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Adventures into Darkness 13

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Adventures Into Darkness
Date | Number: 13 | Lang: English (en)
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File size 13.42mb consisting of 36 pages | Format: EBook
File nameAdventures_Into_Darkness__Standard__013__1954_.cbz
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 10/10 (7 votes)
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NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Adventures into Darkness 13
Adventures into Darkness 13 (9 of 10)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Flamegrape
It appears the CBZ file for #013 is corrupt. Specifically, page 31.
   By Trevski
Great comic - but page 31 (page 4 of the story 'The Unbeliever') is corrupt. The CBZ file will still load, but does not display that page. Also, the individual page display on the website stops with page 31, with several pages (five in total I think) missing at the end.
   By MarkWarner
Ok ... this is all fixed, so now after nearly two and a half years we can find out how the last story ends. I can't wait :)
   By sipseywilderness
Stops downloading at 96 per cent.
   By zee64
Truly awesome cover, and great interior art - I'm a new fan of Mike Sekowski - a comics master in the Toth mode, for sure. The file downloaded AOK for me, & all pages were there. Many thanks for sharing!
Additional Information
PublicationMarch 1954 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: quarterly
Notescredits per Nick Caputo.
CreditsPencils: Mike Sekowsky? | Inks: Mike Peppe? | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Notescredits per Nick Caputo.
Comic StoryFeast of the Ghouls (7 pages)
SynopsisA group of rich gourmets travels around the world, devouring human flesh at secret meetings. The members transform into blue-skinned beasts at night.
CreditsPencils: Mike Sekowsky | Inks: Mike Peppe | Letters: Herb Field | Job #: B-1811
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesCannibalism story cited by T.E. Murphy articles
Comic StoryThe Haunted Hotel (1 page)
SynopsisA colonel in the Civil War stays overnight at a hotel in Atlanta, seeing there the ghostly victims of the siege.
CreditsPencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette | Job #: B-1829
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Colonel Packard
Comic StoryPaid in Full
SynopsisA student makes a pact with Satan and regrets it.
CreditsPencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette | Job #: B-1822
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StorySatan's Pawn (7 pages)
SynopsisUnrecognized and insane art painter goes on a killing spree and ends up locked away in the asylum.
CreditsPencils: Jack Sparling? | Inks: Jack Sparling? | Letters: Charlotte Jetter | Job #: B-1509
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Text StoryThe Lonely Place (2 pages)
SynopsisA man visits the house of his childhood and is overwhelmed by old fears.
CreditsScript: John Marvin | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Notes2 illustrations
Comic StoryThe Monster in the Maze! (4 pages)
SynopsisHoward and Amy visit the Minoan palace on Crete. They discover the legendary labyrinth and encounter the monstrous Minotaur.
CreditsPencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette | Job #: B-1817
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Howard Thorensen; Amy Thorensen
ActivityLet's Go Mad (1 page)
CreditsJob #: B-1824
Comic StoryWhen Hell Broke Loose
SynopsisA small town in middle Asia is consumed by the forces of hell.
CreditsPencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette | Job #: B-1819
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryThe Unbeliever (6 pages)
SynopsisA witch dwells in a Northern England bog and puts a spell on a young couple. She wishes to take the young woman's place, but her evil plans are thwarted.
CreditsPencils: Mike Sekowsky | Inks: Mike Peppe | Letters: Herb Field | Job #: B-1812
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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