Hi all,
Just thought I'd take the time to say hello to all you here, and as I understand each new member is reviewed manually, to thank you for registering me.
I'm not exactly a comic expert, but my Dad grew up you might say during the Golden age, and he's passing on all the lore and info from that age onto me. Seems all in all it was a great time, I find your entire site real interesting. So refreshing after a days' complication, a simpler time......
I have a small collection of real (as in paper....
comics my parents collected for me over the years. Standard stuff, like Donald Duck, Richie Rich, a few Classics Illustrated, mostly all Goldkey. Back then they didn't seem worth much, but I'm one for hanging on to things as long as possible, with the idea that if I wait long enough, someone just might want it
. Sure enough, they're getting more and more valuable, like a lot of other things now these days when people are looking back instead of forward.
My Dad has a huge pile of electronic comics he's found, remembers a lot of it from growing up. Collections of nearly all the more famous stuff. Probably not much of it is suitable for this site, they were all downloaded from elsewhere, but they are sure great stuff to read. So different from the modern comics now, don't even like the artwork as much, I think it looks rather ugly and candy-apple style (since when did people shine like gloss paint??........
Also, I must say this is a great site! Such a diversity of material, you're correct, you can't possibly read it all! I find it very easy to navigate, and lightning fast response too, keep up the good work. I can understand how tough it is running a website, just keeping our home media server running can be complicated sometimes.
FWIW, check out my YouTube page for some fun videos on other things, if you want to know me better (as if I'm so important lol.....