Thank you for the great upload, Jetstone. I had always wondered if comics, issued during the years of WWII, ever addressed the children of fathers fallen on the battlefield. On page two of this book, I found my first example of just that thought. Titled, "Missing ...", the sentiment expressed within, gives encouragement, and support, to those children who've lost their father due to the war. A few lines of it are very prescient and very true. In talking of freedom and opportunity: "Those are the things your Dad valued. The things for which he gave his life. Though some may strive to change all that - provide you with the "benefits" of an all-powerful government, the "advantages" of regimentation, the "blessings" of bureaucracy - we can resolve they won't succeed." Wow - that's an instant "10" rating, in my book!
Link to the book:
Holyoke One-Shot 06 - Captain Fearless Comics 6