I think you will find the
Doc Savage here.
https://archive.org/details/sim_doc-savage-comics_1940_1_1/page/n1/mode/2upUnfortunately Black and White only.
EDIT - Oops! # 5 is missing, must be in demand or very rare for some reason.
Good luck finding it.
Millie the Model was an Atlas comic so search on the internet for Atlas/Timely comics
Little Dot was Harvey, so really shouldn't be hard to find. Look on E-Bay if you are prepared to pay.
Doc Savage was
'Street and Smith' - not PD so not on CB+
Similarly for Atlas/Timely - now Marvel.
Little Dot was a later Harvey comic, so also not PD.
By the By, if I was doing
'a list of 1000 comics books you must read' I don't think any of these would be on my list.