I might have mentioned it once or twice, I'm a comic-book publisher and artist. Well, rather smaller than small, actually, since Arcadia Graphic Studio is still an association and we're still amateurs.
So we're a bunch of French-speaking authors dispatched on three countries, and we're developing a fanzine and a Multiverse since 2009. Our fanzine Forgotten Generation focuses on comics inspired mainly by the US superhero culture (more generally Sci-fi and fantasy). Four issues have been issued since 2009, and we're also publishing a lot on our website:
http://arcadiagraphicstudio.blogspot.fr/Right now, we're still celebrating the Free Comic Book Day by giving away issues #0 and #1 for free download. That represents more than 130 pages of comics and prose - though many readers would be disappointed, it's still untranslated and in French only.
Anyway, I'd like to share them with all of you.
Issue #0Issue #1 (available until May 12th!)
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!