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Book Cover For Airboy Comics v6 11 (alt)
Airboy Comics v6 11 (alt) (49 of 90)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Additional Information
PublicationDecember 1949 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1
CreditsPencils: Dan Zolnerowich | Inks: Dan Zolnerowich
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Airboy [David Nelson II]
Comic StoryThe Men With Shining Chests (15 pages)
CreditsPencils: Ernest Schroeder | Inks: Ernest Schroeder
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Airboy [David Nelson II]; Tex Calhoun
Comic StoryThe Story of Captain Francisco Pizarro (8 pages)
CreditsPencils: John Prentice | Inks: John Prentice
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesTrue Story
Comic StoryBing and His Bat (4 pages)
CreditsPencils: Carl Hubbell? | Inks: Carl Hubbell?
ContentGenre: Sports
Text StoryThe Final Score (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: Typeset
Comic StoryThe Curse of Padril (8 pages)
SynopsisLocakl peasant farmers curse the name of landowner Padril, who has cut down all the trees on their lands for the money, which leads to soil erosion and no rain falling in the area. But Padril the Younger tells the people that his older brother actually cut down the trees, but he will remain to re-plant what was cut down. The appearance of the Heap, which causes fear in the young man, actually speeds up the replanting he promised the people. When the elder brother returns, having spent his fortune, he decides to cut down the trees again......but he hasn't counted on The Heap stopping him.
FeaturingThe Heap
CreditsScript: Ernest Schroeder? | Pencils: Ernest Schroeder | Inks: Ernest Schroeder
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: The Heap [Baron Eric von Emmelman]; Padril the Younger (Padril's youngest son); Padril (land owner); Padril the Elder (villain, Padril's oldest son)
NotesAccording to Roy Thomas and his interviews with Schroeder, Schroeder began writing the The Heap strip either with this issue or very soon after. Thus, I will put in a writing credit for Schroeder with a ? after it from here on out (added by Craig Delich 2013-4-27).
Comic StoryBig Cat (9 pages)
CreditsPencils: Vince Alascia | Inks: Vince Alascia
NotesArtwork previously credited to Leonard Starr?, but this is very much Alascia's style.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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