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G.I. Jane 10 - Version 2

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G.I. Jane
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File nameG.I._Jane_010__Stanhall___c2c_ifc_added___1954_12__Rangerhouse_DaveH.cbz
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Book Cover For G.I. Jane 10 - Version 2
G.I. Jane 10 - Version 2 (5 of 5)
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Additional Information
PublicationDecember 1954 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Katie Kay
Comic StoryThe Impractical Joke (6 pages)
SynopsisJane thinks that she's the victim of a Tom Wills prank and looks to get even.
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Katie Kay; Sally; Joanne; Tom Wills; colonel
Advertisement319 All-Different Stamps (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Queen Elizabeth II
NotesMail order ad for 319 stamps for only 25 cents from Zenith Company, Dept. JZ-2, 81 Willoughby Street, Brooklyn 1, New York.
SynopsisPatti and Agnes get a three-day pass to exercise and lose weight.
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Patti; Agnes; Sarge; P.X. corporal
AdvertisementNew Figure Mold Hide-a-Waist (1 page)
FeaturingS. J. Wegman Company
CreditsPencils:? (photograph);? (illustration) | Inks:? (photograph);? (illustration) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Fashion | Characters: female model
NotesMail order ad for a girdle from S. J. Wegman Company, Dept. 551-H, 35 Wilbur Street, Lynnbrook, New York.
Comic StoryGeneral Confusion (7 pages)
SynopsisGeneral Miller makes a date with Jane to discuss her grandfather (who he knew at Yale).
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Captain O'Hara; General Miller; Sgt. Tom Wills
Comic StoryThe Payin' Customer (5 pages)
SynopsisBefore being kicked out of the P.X., Pete finds a dime and orders a cup of coffee.
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: corporal; captain; customers
AdvertisementMen! Amazing New "Bodyguard" Braces Your Back! (1 page)
FeaturingRonnie Sales, Inc.
CreditsPencils:? (illustrations) | Inks:? (illustrations) | Letters: typeset
NotesMail order ad for a back brace from Ronnie Sales, Inc., Dept. 187-E4, 487 Broadway, New York 13, New York.
Text StoryPhoto Finish (2 pages)
SynopsisJill is looking for snapshots to show Michael, while Helen has been reading love letters.
CreditsPencils:? (illustration) | Inks:? (illustration) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: Helen; Michael
AdvertisementAmazing RX-1 Discovery Cuts Motor Repair Bills (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (illustrations) | Inks:? (illustrations) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Car
NotesMail order ad for an automotive product from Illinois Merchandise Mart, Dept. AJ-9, 400 Madison Avenue, New York 17, New York.
Comic StoryThe Runaway Jeep (5 pages)
SynopsisA corporal has asked Jane to watch his jeep, then an M.P. tells her move it. Jane drives away, however she doesn't know how to drive.
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: corporal; female M.P.; motor pool crew; colonel; colonel's wife; Major Bones
SynopsisThe Sarge's men watch a television show with a scene where a soldier picks a fight with a sergeant.
FeaturingThe Sarge
ContentGenre: Humor; Military | Characters: The Sarge; Sarge's men
I'll Give You a Wrist Watch, Archery Set, Flash Camera or Any of 70 Big Prizes (1 page)
CreditsScript:? [as 'Uncle' Harry Bard] | Pencils:? (illustrations);? (panel art) | Inks:? (illustrations);? (panel art) | Letters:?; typeset
ContentCharacters: "Uncle" Harry Bard; Bobby; Jean
NotesRecruitment ad for selling Christmas cards from American Specialty Company, Dept. 1, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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