Dwilt, I think it's a Saul Rosen thing. Carol in the Devil Dogs story could be Betty's twin. She hangs out of her dress and suggests "it's true what they say about Marines" while smirking suggestively. And in Rosen's Al Addin story the underdressed princess offers Al a kiss ("Hot dog! This'll be swell!"). Just fulfilling those adolescent fantasies.
Rosen obviously wasn't taking all this too seriously, considering the villain is named Khil Joye and the princess Shwee Tums.
Edit: The first time through Devil Dogs I missed a funny gag. A bad guy gives White information, then is killed by a hurled dagger. White remarks, "To think he died just after he squealed instead of before-- it never happened that way in a comic book."
Link to the book:
Cat-Man Comics 07 (paper/2fiche)