'Maaw is sho' foxy!' Actually Crash, there were always at least two ways to interpret the word 'Foxy' in the English Language. ' Webster has ' artful, beguiling, cagey (also cagy), crafty, cunning, cute, designing, devious, dodgy [chiefly British], guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly, subtle, tricky, wily' Now note 'beguiling' and 'cute' [ and 'cute' can be interpreted two ways also] which are close to the now more common [an Americanism] slang use of the word in Song and popular usage. I like writers witty enough to understand dual meanings in words and clever enough to use them that way deliberately. This used to be the basic for a lot of comedy routines. My apologies for appearing pedantic but as a (currently ex) teacher of English as a second language I'm sensitive to the usage of words.
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Top Notch Laugh Comics 28