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Scanning for Dummies (like me)

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topic icon Author Topic: Scanning for Dummies (like me)  (Read 3055 times)


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Scanning for Dummies (like me)
« on: February 07, 2007, 05:32:17 AM »

I've yet to scan and upload comics, partly because I'm a teacher with limited time (lesson plans and such) but I was going to make a stab at some stuff come spring break.  What I am interested in is the basics, like how many dpi, how to convert jpg to cbr--stuff like that.  Any advice from you vets would be appreciated!
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Re: Scanning for Dummies (like me)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 07:15:47 AM »

Here's what I do...

Scan at 300 dpi
save using Windows Paint (this way you have more wiggle room when you edit the scans in Photoshop)
Edit in Photoshop
   -straighten using the measure tool
   -Image/adjustments/brightness-contrast/+14 to brightness/+20 to contrast
   -image/adjustments/hue-saturation/+14 to saturation
   -image/adjustments/selective color/black - +100 to black
   -image size/dpi to 150, width to 1152 pixels
   -save at jpeg quality 8 (this gives you a per scan size of around 700 kb's

Hope that helps ya out!

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Broomhandle Mauser

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Re: Scanning for Dummies (like me)
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 04:48:26 PM »


*bows deeply*

there is always the option of a team scan, you scan it in and ask if there are editors available, if time is an issue...if it is not, i truly believe everyone who has downloaded at least a scan, should at least scan 1 book and see how easy/hard it is.
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Re: Scanning for Dummies (like me)
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 10:00:47 PM »

I absolutley agree.  Fact is, the entire online comics community is providing a wonderful way to acquire/read this stuff, and I want to be a more active part.  I'm just stepping on my eyelids at the moment, and trying to keep 100 kids in line. 

I've worked in and around the comics industry for a good deal of my life, and I've gotta tell you that the online community is almost the exact opposite of the paper collectors.  It's the simple difference between hoarding and sharing (but then, how does one properly share a paper collectible?)

I'm doing graduate work on popular/mass culture, and you can imagine how valuable the online comics community is to me.  Thank you for your input, and I hope to have something in the near future that perhaps you can use and enjoy.
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Re: Scanning for Dummies (like me)
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 12:44:51 AM »

We run a sister site...

Go to Guides and Utilities

Then look at the Scanning Tutorial

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