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Coloring Books
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File nameCaptain_Marvel_Coloring_Book__Fawcett___1941__Unknown_Scanner__c2c_.cbr
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NotesUnknown Scanner
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Book Cover For Captain Marvel Coloring Book
Captain Marvel Coloring Book (4 of 15)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Peter B. Gillis
Actually, this is one of the cooler coloring books I've ever seen--due in large part to the pinup girls! Why didn't anybody else think of that?
   By crashryan
It's strange how wildly the art style varies from page to page. Obviously several different artists worked on it, some rather realistic, others very cartoony. Were some of these taken from comic book panels? In some drawings the Captain is just plain off-model. I suppose the early date (1941) might offer a partial explanation. It seemed to have taken a while for Fawcett to settle on the Beck, Costanza & Co. style as the standard.
   By Yoc
There are a few pages that came from covers. I recognized the more famous ones.
   By armando
Gracias por su enorme trabajo y por este regalo.
   By J.duff17
I just found one of these at an estate sale but it is best up. I can find very little info on this book and can't find any on eBay. Is this book rare?
   By positronic1
This is a great find, and such a nice crisp scan, too! I don't usually think of Fawcett when the term "Good Girl Art" comes to mind, but Beautia definitely qualifies!
Additional Information
Page 4:Captain Marvel, World's Mightiest Man!
Page 5:Captain Marvel Saves The Beautiful Princess
Page 6:The Thug Is No Match For Mighty Captain Marvel
Page 7:Beautia, The Beautiful Princess In Love With Captain Marvel
Page 8:He Catches The Giant Grasshopper In An Iron Grip
Page 9:Captain Marvel And The Bird Man
Page 10:Sivana, Evil Old Scientist Who Would Conquer The World
Page 11:The Gangster's Car Is Hurled To Destruction
Page 12:SHAZAM! And Captain Marvel Appears!
Page 13:One Shattering Blow Demolishes The Plane
Page 14:Captain Marvel Zooms Upward
Page 15:With Brute Force He Stops The Charging Rhino
Page 16:Beautia, Bids Captain Marvel Goodbye
Page 17:Devastating Bombs Mean Nothing To Captain Marvel
Page 18:Captain Marvel Slays The Dreaded Monster
Page 19:The Raider Of The Sea Is Caught By Captain Marvel
Page 20:Captain Marvel Smashes His Way To Freedom
Page 21:Faster Than Lightning He Leaps After The Gangster Car
Page 22:Captain Marvel Defeats The Giant Gorilla
Page 23:Rescuing The Doomed Pilot
Page 24:World's Mightiest Man Zooms To The Rocket Ship
Page 25:Billy Batson Helps The Stricken Newspaper Boy
Page 26:Captain Marvel Battles Magnificus On The Mountain Top
Page 27:A Mighty Man Is He
Page 28:Hurrah! A Touchdown For Captain Marvel!
Page 29:Captain Marvel On The Trail
Page 30:With Gigantic Strength He Raises The Sunken Boat
Page 31:Captain Marvel Rides The Engine Of Doom
Page 32:Giant Frogs Leap Out, Not Realizing Their Fate
Page 33:Below Him Lay The Grounded Rocket Ship
Page 34:Out He Leaps, With A Robber In Each Hand
Page 35:Captain Marvel Sails Off To More Adventure
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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