberg | Uploaded: Sep 21, 2024
Issues:Bob Crack (5) | De Moker (4) | De Schaduw (2) | De Tweede Pimpernel (8) | Dolf Staal (6) | Fulgor (7) | Lex Brand (23) | Raka (3) | Sjors Van De Rebellenclub (6) | Steve Drake (4)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image

French Language Books

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Non English Section:French Language Books
Books Online:1287
Latest Book:Baby Journal 8 | Uploaded: Jan 24, 2025
Issues:Albert Brien (93) | Amok (21) | Ardan Series 1 & 2 (4) | Atome Kid (13) | Aventures de Cow-Boys (34) | Aventures de Demain (14) | Aventures de Pecos Bill (3) | Les Aventures Extraordinaires de Guy Verchères (43) | Les Aventures Futuristes (1) | Baby Journal (8) | Big Bill Le Casseur (4) | Collection Hurrah! (3) | Diane, La Belle Aventuriere (20) | Domino Noir (47) | Fantax (3) | Fulguros (3) | Hardi les Gars (13) | Inspecteur Durand (4) | Jean Lynx le Nyctalope (3) | Jim Cartouche (2) | L'Agent IXE-13 (699) | La Cagoule Rouge (3) | La Patrie - Section Comique (10) | Le Roman Canadien (44) | Milwaukee Comics (8) | Mister X (10) | Petits Albums Pour Rire (24) | Police-Journal (25) | Robin Des Bois (7) | Roman d'Amour (3) | Targa (5) | Vaillant (18) | Wonderman (2)

German Language Books

Thumbnail for German Language Books
Non English Section:German Language Books
Books Online:63
Latest Book:Silberpfeil im wilden Westen 4 - Die Gefangene | Uploaded: Sep 10, 2024
Issues:Abenteuer der Weltgeschichte (18) | Harry, die bunte Jugendzeitung (16) | Texas (14)

Hindi Language Books

Thumbnail for Hindi Language Books
Non English Section:Hindi Language Books
Books Online:18
Latest Book:Chandamama 1959-04 | Uploaded: May 10, 2016
Issues:Chandamama (6) | Manoj Chitra Katha (11)


Thumbnail for Hungarian
Non English Section:Hungarian
Books Online:7
Latest Book:Abeces Konyv | Uploaded: Sep 10, 2018
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Italian Language Books

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Non English Section:Italian Language Books
Books Online:176
Latest Book:Plutos 25 - Nelle Spire del Mostro | Uploaded: Aug 23, 2023
Issues:Ciclone (3) | Corriere dei Piccoli (3) | El Bravo (5) | Fulmine Mascherato (3) | Il Giustiziere Scarlatto (6) | L'Uomo Mascherato (2) | La Dama Di Picche (5) | La Tigre Bianca (2) | Mirko (7) | Mistero (13) | Nell'Impero degli Incas (11) | Piccola Maschera (4) | Plutos (25) | Ragar (26) | Simbar (3) | Tanks L'Uomo D' Acciaio (8) | Testa Di Marmo (2) | Tour of Italy (6) | Za-La-Mort (12) | Zamorro (6)


Thumbnail for Philippine
Non English Section:Philippine
Books Online:3
Latest Book:Pinoy Komiks Compilation | Uploaded: Jul 2, 2016

Portuguese Language Books

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Non English Section:Portuguese Language Books
Books Online:82
Latest Book:Almanaque Album Gigante 1958 - Vinte Mil Leguas Submarinas | Uploaded: Nov 25, 2021
Issues:Aguia Negra (7) | Almanaque Album Gigante (5) | Biriba Mensal (2) | Grande Hotel (2) | O Carlitos (6) | O Cavaleiro Andante (4) | O Cavaleiro Fantasma (2) | Raio Negro (1) | Super X (2) | Xuxa (23)

Romanian Language Books

Thumbnail for Romanian Language Books
Non English Section:Romanian Language Books
Books Online:192
Latest Book:Medicul nostru v1 35 | Uploaded: Dec 30, 2018
Issues:Almanahul Copiilor (2) | Cunoştinţe Folositoare (2) | Dimineata Copiilor (34) | DOX (2) | Furnica (2) | Gazeta Slujbasilor (4) | Indienii (2) | Intamplari cu Truta si Fanuta (2) | Licurici (4) | Luminita (2) | Pentru Copii (2) | Rebus (6) | Universul Copiilor (48) | Ziarul Călătoriilor (29)

Spanish Language Books

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Non English Section:Spanish Language Books
Books Online:2862
Latest Book:Pobre Diablo 21 | Uploaded: Sep 22, 2024
Issues:2 Americanos en Europa (24) | Aguilla Negra (2) | Alan Duff (31) | Alicia (4) | Amok (3) | Angeles de La Calle (5) | Apache (25) | La Araña Verde (2) | Ardillita (5) | Armando El Intrépido (3) | Atomo Kid (17) | Aventura de Peter (2) | Aventuras Célebres (24) | Aventuras de Buffalo Bill (55) | Aventuras de Federico (7) | Aventuras de Juan y Luis (11) | Aventuras del FBI (18) | Aventuras ilustradas (1) | Aventuras y viajes (5) | Bala Certera (8) | Barrabases (6) | Bengala (54) | Bill Cody (16) | Bill Kraker (23) | Boro-Kay (8) | Bravo Español (1) | El Caballero de Las Tres Cruces (10) | El Caballero Fantasma (1) | El Caballero Negro (18) | Can Can (12) | El Capitán Coraje (5) | El Capitán Júpiter (26) | Capitán Vélez, Lizárraga y Tomasín (2) | Capitan Coraje (15) | El Capitan Leon (6) | Capitan Sol (11) | Cartucho Y 'Patata' (25) | Castor el Invencible (12) | Cesar Meteor (9) | Chacal (10) | Chanoc (6) | Chicos (32) | Coleccion Comandos (29) | Coleccion Golondrina (5) | Coleccion Post Guerra (3) | Coleccion Sentimental (4) | El Coyote (14) | Cuatro Capitanes (11) | La Daga Roja (3) | Dan Barry el Terremoto (25) | Dani el Aviador (9) | El Defensor de La Cruz (13) | El Diablo de los Mares (32) | Diamante Negro (20) | Diego Valor (10) | Don Z (60) | Dos Corazones (5) | El Duende (40) | El Duque Negro (43) | El Club de los Cinco (5) | El Encapuchado (27) | El Espiritu de la Selva (90) | Flecha Negra (23) | Flechas y pelayos (48) | Formidables Aventuras de el Temerario (3) | Fredy Barton El Audaz (15) | Gacela Blanca (6) | El Gavilan (25) | Gente Menuda (2) | Gorgorito (8) | Graciela (5) | Granizada (1) | Guerra A La Tierra (7) | Hazanas Belicas (29) | Heroes y Maravillas Del Mundo (4) | El Hijo del Diablo de Los Mares (22) | Historia y Leyenda (20) | Historias y Cuentos de TBO (2) | El Hombre de la Estrella (12) | Hombres De Acero (18) | Huracan, El Piloto Fantasma (12) | Inspector Dan (50) | El Inspector Wade de Scotland Yard (7) | Intrigas y Estocadas (18) | Jack y Dolly (4) | Jefes Pieles Rojas (6) | Jeque Blanco (4) | Jim Pat (6) | El Jinete Enmascarado (7) | Johnny el Temerario (7) | Jorge y Fernando (90) | Jorge y Fernando - Annuals (4) | Juan Bravo Y Sus Chicos (33) | Juan Centella (15) | Junior Films (63) | Kid Roney (3) | Kit-Boy (12) | Mamita (3) | María Cortés y la Dra. Alden (8) | Maravillas (2) | Marcos (7) | Marfisan (8) | Mari-Tere (2) | Mascara Verde (14) | Mendoza Colt (9) | Los Mil Y Un Cuento (3) | Montana (6) | Mundo Futuro (7) | El Murcielago (6) | Orlan el Luchador Invencible (16) | Pacho Dinamita (20) | Paco Pereda (2) | Pancho Colate (3) | Pantera Rubia - La Selva (45) | Patoruzito (52) | Patoruzu (3) | Pelayos (101) | Peneca (29) | El Pequeno Luchador (30) | El Pequeno Mosquetero (21) | Piluchi (5) | Pimpinela (2) | Pimpinela (Chile) (3) | El Pirata Cobra Blanca (12) | Platillos Volantes - Series 1 (15) | Platillos Volantes - Series 2 (18) | El Poder Invisible (36) | Poncho Libertas (12) | Pulgarcito (2) | El Puma (16) | Ray de Astur (7) | Ray Landan (5) | Ray London - El Rey de los Comandos (6) | Rayo Kit (25) | Red Dixon - Series 1 (10) | Red Dixon - Series 2 (15) | Revista Juvenil Feminina (10) | El Rey de la Jungla (8) | Ricardo Barrio (4) | Ricardo Manteca y Jorgito Apuros (11) | Rico Tipo (11) | Rock Robot (32) | Santo. El Enmascarado de Plata (2) | Selección Aventurera (47) | Selección Grandes Aventuras (5) | Serenata (19) | La Sombra Justiciera (48) | Suchai (226) | Superhombre (68) | Tía Vicenta (2) | El Temible Pirata (7) | Terciopelo Negro (25) | Thalma Klan (1) | Tom Mix (2) | Ultus (14) | Los Vampiros del Aire (11) | El Vengador del Mundo (10) | Los Vikingos (2) | Yorga (15) | El Zorro (25)
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