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Santa Claus Funnies
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NotesPublished near the end of 1942, this issue features some of Walt Kelly's earliest work for Dell Comics. He illustrates a tale by Hans Christian Andersen, The Fir Tree (also published with some changes as a W T Grant Co giveaway comic the same year), and a poem by Stella Mead, Lord Octopus Went to the Christmas Fair. Other artists contributing to this issue include L Bing (Santa Claus in Trouble), Arthur E Jameson (The First Christmas Tree), and Robert A Graefa (Santa Claus and the Mouse). Thanks to Alan Hutchinson for supplying substitute scans of several damaged and missing pages.
There is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Santa Claus Funnies 1
Santa Claus Funnies 1 (1 of 5)
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   By ghmcleod
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Additional Information
Publication[December] 1942 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 2
NotesWraparound cover.
FeaturingSanta Claus
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Fantasy
NotesWraparound cover.
Text StorySanta's Workshop (1 page)
FeaturingSanta Claus
ContentGenre: Fantasy
NotesOn inside front cover.
Comic StorySanta Claus in Trouble (12 pages)
SynopsisSanta upsets Belinda the ice queen when he points out the flaws of an ice train toy.
FeaturingSanta Claus
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Queen Belinda; Dasher; Dancer; Prancer; Vixen; Comet; Cupid
NotesNot the work of L. Bing. Note the child's hand in panel 2 of page 6. Anatomical details of great precision (wrinkles at finger joints, carefully drawn nails) are characteristic of Kerr. Bing, in contrast is careless with hands, using stiff poses. (Art identification by Scott Pell.)
Text StoryJingle Bells (1 page)
ContentGenre: Domestic
Comic StoryThe Night Before Christmas (8 pages)
ContentGenre: Fantasy | Characters: Dasher; Dancer; Prancer; Vixen; Comet; Cupid; Donner; Blitzen
Text StoryO Christmas Tree (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Domestic
Comic StoryThe Fir Tree (8 pages)
SynopsisA little tree is happy to become a Christmas tree.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals; Domestic | Characters: John
NotesArt identification from R. M. Davidson.
Text StorySilent Night! Holy Night! (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Religious | Characters: Baby Jesus; Joseph; Mary
Comic StoryA Christmas Carol (15 pages)
SynopsisScrooge is visited by three spirits on Christmas.
CreditsScript:? (adaptation)
ContentGenre: Drama; Fantasy | Characters: Bob Cratchit; Ebenezer Scrooge; Fan Scrooge (flashback); Fred; Jacob Marley (a ghost); Joe; Martha Cratchit; Mrs. Cratchit; Mrs. Dilber; Spirit of Christmas Future; Spirit of Christmas Past; Spirit of Christmas Present; Tiny Tim Cratchit
NotesAdapted from the story by Charles Dickens.
Text StoryLord Octopus Went to the Christmas Fair (4 pages)
SynopsisLord Octopus goes shopping for Christmas gifts.
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Lord Octopus; Granny; Aunt Fanny; Dolly; Molly
NotesArt identification from R. M. Davidson.
Comic StoryThe First Christmas Tree (6 pages)
SynopsisTwo little children alone on Christmas Eve take in a wandering child.
ContentCharacters: Mary; Valentine
NotesArt identification from R. M. Davidson.
Text StoryThe First Noel (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Religious | Characters: Mary
Text StorySanta and the Mouse (4 pages)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
ActivitySanta's Pencil Fun (1 page)
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesOn inside back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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