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Super Detective Library 91 - Mystery in the Milky Way

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Super Detective Library
Date | Number: 91 | Lang: English (en)
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NotesFeaturing Rick Random
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Book Cover For Super Detective Library 91 - Mystery in the Milky Way
Super Detective Library 91 - Mystery in the Milky Way (95 of 161)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Andrew999
Rick finds himself in line to solve a locked-room (well, locked-island) mystery in this intriguing thriller where the victim apparently dies twice. It’s a textbook example of how to create a murder mystery – create seven suspects, each with an eccentricity and each with a motive to kill. Invent an intriguing way for the victim to die with an unusual weapon. Brew a few real clues with a few red herrings – share your time equally amongst the suspects with occasional summaries from the investigator so everyone can follow. Build up to a hellfire chase scene and an explosive finish. Rick pulls it off superbly - job done! Intrigued by the concept of driverless automatic flying cars with programmable destinations, I discovered they already exist – in Dubai! Another successful Rick Random prediction – I make that 137 in a row. Can’t help feeling Miss Jacks deserves a bigger role – what a stunner!
   By K1ngcat
The uncredited artist tries a few times to "do a Ron Turner" on pages 1 and 8, and again on the lower panels on pages 23 and 61. It's a stalwart effort but the rest of his work doesn't quite match up to it. Still he does try to distract us with a series of mini-skirted lovelies, so it's not all bad! ;-)
   By lrek
Since #90 was September, and this (#91) was November, any idea why October was skipped?
   By Starman
According to french review Hop! n°127 (p.62) the unknown artist is Terry Patrick, Ron Turner had just done 2 1/2 pages
   By Goof
Quite a mix-up of artists. It looks as if Bill Lacey did the Rick Randoms and a few other heads (eg page 7), and Ron Turner did the rockets and the banger on page 23.
Additional Information
Publication1956 | Price: 10d [0-0-10 GBP] | Pages: 1 | Frequency: The first Tuesday in each month
CoverMystery in the Milky Way
FeaturingRick Random
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Rick Random
Comic StoryMystery in the Milky Way (64 pages)
FeaturingRick Random
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Rick Random
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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