Everett Kinstler!!! NO WONDER the artwork is so outstanding! It was also nice to have one long story fill the whole book, rather than the choppy, 5 to 7 or 8-paged unrelated stories that usually filled 1950s US Western genre comic books. The only problem I noticed (that Kinstler's Steve Donovan doesn't look at all like Douglas Kennedy, who played the character in the 1955-56 TV series on which the comic was based). Also, Kennedy was 40+ years old during the filming. Clearly, Kinstler didn't base his rendering on stills from the TV series. Interesting that in some scenes he made Donovan look like he was in his 20s, and in others, with more facial detail, he made him look like he COULD be 40.
But those issues don't take away from the story's enjoyability.
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0675 - Steve Donovan Western Marshall