The artist of the lead feature, Giove Toppi (no relation to Sergio as far as I know) drew hundreds of comics and illustrations in both realistic and cartoon style. He's best known for being Italy's first Mickey Mouse (Topolino) artist. He'd only drawn a couple of strips when a copyright squabble forced him to recreate the hero as a new character, Il Topo Lino, who looked almost exactly unlike Mickey Mouse. The publisher straightened out the rights situation and after a few more issues Topolino himself returned, though Lino continued in separate stories. Toppi drew these as well as some original Topolino stories. Most of Topolino's stories were translated reprints of American daily strips. [Edited to correct the name: Giove, not Giorgio]
Link to the book:
Nell'Impero degli Incas 01 - Un S.O.S. Misterioso