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Atomic War!
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Atomic War 1 (1 of 4)
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   By Xergrim
Ah, good old propaganda. Don't never trust nobody because everyone else in the world is a puppy-kicking no goodnik that just loves being evil!
   By crashryan
I'd never read these comics. Now I wish I hadn't. They present nuclear war as just a bigger, badder, better World War III. Everyone blithely rains A-bombs and H-bombs upon each other with nary a hint of radioactivity. GI's in Berlin watch a nuclear bomb drop a few miles away then hop up and rush out to kick some Soviet ass. Having grown up during the Cold War under the constant shadow of The Big One, the whole exercise leaves me with a sick feeling in my stomach.
   By mwb1
Great stories. The world has become very volatile in 2014. I get a real bad feeling that we are headed toward another world conflict the way things are headed these days.
   By rovingone
This is a fascinating series of comic books, giving the general view of the American defense department and a good big part of the general public in the United States in the fifties. When sci fi movies were centered on invaders and end of the world scenarios, the idea of a war ending all we knew was the biggest scare in the country as I was growing up. It was interesting to see a story where the war took place, (naturally started by the Soviet Union), in which there were far more than atomic bombs. The authors must have assumed there would be an unlimited source of atomic energy for use in atomic cannon, atomic guns and explosives devices and, even, atomic gasses. Considering the fact that the bombing of Japan hadn't been that long ago, at the time, and uranium was still hard to come by, the authors of the comics must have been assuming the free and communist world would be in a neck and neck race to create a huge stock pile nuclear fissionable material.
   By positronic1
Note the opening caption on Page 1: "Only a strong America can avert World War III !". Not coincidentally, Ace Magazines had also earlier published WORLD WAR III No. 1 (cover-dated March 1952). Then, apparently unsure whether "World War III" might be too subtle for comic books, they made sure they'd grab the attention of rack-browsers with the with the "explosive" headline logo exclaiming ATOMIC WAR! /?cid=1641
   By Rintintin
I can't believe this is controversial. Communists / Socialists murdered about 100 times more of their own citizens than the Nazis did. And they are still doing it. China (which still has NO elections), the Soviets, they have no issues mass murdering their citizens by the millions. Of course America was righteous & correct.
   By MarkWarner
Mark testing!
Additional Information
PublicationNovember 1952 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
CoverOnly A Strong America Can Prevent
FeaturingAtomic War
ContentGenre: War
Comic StoryThe Sneak Attack (14 pages)
SynopsisRussia claims to be disarming, then starts a sneak attack on the USA, destroying New York and Detroit with atomic weapons.
FeaturingAtomic War
CreditsPencils: Ken Rice | Inks: Ken Rice | Letters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: War; Science Fiction
Comic StoryBerlin Powderkeg (9 pages)
SynopsisThe adventures of American soldiers in Berlin, hours before America is attacked by Russian atomic bombs.
CreditsPencils: Lou Cameron (signed) | Inks: Lou Cameron (signed) | Letters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: War; Science Fiction
NotesSignature hidden on wooden beam to the right in splash panel.
Text StoryOperation Haystack (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: Typeset
ContentGenre: War
Comic StoryCounterattack! (6.67 pages)
SynopsisThe Americans take off from a secret Arctic war base to take revenge on Russia nuking New York, Chicago and Detroit.
CreditsPencils: Bill Molno | Inks: Bill Molno | Letters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: War; Science Fiction
ActivityWin Cash Prizes!
SynopsisContest to win money for letters telling the editors how well they've succeeded at outlining "the dangers, the horror and utter futility of WAR!"
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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