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Pirates of the Spanish Main Trading Cards

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Trading Cards
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NotesTobacco insert cards from Allen and Ginter, a tobacco manufacturing firm from Richmond, Virginia.
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Book Cover For Pirates of the Spanish Main Trading Cards
Pirates of the Spanish Main Trading Cards (5 of 5)
   By bowers
What a treat! I collect tobacco cards and I've heard of this series, but never seen it. Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Bowers
   By lrek
From Amazon:
PIRATES OF THE SPANISH MAIN is a 50 cigarette card set published around 1888 by Allen & Ginter. The card fronts show pirates of the Spanish Main. This book contains images of the 50 card fronts. The backs of the cards provide a history of the pirates pictured on the card fronts. The histories on the card backs are in text format in this book. This book also included an image of the back of a PIRATES OF THE SPANISH MAIN cigarette card.
NOTE: Standard catalogue number is N-16.
   By dwilt
Arrrr, an' a scurvy bunch of knaves they be!
   By The Australian Panther
As far as I can tell these two sets are exactly the same, exept that one is missing the front cover. One of the best thngs about this site is the Pirate comics, so I am more than happy to see these. Curious to know where the illustrations came from. Are they from real paintings and drawings or just fictional? One of the last TV shows I binge-watched was 'Black Sails' The pirates in that series included Anne Bonney, Edward Teach (Blackbeard), Charles Vane, Jack Rackham, Jack Avery ( I think) .They are all included here. Also included here is one Captain Pierre Picard! Excellent additiion to the site. Pity we don't have the backs.
   By lyons
Right, Panther. I corrected my upload by adding a front cover.
   By bowers
Panther, I found card 48 on Ebay. Back gives no artist name, but some info on the printer- Reg. H. Harris & Sons Lith Phila Cheers, Bowers
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