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War Fury
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War Fury 1 (1 of 4)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By JunoEven
Oh my goodness, that bullet-hole to the forehead is gruesome! Also notable for being Don Heck's first credited artwork ever....
   By dwilt
The story "True Hero" has some odd aspects. The protagonist fled from "North Korea" in "those years of 1943 and 1944" (before Korea was split, and while it was occupied by Japan), and understands "North Korean" (although in the next panel it's clarified that he understands "the dialect"). And what a coincidence, he's sent on a secret mission to his "home-town" and runs into his brother and his former fiancee. Still, it's interesting that this story does touch on racial discrimination, however lightly.
Additional Information
PublicationSeptember 1952 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bimonthly
ContentGenre: War
AdvertisementHere's Proof... Save Your Hair (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (illustration);? (photograph) | Inks:? (illustration);? (photograph) | Letters:?; typeset
ContentGenre: Medical
NotesMail order ad for a hair and scalp formula from Comate Laboratories, Dept. 6009-C, 1432 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. Indicia at bottom of page. Inside front cover.
Comic StoryThe Unconquered (8 pages)
SynopsisSgt. Norman Kaney and his raw recruits head to Korea.
ContentGenre: War | Characters: Sgt. Norman Kaney (dies); Lasser; Hughes; Corelli
Comic StoryRiver Crossing! (5 pages)
SynopsisWorld War II story set in Germany where Lieutenant Stacy uses his athletic skills to hold his breath underwater and sneak up on a Nazi gun post.
ContentGenre: War | Characters: Lt. Stacy
AdvertisementFor You....Your Family....Sweetheart....Friends (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photo) | Inks:? (photo) | Letters: typeset
NotesSend $2.00 for 100 photo stamps of friends or family from Empire Photo-Stamps, 15 Park Row, Suite 326, New York 38, N.Y.
Text StoryThe Sniper (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: War
Comic StoryThe Runt (7 pages)
SynopsisWorld War II story in the South Pacific in 1943 where a soldier named Pete gets the nickname "Runt".
ContentGenre: War | Characters: Pete "The Runt" (dies)
Comic StoryTrue Hero (7 pages)
SynopsisA North Korean who fights on the American side of the Korean war proves himself to be a loyal American.
ContentGenre: War | Characters: Sgt. Jon Chee; Wan Chee; Sona; Berrens
CreditsPencils:? (illustration) | Inks:? (illustration) | Colors:? (backgrounds and lettering) | Letters:?; typeset
NotesSend $9.95 apiece for any of three different gowns from Dream Girl Fashions, 318 Market St., Newark, N.J.
Blackheads "Pet Hate" (1 page)
CreditsLetters:?; typeset
NotesSend $1.00 for Vacutex blackhead removal device from Ballco Products Company, Dept. 51, 19 West 44th St., New York 18, N.Y.
AdvertisementNewest Hit Parade Break-Resistant Vinylite Filled Records (1 page)
CreditsScript:? (ad copy) | Letters: typeset
NotesSend for 78 rpm 'vinylite filled' records from Hit Tune Company, Dept. 127, 318 Market Street, Newark, N.J. On inside back cover.
AdvertisementReducing Specialist Says: Lose Weight (1 page)
CreditsPencils:?;? (photos) | Inks:?;? (photos) | Letters:?; typeset
NotesSend for an electric spot reducer from Spot Reducer Co., Dept. B-52, 318 Market St., Newark, New Jersey. On back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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