I read all of this book about the Montgomery bus boycott during the 1950s. As to the book's historical accuracy, all I can say is that the stories (for there's also a very brief telling of Gandhi's earlier non-violent independence movement in India along with a primer on the non-violent methodology of social action) ring true in general to what I still vaguely remember from my schooldays and to what I've sporadically seen and heard since then about the civil rights movement. So, leaving the historical aspects for more knowledgeable others to comment on, I found the book to be well done from an artistic standpoint, and I can recommend it as a starting place for readers wanting to learn some history. It was particularly refreshing to read a comic book in which the declarative sentences outnumber the exclamations, as in real life. The artwork, too, is realistic in that the characters were drawn to resemble the historical personages.
Link to the book:
Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story