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The Green Spider 1 (translation)

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Translated Books - Scanilations
Date | Number: 1 | Lang: Spanish (es)
Uploaded  by Arten
File size 15.00mb consisting of 37 pages | Format: EBook
File nameThe_Green_Spider_1_Arten_translation.cbz
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NotesAn English-language translation of the first issue of the Spanish comic "La Arańa Verde".
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Book Cover For The Green Spider 1 (translation)
The Green Spider 1 (translation) (6 of 9)
   By dwilt
I have a few issues of the original comic book. Several were "Serie Gigante" (jumbo sized, like a big magazine), others were more or less regular size. Curiously, the big ones and regular ones were all priced at one peso, probably due to the colour artwork inside. Mexican comics of the Fifties with b&w or sepia-toned interiors seem to have been priced around 50 centavos (I've seen some that cost less, and over the decade the price gradually crept up).
   By erumb14
I really appreciate the translation for this book. One of my favorite things is to read how comic book heroes are portrayed in other countries. Often, I have a hard time trying to translate (using Google as well) some of the phrases used. So having this one in a translated form is wonderful. Thank you for the work on it.
   By Arten
You're absolutely welcome, erumb14! Doing this was super-fun, and hearing appreciation for it makes the project 1,000% worth it. I'm planning on doing the second one soon, but not sure when I'll have free time.
   By crashryan
This was a lot of fun. I always enjoy learning about obscure non-English characters. What size was this comic? Given that most pages have only 4 panels I wondered if it was in a digest / pocket library format. One thing's certain: this publisher could teach Charlton a few things about doing lousy print jobs!
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