Sergeial - your lead off page by Beck is simply amazing for it formal structure and fugue like echoing of visual motifs the arches moving in the various scales and directions across the page the sense of light and dark atmosphere with such limitations of the process is truly spectacular.
Here's the whole origin (just 5 1/2 iconic pages) in case you've never read it:,awdCy,iewTI,ftk4h,ZAHg2,A5FajAlthough the whole thing is full of iconic visuals and powerful composition, that second page stands out for the reasons you stated. Beck was amazing!
I'm glad you mentioned the limitations of the four-color process. I'm a firm believer in the artistic concept that built-in limitations can be freeing to an artist and bring out a higher level of creativity. Here's the same page as it appears in the DC Archives, re-colored with full process color: I crazy, or did something get lost in translation? I mean, it's FAR truer to the original than many full-process re-colorings I've seen. And you would think that of all features, Captain Marvel wouldn't be hurt by being made brighter and more gaudy (compared to, say, Batman). And yet, the original, four-color newsprint version looks ineffably better to my eye.
I need to learn how and where to upload pages from my books so that I might share of rarely seen Golden age interior greatness.
Please do! is very easy to use, give it a try!
Thanks for stating this thread.
You're very welcome.