Dear Forum Users
I want to translate a few good comic strips in my native language. I have encountered a few good titles here but there is just so much content here that it would take me months to find my favourite one.
The problem is that many good comics cannot be translated because the jokes/punches are language or culture-specific, e.g. I really love "Vignettes of Life" but can't translate it because it would lose all its American flavour.
I also liked 'Buster Brown' but I know there are several better than this one.
My permanent #1 favourite is Calvin and Hobbes ; it's related to general human nature, so it's punches always hit the right notes, even after translation. But as it is under copyright, I can't translate it.
I would be really thankful if someone could suggest me a comic book/strip which is like "Calvin and Hobbs", i.e. related to general human nature, simple and quick.