The only "ACG" title I can find any info on is "Unknown Worlds" (indicia publisher Best Syndicated Features Inc), which had renewals filed by Marvel Enterainment Group from 1989 through 1994 for the first 53 issues.
I believe that the title Marvel renewed was Journey Into Unknown Worlds, bchat, which ran for about 50+ issues from 1950 to 1957. Best Syndicate Features was one of Goodman's many aliases. No connection to the ACG "Unknown Worlds" title which debuted around 1960.
Peace, Jim (|:{>
I am talking about the series published by Best Syndicated Features Inc (aka American Comics Group). Here's a link to issue # 1's renewal: Unknown Worlds No. 1, Aug. 1960. By Best Syndicated Features, Inc.
Journey Into Unknown Worlds (Marvel's title) was published by "Western Fiction Publishing Company, Inc".
You are so right, bchat.
and I am so wrong. I just looked at the surface info and didn't do the research. My bad. Sorry. Do you have any idea, other than Joe's, why Marvel should renew an ACG title.
Again, sorry for not doing my homework. Sometimes just going upstairs is daunting...
Peace, Jim (|:{>
No need to apologize.
I think the simple answer is: It's just business. A company buys another company and merges similar assets together to keep things simple. Maybe when Marvel Comics was acquired by Perfect Film and Chemical Corporation (aka Cadence Industries), Perfect Film just assigned the responsibility of renewing Copyrights of other assets it may have acquired over the years to Marvel Comics. Or maybe Martin Goodman acquired smaller companies prior to selling his company that nobody is aware of at the moment. Why (and when) only one title published under the "ACG" banner got acquired is anyone's guess, but it obviously did happen at some point.
"Unknown Worlds" isn't the only non-Marvel publication I've seen renewals for. For example, I've found Cadence/Marvel Comics filing renewals for issues of "Boat Sport", "Motorsport", "Melodyland", "Zest" and "Flying Models", all originally published by H-K Publications, Hobby Publications and/or Rockley Publications (all imprints of Joe Hardie & Raymond Kelly, by the way). Marvel Comics never published any of these titles, they never revived any of these books, and as far as I'm aware they never reprinted any material from these books, and yet at some point they had acquired ownership of the Copyrights. The obvious question is "why would Marvel/Cadence do that if they had no plans for those books?", and the simplest answer I can think of is "it's just business", acquiring assets to increase the value of the company or spending income to reduce "profits" in order to lower the amount of taxes they'd have to pay for that year.
In today's world, it's all too easy to know about anything as soon as it happens because there are dozens (if not hundreds) of websites & blogs ready to report on anything remotely related to comic books. For example, Disney acquired CrossGen Comics in 2004, then Disney bought Marvel Comics in 2009, and now Marvel is able to publish CrossGen titles. There's no "when did that happen?" because people can do a search online and find their answers. But, go back 30, 40, 50 years with questions regarding what publisher sold-out to which company, and some of the answers simply aren't there. What happened with "Unknown Worlds" is one of those "what happened here?" kind of mysteries (at least it is for me).