While I haven't found the Charts referred to in these instructions or any other instructional books, there is proof that these things are out there! You can see partial photographs of the Charts at this blog: https:fraiing.blogspot.com/2009/07/brodie-mack-correspondence-art-school.html - this includes a part of Chart 10, which is not actually mentioned in the preliminary instructions book. (Brodie Mack refers to Lessons and Charts he did not have recourse to mention in the booklet.) Also, the a mention of Brodie Mack's course, along with a certificate of completion, at a New Zealand site on war art in the Pacific - see https:nzsoldierartinthepacificwar.co.nz/unofficial-war-art-2/harry-stones-war-art
Link to the comment: *** Link No Longer Exists: Brodie Mack Method Preliminary Instructions ***