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Airboy Archives
Available Books:4
Latest Book:Airboy Archive Part 3 | Uploaded: Aug 5, 2016
Categories:War/Armed Forces | Aviation
Airboy is a fictional flying hero based during the Second World War. He was created by writers Charles Biro and Dick Wood and artist Al Camy.

His name was David Nelson II, the son of an expert pilot and despite his youth an excellent pilot himself. An orphan, Davy was raised in a monastery by Franciscan monk Brother Francis Martier, who was himself a keen flyer. Martier created a revolutionary aircraft that flew by flapping its wings. Unfortunately, Martier was killed while test-flying it, because its fuel lines had been sabotaged. Davy rebuilt the craft, and wearing a uniform left to him by Martier, Davy named himself 'Airboy' and his new plane 'Birdie'. He helped the Allies during World War II, and soon earned the respect of enemy fliers.
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Airboy Archives

1 Airboy Archive Part 1 296 prime user Aug 3, 2016 122.00 7296 250
2 Airboy Archive Part 2 330 prime user Aug 4, 2016 143.00 4094 214
3 Airboy Archive Part 3 320 prime user Aug 5, 2016 143.00 5580 192
4 Airboy Archive Part 4 316 prime user Aug 5, 2016 139.00 4342 141
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