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Planet Stories v2 11 -Spider Men of Gharr - Wilbur S. Peacock

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Planet Stories
Date | Number: v2 11 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For Planet Stories v2 11 -Spider Men of Gharr - Wilbur S. Peacock
Planet Stories v2 11 -Spider Men of Gharr - Wilbur S. Peacock (23 of 71)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
Publication0000 | Price: $0.20 | Pages: 132 | Cover Artist: Parkhurst
PublisherLove Romances Publishing Co., Inc. | Editor : W. Scott Peacock
  • Data from Internet Archive scan
  • Publication month from Ashley's "The Time Machines".
  • Volume II, No. 11
  • Cover credit per signature (no credit on table of contents page as is normal)
  • "PS's Feature Flash" is listed as "P.S.'s Feature Flash" in ToC
  • Story illustration credits per story title page where present
  • "Red Witch of Mercury" has "Illustration by Doolin". In addition to the main illustration, there are several smaller illustrations sprinkled through the story. Most of these are signed "MCA", but two are unsigned.
  • "Spider Men of Gharr" illustration is credited to "Clyne". The artwork on page 54 is signed "Ronald Clyne".
  • "Coming of the Gods" illustration is credited to "Kiemle". The artwork is signed "H. W. Kiemle".
  • Cartoon credit per signature
Page: 2Red Witch of Mercury - by Emmett McDowell
Page: 2Red Witch of Mercury - interior artwork by Doolin
Page: 6Red Witch of Mercury - interior artwork by Murphy Anderson
Page: 12Red Witch of Mercury [2] - interior artwork by Murphy Anderson
Page: 14Red Witch of Mercury - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 15Red Witch of Mercury [2] - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 17Red Witch of Mercury [3] - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 29Red Witch of Mercury [3] - interior artwork by Murphy Anderson
Page: 30Prodigal Weapon - by Vaseleos Garson
Page: 30Prodigal Weapon - interior artwork by Murphy
Page: 42PS's Feature Flash (Planet Stories, Summer 1945) - essay by W. Kermit Conway, III
Page: 43Raiders of the Second Moon - by Gene Ellerman
Page: 43Raiders of the Second Moon - interior artwork by Doolin
Page: 45Raiders of the Second Moon [2] - interior artwork by Doolin
Page: 53Cartoon: "Round 'n Round With The Ringers" - interior artwork by Guy Gifford
Page: 54Spider Men of Gharr - by Wilbur S. Peacock
Page: 54Spider Men of Gharr - interior artwork by Clyne
Page: 58Spider Men of Gharr [2] - interior artwork by Clyne
Page: 60Spider Men of Gharr [3] - interior artwork by Clyne
Page: 67Spider Men of Gharr [4] - interior artwork by Clyne
Page: 71Spider Men of Gharr [5] - interior artwork by Clyne
Page: 78Mists of Mars - by George A. Whittington
Page: 78Mists of Mars - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 79Mists of Mars [2] - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 80Mists of Mars [3] - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 85Mists of Mars [4] - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 97Cosmic Yo-Yo - by Ross Rocklynne
Page: 97Cosmic Yo-Yo - interior artwork by Doolin
Page: 107Coming of the Gods - by Chester Whitehorn
Page: 107Coming of the Gods - interior artwork by Kiemle
Page: 118|118.2The Vizigraph - interior artwork by uncredited
Page: 118|118.1The Vizigraph (Planet Stories, Summer 1945) - essay by uncredited
Page: 118|118.3Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Our Secret! - essay by Tom Pace
Page: 119Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Frustration! - essay by Benson Perry
Page: 120|120.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Strike!!! - essay by Al Weinstein
Page: 120|120.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Gift Hint! - essay by J. Cunningham
Page: 121|121.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Dangerous Daniels! Boo!! - essay by C. Richard Daniels
Page: 121|121.2Dear Daniels - essay by The Editor
Page: 121|121.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Bizness-Gal - essay by Miss Lillian Schneider
Page: 122|122.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Cheapened Planet! - essay by Rose Jacobowitz
Page: 122|122.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): The Dirty Retch! - essay by Rene Dubois
Page: 123|123.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Our Address - essay by Mallard Grimes
Page: 123|123.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Terrio Ain't Mad? - essay by Bill Terrio
Page: 123|123.3Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Joe Fann! - essay by James R. Gray
Page: 124|124.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Innocently? - essay by A. Yeager, Jr.
Page: 124|124.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Fertilizer? - essay by Beverly Fickas
Page: 124|124.3Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Frasnickly? - essay by M. T. Headed
Page: 125|125.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Soon Upon a Time! - essay by Nora Loughren
Page: 125|125.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Open Letter! - essay by V. R. Heiner
Page: 126|126.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Latin, Always Latin! - essay by Lewis Sherlock
Page: 126|126.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Me!!! - essay by Ralph Gaines
Page: 127|127.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Vizi Is Inane! - essay by Frank Wilimczyk, Jr.
Page: 127|127.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Playright! - essay by Cygni
Page: 128|128.1Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Author-Critic! - essay by James R. Adams
Page: 128|128.2Letter (Planet Stories, Summer 1945): Trouble Is-! - essay by Gerald Mahsman
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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