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Diary Loves
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SourceThis book was scanned from a copy in the JVJ Archive.
NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Diary Loves 8
Diary Loves 8 (7 of 31)
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Additional Information
PublicationMarch 1951 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Monthly
NotesIndicia states that Esther Williams next M.G.M. hit is "Pagan Love Song".
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo) | Colors:? (photo)
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Esther Williams (photo)
NotesIndicia states that Esther Williams next M.G.M. hit is "Pagan Love Song".
AdvertisementFree... to Every Woman Who Wants to Be a Model (1 page)
FeaturingHerald Publishing Company
CreditsPencils:? (photos);? | Inks:? (photos);?
NotesOn inside front cover in black and white.
Comic StoryI Played With Fire (9 pages)
SynopsisFay is uncertain if she wants to marry Jim, who has a “prosaic” job with an insurance company. Fay rescues Matt from some pursuers and falls in love with him. She discovers Matt is an art thief who has been blackmailing her father. Jim, an investigator with the insurance company, rescues Fay and her father and impresses Fay with his manliness.
ContentGenre: Crime; Romance | Characters: Fay Sanders; Jim Escott; Mr. Sanders; Matt Randall (villain); Dan (villain)
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. (March 2011). JVJ refers to the inker as "Q.I." (Quality inker).
Comic StoryRapture at Homecoming Time (6 pages)
SynopsisDale, daughter of a college football coach, dates her father’s new assistant Stan. They fall in love, but Dale fears Stan wants to take her father’s job. However, her father is merely being promoted to head of the athletics department, and Dale and Stan reconcile.
ContentGenre: Romance; Sports | Characters: Dale Sanders; Stan Hastings; Coach Dad Sanders; Toppy Wyatt; Mr. Fenton
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. (March 2011).
AdvertisementYou Can Play Today's Most Popular Instrument Instantly! (1 page)
FeaturingHumbold Co.
Comic StoryBeloved Enemy (7 pages)
SynopsisJanet is a nurse working near the front lines of the “Matrean” War. Her boyfriend is Army captain Don Brady. A group of refugees arrives, led by the sexy Chia-San, who serves as their interpreter. Chia-San provides valuable information to Don, who is smitten by her beauty. Janet exposes Chia-San as an enemy spy and accepts Don’s apology for straying.
ContentGenre: Romance; War | Characters: Lt. Janet Drew; Captain Don Brady; Chia-San [Sadu] (villain)
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. JVJ refers to the inker as "Q.I." (Quality inker). Hames Ware thinks the penciler might be Robert Pious (March 2011). For some reason, this story doesn't use the name of the actual "Korean" war, calling it "Matrean" instead. The setting seems to be Korea, but Chia-San looks more like a stereotypical "exotic" Southeast Asian/Polynesian woman rather than Korean or Chinese.
AdvertisementRo-Bert Fashions Lead the Style Parade! (2 pages)
FeaturingRo-Bert Fashions
CreditsPencils:? (photos) | Inks:? (photos) | Colors:? (photos)
Comic StoryRiff-Raff (8 pages)
SynopsisTrixie and Slim work for a traveling carnival which is banned from performing by Mayor Farnel. Slim is arrested and Trixie uses the mayor’s infatuation with her to expose political corruption in his administration. The mayor apologizes for his error and proposes to Trixie but she loves Slim and the carnival life.
CreditsPencils: Charles Quinlan
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Trixie Lamont; Slim Andrews; Mayor Arthur Farnel; Jones
NotesArt identification by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. (March 2011). JVJ refers to the inker as "Q.I." (Quality inker).
FeaturingLove Letters; Quality Comics
ContentGenre: Romance
Text ArticleRenee Says... The Latest in Fashion Will Be (1 page)
ContentGenre: Romance
Text StoryStolen Secrets (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Romance | Characters: Jane Hampton; Jack Cranford
AdvertisementReduce Pounds and Inches (1 page)
FeaturingVala Sales, Inc.
CreditsPencils:? (photos);? | Inks:? (photos);? | Colors:? (photos);?
Comic StoryThe Desolate Heart (8 pages)
SynopsisTess and her prospector father rescue Buck after an auto accident in a remote area. Buck romances the lonely Tess so he can steal her father’s gold. Buck is arrested by handsome police agent Frank. Frank and Tess fall in love.
ContentGenre: Crime; Romance | Characters: Tess Colby; Frank Haley; Mr. Colby; Buck Downs [aka Buck Dodson] (villain)
NotesAll Gustavson credits verified and courtesy of Terry Gustafson, Paul Gustavson's son.
FeaturingBud and Sis; Wilson Chemical Co.
ContentGenre: Children | Characters: Bud; Sis
AdvertisementTelevision Bank (1 page)
FeaturingSeagee Co.
AdvertisementPlay Piano the First Day (1 page)
FeaturingDean Ross Piano Studios
NotesOn inside back cover in black and white.
AdvertisementFantastically New! (1 page)
FeaturingRonnie Sales, Inc.
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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