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An Old Newsstand
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Welcome to the Virtual Newsstand, a journey back in time to see what were the hottest titles on the block.

As with its companion, the Yesteryear Listening Guide, we have included snippets of topical news to add some color. This will hopefully give a better feel for the times. And on occasions it will serve to remind us that sometimes there is a bit more to life than comics, or the radio.

We have tried to be as accurate as possible and have used cover dates to decide which issues were on sale for each month. These may not be always be reliable, but are the best indication. If issues were seasonal then:

   • Spring becomes March    • Summer becomes June
   • Fall becomes September    • Winter becomes December

It's the best that anyone can do. So join us as we travel way back when, and see the changes in content as the months and years roll past.

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The Virtual Newsstand - Way Back When

Year - 1939

World War II begins - Wizard of Oz released - HMS Royal Oak sunk - St. Louis returns to Europe - Lou Gehrig plays final game more ...

Year - 1940

Battle of Britain - 338,226 troops rescued in Dunkirk - Leon Trotsky assassinated - Cave paintings discovered in Lascaux more ...

Year - 1941

Rudolf Hess flies to Scotland - Jews forced to wear Star of David - Japanese attack Pearl Harbor - Axis soldiers invade Russia more ...
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Year - 1942

First extermination camp opens - Casablanca premieres - First V-2 rocket launched - Carole Lombard dies in plane crash more ...

Year - 1943

Great Depression officially ends - Italy surrenders - LSD taken for the first time - Dambuster Raid uses bouncing bombs more ...

Year - 1944

Siege of Leningrad is lifted - Hitler survives assassination attempt - Rommel commits suicide - The Tirpitz is sunk more ...

Year - 1945

Anne Frank dies of typhus - Adolf Hitler commits suicide - Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima - World War II ends more ...

Year - 1946

United Nations first meets - Bikinis go on sale - Nazi War criminals are executed - It's a Wonderful Life released more ...

Year - 1947

Polaroid camera demonstrated - Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier - Black Dahlia corpse found - Roswell 'UFO' crash more ...

Year - 1948

Mahatma Gandhi assassinated - First Hells Angels chapter founded - State of Israel created - The Big Bang Theory published more ...

Year - 1949

Berlin Blockade lifted - George Orwell publishes 1984 - People's Republic of China created - Soviets test atomic bomb more ...
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Year - 1950

First credit card charge - Korean War begins - China invades Tibet - $2.5m stolen from Brinks - VW debut panel van more ...

Year - 1951

Catcher in the Rye published - I Love Lucy debuts on CBS - Nuclear power plant lights bulbs - Ilse Koch given life sentence more ...

Year - 1952

Eva Peron dies aged 33 - Green Berets are created - The Mousetrap opens - United Nations move into new building more ...

Year - 1953

Joseph Stalin dies - Hillary & Tenzing climb Everest - Korean War ends - Playboy magazine is first published more ...

Year - 1954

First Godzilla film - Marilyn Monroe marries Joe DiMaggio - Commercial transistor radio announced - Senator McCarthy censured more ...

Year - 1955

Steve Jobs & Bill Gates are born - Albert Einstein dies - Disneyland opens - Rosa Parks is arrested - James Dean dies more ...

Year - 1956

Khrushchev denounces Stalin - Elvis releases Heartbreak Hotel - Fidel Castro lands in Cuba - The Ten Commandments premieres more ...

Year - 1957

Hamilton introduce first electric watch - Sputnik 1 orbits the Earth - Boeing 707 makes maiden flight - Elvis buys Graceland more ...
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Year - 1958

Treaty of Rome forms EEC - Busby Babes killed in plane crash - NASA is created - Demonstration of first microchip more ...

Year - 1959

Barbie doll goes on sale - Buddy Holly dies in plane crash - The Mini is launched - First NASA astronauts recruited more ...

Year - 1960

Bandaranaike first elected female government head - Ali wins Olympic Gold - Tiros 1 launched - Kittinger freefalls 16 miles more ...

Year - 1961

Gagarin becomes the first man in space - Kennedy inaugurated as U.S. President - Dag Hammarskjöld killed in a plane crash more ...

Year - 1962

Marilyn Monroe dies from overdose - Telstar launched - John Glenn first American to orbit Earth - Agreement to create Concorde more ...

Year - 1963

Tereshkova first woman in space - US ZIP codes introduced - President Kennedy assassinated - Hitchcock's "The Birds" is released more ...

Books Split By Month

Newsstand Months
Something a bit different in this section. We have arranged all our books by cover month and then sorted them by year more ...
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Mission: Our mission is to present free of charge, and to the widest audience, popular cultural works of the past. These are offered as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. They reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. We do not endorse these views, which may contain content offensive to modern users.

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