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Captain Atlas - A Compilation of 2 Stories

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Gerald G. Swan Compilations
Date Unknown | Lang: English (en)
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NotesAn updated collection with scans from old, poor photocopies, and a new find from the internet. I did the photocopying myself perhaps 25 years ago, in an office where one of the secretaries let me use her photocopier. I have no idea from whose comic or annual these copies were made. The quality is very poor but this is another G.G. Swan character and good fun it is too. No idea who scanned the 2nd story.
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Book Cover For Captain Atlas - A Compilation of 2 Stories
Captain Atlas - A Compilation of 2 Stories (84 of 309)
   By The Australian Panther
I don't agree with you that the scans are poor. There are many far worse scans on this site. The Character is a peculiarly British take on an American Superhero who is a blend of Captains America and Marvel (and Hourman) I like that he still apparently needs his glasses, and he still wears his bow tie when he transforms. And no Latex costume. Thanks.
   By crashryan
How can you not like a superhero who wears bottle glasses and a bowtie?
   By K1ngcat
I wonder if there's any connection here to King-Ganteaume's Electroman? The fellow at the bottom right hand corner of the first page is a dead ringer for that hero's alter ego, the old newspaper seller.
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