It occurred to me that some of you fans of Spanish comics might not know about Joan Navarro's blog:
http://navarrobadia.blogspot.comNavarro is a Catalan editor and publisher who ran, among other things, Glenat's Spanish subsidiary. He doesn't post frequently, but when he does he dumps tantalizing assortments of cover repros from Spanish small-format comics from the 40s and 50s. The depth of his collection is amazing.
The good part is that the postings present dozens of series you've never seen before. The downside is that apart from identifying the title, date, and (usually) artist for a cover, Navarro gives no other information. Frustrating if you're seeing a title for the first time and crave some background on characters and storylines. Also, Navarro almost never publishes interior pages and absolutely never posts a complete story. That's why I say "tantalizing."
Check him out. He just published a new batch of covers today. [I am not connected in any way with the guy or his website; I offer this for informational purposes only.]