Given your impressive output in scans and articles, I'm rather surprised you don't already have your own website (or blog, or whatever) to keep it all centralized.
Meanwhile, looks like we're not going to get much more information out of that page. I mean, the note in the upper left is suggestive of original art, since I think it's in Lev's hand and nobody labels pages like that in a comic. An expert like Jim might be able to compare it to Lev's other work to place it in sequence with the rest.
But there doesn't seem to be any indication of who might've been planning to publish the thing--and I assume it was at least slated for publication, because Lev isn't sufficiently well-known (or, quite frankly, good) for the contents of his estate to be opened up.
For reference, the GCD shows Lev/Levy working on the following:
- Amazing Man #26 (Centaur, Jan 42), two single-page "Kisco Sid," written by Martin Filchock (not in the available scan)
- All-New Comics #8 (Harvey, May 44), two-page "Five Princesses of Pompadoonk" (scan not available)
- Lucky Comics #3 (Consolidated, Win 45-6), four-page "Nomie and Hoiman"
- Atoman Comics #1 (Spark, Feb 46), seven-page "District Attorney"
- Golden Lad #4 (Spark, Apr 46), seven-page "Enoch Sly"
- Lucky Comics #4 (Consolidated, May 46), four-page "Nomie and Hoiman"
- Golden Lad #5 (Spark, Jun 46), six-page "Enoch Sly"
- All-New Comics #12 (Harvey, May-Jun 46), eight-page "Five Princesses of Pompadoonk" (scan not available)
- Lucky Comics #5 (Consolidated, Sum 46), four-page "Nomie and Hoiman"
- Sooper-Dooper Comics #8 (Harvey,
46), six-page "Adventures of the Handy Dwarf" (scan not available)
- Key Comics #5 (Consolidated, Aug 46), four-page "John Quincy Atom"
- The Original Black Cat #8 (Harvey, Nov 91), six-page "Ogre of Merryville," reprinted from unknown original
As guesses go, assuming that Bill and Belle were created in 1946 probably wouldn't be out of line, considering that's Lev's main year.
Ooh. Here's more: it still doesn't directly give any more information on this particular story.